By the first few days of 2019, we will finish filming the television series FantomWorks. The shop will continue to build cars for years to come but the show called FantomWorks will conclude. Our weekly tours will continue as they have since long before the show began. A few weeks back, the network officially posted the cancellation of our television show. Because of that announcement, I decided it was time to explain why I quit and thank all involved.
I want to thank my crew of amazing technicians and the film crew that gave a group of mechanical artisans the chance to be in the spotlight. The crew of FantomWorks maintained the utmost professionalism building cars while dealing with cameras in their faces, sound equipment stuffed into nooks and crannies, radio wars (they were turned off 25 times a day), takes and retakes, working lunches, early mornings that turned into late nights, unwanted travel, and the general difficulties associated with being in front of the cameras 5 days a week, 51 weeks a year, 6.5 years non-stop. Right after the show began, employee turnover increased tenfold; stresses in the shop skyrocketed, and attacks on my company (bloodsucking leeches trying to suck “riches” that never even existed) came out of nowhere. In 2017 I announced to my crew my decision to leave the television show. To my relief, the crew responded very positively. As the cameras are now closing out the final segments of filming, the crew’s morale has skyrocketed and the love of building cars is effervescent again.
I am told that filming a television show on a “set” designed for filming and utilizing paid actors is a reasonably easy thing to do. However in the case of the show FantomWorks, filming was never easy by anyone’s standards. My thanks to those members of the network and film crew who truly cared about the shop. Some understood how difficult it was and helped in any way they could. We had eleven directors in six years, most of whom agreed this was the most difficult show to shoot they’d ever worked on (most one-hour cars shows are shot in a 2-30 day window while this show averages 548 days). Car restorations that averaged almost two years were a reality while we had to display “continuity” during the builds so it looked like they were seamless done in only days. Shop dust and oils affected film gear resulting in an unusual number of equipment issues that then resulted in countless “do overs.” We never filmed less than five days a week, many weeks six. Film crews worked 7AM till 6 or 7PM most days alongside our crews. Often times, filming went well into the night. All this while trying to keep 65 to 98 cars in build at a time. It was never easy. To add insult to injury, many customers were upset as they were never reimbursed for travel or other expenses. The film schedule was so demanding that during the final weeks of my father’s life, I was not able to attend to him. The show took over my life and to make matters worse, my wife and I now face almost a million dollars of debt we incurred keeping the production going.
I have only one regret related to leaving the show. That regret is that we have to say goodbye to our many fans. I have been honored to meet thousands of viewers of the show during the tours at the shop, in local car shows, and national events like SEMA. I’ve travelled the globe and been truly delighted and humbled by meeting so many people who have openly expressed their love of our the shop and the show.
Just a few months ago, a very emotional fan of the show shared a wonderful story. He and his father would watch the show FantomWorks together during the months before his aged father passed. His father suffered from severe dementia had forgotten almost everything; his surroundings and family. It was only during the hour that they watched this show together that his father’s mind became alert. He’d been a car builder in his younger years. While the two watched the show together, his father could “remember” and for that hour, they’d connect… they’d talk. When he told me about what the show had done for his relationship, I rationalized that all the financial hardship we’d been through to make the show and even dealing with the gutless faceless internet trolls for six and a half years were somewhat justified.
So when one of the senior executives from the network and I had a long talk. He suggested that if it doesn’t make any sense to keep going, it’s time to call it done. It was time…
God Bless.
Dan Short
The crew at Fantom Works will be sorely missed at my house. My Son and I love watching the team squaring away cool cars! He and I spend time wrenching on his 2002 Mustang GT as a result of our time with Fantom Works on TV. Thanks so much for sharing!
Dear Dan… I just recently discovered your show because it wasn’t until just recently that Directv offered the Velocity Channel. Anyhow my wife says that I was consumed by your program. And I would tell my wife about how fantastic you and your entire crew were.,The way you made pieces of junk into beautiful works of art!! I also told my wife of my fantasy car… a 1961 Chevrolet Corvette. And if I ever got one that you Dancwould be the only one I would trust to do the restoration.,it brings sadness to my heart to see the show go away but at the same time I fully understand your reasons for closing out the show. Again Dan thank you so very much for giving this middle aged man some terrific views of the restoration business. Hope you and your wife can climb out of the debt you are in. And I hope you have all the success for the future.
Well said….
Dan, You have the Best automobile show of all the networks. I have always looked forward to enjoying your shows , even my wife enjoyed them. It is the consumer’s loss and I don’t blame you. Your friend. S. Colley Savannah, GA. May God Bless you and your family
You, your crew, the work ethic and the results of the builds inspired all of us. It was a pleasure watching your shop in action. Some day soon, I hope to bring an International Harvester truck to you for evaluation. Until then, God Bless all and thank you for your service to our great country.
Great show. Dan’s insight into the builds gave you a real appreciation as to how challenging some of them were.
Hi Dan,
I also am a mechanic. I can really appreciate the work you do.
I can also relate to the problems people cause trying to get the vehicle out the door and collect the money. No consideration for the customer.
I will miss your show, but understand …
Keep doing awesome work and take time off to enjoy your personal toys with your wife and family.
Pràise God for you and people like you.
God Bless ,
Dan, you’re a Patriot and your team as well. I wish you and your team a blessed future.
Very sorry to read that your show is coming to an end
Looked forward to seeing your show on a weekly basis
Enjoyed you and your crew
In my opinion one of the best car shows on the air
Wishing you, your family and your crew nothing but the best in the future
Best ever car show. Will miss it!
I’m a fabricator. I’ve been doing it a long time and learn something new every day. You’re show was the last of it’s kind that showed not only problems, but the solutions and techniques that produce results. I loved that aspect and appreciated your love for the art as well. Family is the most important part of life. I felt that in your story and while you worked. Thank you for the knowledge and enjoy the next chapter.
Best auto restoration show ever! You will be missed in our home. A visit to your garage has been added to my bucket list. Best regards down the road.
Kitchener, Ontario
Hi Dan its Ged a big fan of the show ive only just watched all 3 series on Amazon while ive been off work because of covid 19 pandemic ive really enjoyed it you’ve had a lot of great people who have worked with you over the 3 series if i every need a mussel car restoration I’ll look you up thanks for a great watch
Ged from Manchester England
I have watched your shows over and over. I never get tired of them. You’re debt is mighty big but not nearly as big as the love and joy you and your crew have bought to your clients ..
Good luck and God bless. And thank you for your service.
Here in the uk I always recommend to my friends to watch fantom works as it’s the best and more importantly its real,I enjoy the look in the customer’s faces when they pick up there vehicles,I am disabled in a wheelchair and it’s the highlight of my day,I spent 7 years in the royal navy and the work you do on veterans cars and bikes is highly commendable,I must admit I cringe when they get their bills,lol
Dan your a credit to your profession.
I so miss Fantom Works.
My wife would never watch any car show with except FW.
Everything had to stop when your show was on. We miss you and especially your wonderful crew. Stay true.
Dan, I’m a retired disabled retired pastor and I thoroughly enjoy your show. It’s not on that often but I watch it everytime I can. I have a 99 cad deville that is the most comfortable car I’ve ever had and I’ve had a lot in the pastorate. I often thought how great it would be to have you go through it, but on a pastor’s retirement that’s only a dream.
I could tell from your show that I believe that you are a brother in Christ and that made it better even. I was sorry that financially the show was bad for you. All I can do is to put you and your wife on my prayer list and pray that God will help you get out of debt.
After serving as a missionary in Wyoming and Alaska I now live in Northern Virginia and would love to see your shop
But after 13 back surgeries and being 77 I don’t get around much.
May God bless you, your family, your employees and your business.
Rev wCW
Dan I have recommended many people to your show. Based on family requirements I do not blame you for closing down the show. May God bless you and I’ll continue to watch reruns of Fantomworks.
From the first fantomworks I watched you became the yardstick all others were measured by. You honor those of us that served our country, you honor producing true works of automobile excellence never compromising your own standards. I will probably never get one of these cars of my dreams because I cannot accept something less than a car built to your standards. God bless you for being a person of standards, ethics and integrity
My husband, with Alzheimer’s also connected with Fantomworks during the coronavirus. We joyfully watched every episode and drank wine, had snacks, laughed and talked and looked forward ti every episode . So we’ve seen every show multiple times and Mac doesn’t care. It’s okat, but gosh I wish there were a bunch of new episodes . I learned a lot and we have fun sharing about the old cars we grew up with. Thanks for the memories, education , laughs and fun with your crew. Wish you well. Dan you are awesome !!
My wfe,who owned a Miata and new 280 Z BEFORE I came into her life (with a C 5), and I lived watching your spirit, philosophic exclamations, and “military ways”. I lost my father to a B 50 crash and I wear his and my dogs tags each morning. Every morning. I especially enjoyed watching your show more than I can say.
Dan I Was A Big Fan Of The Show. I Too Am A Veteran. I Still Too This Day Watch The Show On Motor trend. The Show Displayed Your Honesty And Commitment To Your
Customers And Your Employees And Your Family. Thank You For Your Service To Your Country. And To The Years Of Enjoyment Your Show Brought Me.
Thank You.
The show recently finished in Australia. I loved it and will miss it. Good luck to you all.
excellent show talented crew down to earth with a crew that really knows their stuff enjoyed watching every episode and still watch it even though I’ve seen every episode before if I’m ever in that area would love to visit the shop wish you guys the best in the future
I would love to see new episodes. I love the show. I learned so much about cars. Thank you for your service. God bless you.
Absolutely love this show. It’s only recently that I discovered it, here in the UK. And I’m hooked! It’s a refreshing change to see a proper restoration taking place in a realistic / real! timescale, Unlike a lot of other shows. Keep up the good work, If I ever get the chance I’ll be paying a visit!
Thank you.
Hey best car ever! Understand why your leaving and I wish you all the best and thanks the many hours of joy I got from watching the your show.
I loved your show and I’m sorry to hear about the debt u and your family have now the show should pay for all of it and thank u for your service
I really enjoyed Fantomworks. One my favorite car shows. I have a 1967 Camaro that I am planning to have restored by the professionals at fantomworks. I am still saving up for this undertaking. God Bless Dan and Fantomworks.
I was born in the 50s. I worked in a gas station while going to school so I could pay for a car. I got my brothers non running 57 Chevy station wagon for my first car and learned how to work on it and fix it. I enjoy watching your show become it reminds me of the hours me and my friends spent working on that car and the problems we ran into. But mainly the appreciation of classic cars. Thank you and your crew for the enjoyment (and headaches) and memories of what it takes to maintain a classic car. You will be missed. But I will still be enjoying the reruns!!
Been watching old shows all weekend due to fighting a bug. Then I looked up the sh ok w and saw it’s not going to be on any longer. Very sad indeed. Read your reasons and they are very valid. Too bad you couldn’t delay new seasons like Fast and Loud has done. I guess to get some normalcy back? Dan, you have integrity. Hands down. I wish you all well. Come back again in a few years…lol
Dan, I am 83 now, loved cars since my teens. love Buicks from
1938 to my 51, 62, and “grampys” 38 special. Miss you and all the
guys ( the gals too!) Still have a great guy (the editor) at the Buick
club, and hope he will be around for a while. Miss you all, regret
I waven’t been able to meet you all. God Bless!
Hi Dan,
You should dictate a book to a professional writer so we can learn of the hell you and others went through.
The last thing I would have expected after 7 years of your show is that you’re a million dollars in debt. Instead I would have expected you to be rolling in dough, I’m dying to find out what was done to hurt you, especially by the internet trolls you talk of.
I know I’ve heard Rush over the years talk about how his business on Whose show is continually attacked buy the world of Twitter and how they go after his advertisers.
I hope you do write that book, but I just want you to know that I love watching your show in reruns and continually learning about how to accomplish things that I can use in completely different facets of my life.
Good luck and maybe we’ll meet one day.
Best Mark
God bless you and all your team at FantomWorks Dan. Have watched your excellent show over the past few years and marvelled at the way you address all those technical and other unexpected issues with dignity, class and integrity. To deliver such unbridled joy for your customers is the greatest achievement in my view and I pray for you and your wife to come out of the huge debt on the other side and carry on what you do so well for very many years to come. You’re a genius at what you do and we appreciate you along with your whole team.
I heard about the end of your show in the last episode a few days ago, in my country Costa Rica the chapters are late, I’m so sorry it’s over, thanks for your great contribution to car fans like me, but I understand your decision my wife and I we had to make similar decisions, blessings and go ahead.
Dan , everyone misses the show because it was well done and it highlighted what really happens when fixing cars and dealing with ignorant people and people who want something for nothing ! Rich
As a Brit and female I’d like to register my dismay that soon we’ll be seeing the last of your programmes . My husband and I have watched a quite a few and have really enjoyed them.
Nice quality and variety of work. May you enjoy your time going forward.
Love it, totally agree! I welcome any FANS to connect w/me on Twitter @ms_pistolicious. 🙂
Rare to find an automotive show where you actually learn something by watching . Will miss watching & learning from Dan & the crew !
Great show! Built it and the leeches will come. In Viet Nam you didn’t know you had them on you. Then a simply infantryman shouted-“hey -your covered with them!” You were and are the best. These jerks really know how to apply brain games. I hate dealing with rich people. They want you to mow their lawn -too. The best.
Gonna miss the show, especially, tell it like it is Dan.
Dan and staff:
My dad and I loved your show! You all are amazing professionals in your field! The variety of vehicles you worked tirelessly on was awesome! The ’63 Split-Window hardtop/ convertible project and The ’67 GTO with Dad and his young son were 2 of my favourite episodes! I like the transparency with which you conducted your business in a candid manner, the old fashioned and honest way! It’s a shame you were ground down by gruelling taping schedule to bits but you’re show rocked y’all!! Very interesting and entertaining. Dan and all rest of you there at PhantomWorks, THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK AND AWESOME SHOW!! SORRY IT IS NOW HISTORY, YOU WILL BE MISSED IN THE FUTURE, THOROUGHLY ENJOYED THE SHOW.
I loved the show in my opinion Dan you are the best in the business. I watch the reruns all the time. My dream is to have you build a care for me to give to my son. Hope you succeed in life for many years.
I seen most all of the shows many times. Loved the show. learned a ton.
Thank you
I am a black female and i consider myself a classic gearhead. I have always loved the show. I joined the Motortrend streaming app, just to look at Fantomworks whenever I wanted too. When there is a Fantomworks marathon on Motortrend, I stop and watch rerun after rerun. I’ve seen every episode many many times, but I still miss the show. Even though I understand why Dan had to call it quits.
Cheers to my man Bobby (lead mechanic), Steve, just to name a few of the genius craftsmen.
It is my dream and intention to do the Fantomworks tour in the very near future. I still Love & miss the show, but grateful for the reruns. Dan, God Bless you, your family and the Best Shop in the Country.
Thank you for you and your wifes service to our country. Enjoyed the shows presentation of a real garage and the challenges of car restorations
May God Blessed you and your family with continued love and passion for each other and your business.
I agree Dan had a very great show and no bull and antics straight up and they explained alot and showed both the good and bad side of restoration. I learned that Dan was a badass in the military and he and his wife are veterans and I thank them also for thier service to our country
Thank you Dan, thank you, thank you for wonderful show. Rodrigo – Rio de Janeiro – Brasil
I have been a car buff for a long time and thought your show was the best car show on any network and was mad when Motor Trend announced the cancellation of your show.
I had no idea of the difficulties in filming your show. As a fellow veteran I found your no BS mentality refreshing. My only hope is that one of these days I can afford to have you restore my 1965 Mustang fastback. Bravo Zulu to you Dan and your crew.
I’m no petrol head, he’ll, I’m not even really into cars, but your show was most entertaining. I have a good friend who adores his classic cars and now I can give him a run for his money when it comes to talking the talk. As a former veteran myself, the Internet never ceases to amaze me as it gives gutless keyboard cowards a chance to try and tear down everything. I delighted to hear you’re in a much better place now and, if I’m ever in Norfolk (I live in Ireland), I’ll be sure to take the tour.
Great quality show . Great employees.
I’ve never heard such a negative complaining owner.
Complain complain complain never a POSITIVE hey we can do this ,we can figure this out”
Generally a sour on his face.
You’ve obviously never turned a wrench in your whole life. Great show, Dan tells it like it is..
Ma n I loved watching the show was planning bing my truck there for work
You can still bring your truck here for work, it just will not be televised.
Dan & all at fantom works ,we watch your shows & are totally amazed at the skill of everyone involved the absolutely beautiful end products I’ve recorded all the programmes to to watch through the years I understand why the show has finished you will be missed here in 🇬🇧
I love your show because you guys would do amazing car restorations. I worked on cars for 40 years but not at the level of your awesome young men. Thank you for the 6 1/2 years of your show. May God touch your life and that of your crew. Give your lives to JESUS and He will take care of you, your family and your crew. May God bless you all
Was a late comer to your show but nonetheless have truly enjoyed every episode.
Sorry for the troubles it caused but know with your passion all will work out
Thank you!
There are many auto repair shows on and Fantom Works is my favorite one of all of them. Each show has a little bit different way if doing repairs. However Fantom Works was down home and just like taking your car to your local place. Dan’s never ending desire to not let a car go out unsafe was the popularness to the show. I understand with his dedecation, how cameras in their faces everyday would make it hard for the crew do their jobs. I will really miss this show as all the other shows, being good, are not anywhere near Fantom Works
Just got into this program due to being shown on the quest channel in the uk. I don’t really like American tv as it’s a bit dumbed down but this is great, Dan seems a nice guy who runs a tight shop. The mechanics all seem very talented. Looking forward to catching all the shows.
First I want to thank you and your wife for your service.
I’ve been wondering why I haven’t seen any new episodes of FantomWorks. I thought possibly it was Covid related. Then I found the “Why DRS quit…… “ link which lead me to your blog.
I’m shocked to learn the amount of hardship and grief that came from filming the show. Hopefully the knowledge that you touched so many lives will give you some solace. Just ignore the haters. You and your team set the bar out of reach of most as the show is the best bar none.
As an avid fan it would be awesome to some day see a show possibly entitled “ FantomWorks: The Making of a Car Show “.
Anyway, I wish you and the entire FantomWorks family all the best.
Clinton – Westminster, CA.
Hi Dan,
A fan here from Somerset in the United Kingdom. As a true petrol head who had built three cars in his life, I follow Fantom works as I really appreciate the skills you and your guys have. If I were closer, I’d bring my one family owned Jaguar XK8 into your ace just to have it checked over, fettled and then polished and finished like only you guys seem to do so amazingly.
Sorry to see you go, will miss you, but understand and if you’re ever in the UK, would love to put you guys up and show you something of the South West of the UK.
Hi Dan & crew
Firstly one of the very best car restoration shows to watch, we watch it here in the UK.
Your approach in undertaking the work on these cars is first class, here in the UK “Stock” is a key word, nobody likes cars that have been messed around with, where the vehicle has lost it’s identity, suttle changes & upgrades are the way forward.
Customized cars are dead in the UK, we prefer old school & originally.
I congratulate your team on attention to detail, very much like workshops of the past, everything at the moment is based on clinical workshops & rubber gloves, so your shop reminds me of past years.
I understand your decision, but nothing lasts for ever, there is always an end point, you’ve proved your worth, & here in the UK, we wish you the very best for the future.
But you still works
Hope I’m not misplacing my vitriol toward Motor Trend. Pretty much hated them since I was 16. Never liked their lame magazine, their swallowing up the competition, or their *<#!&@$ business practices. That said, your show was extraordinarily superior to all others. Your crews were cool.Your customers were fascinating. But you, Dan, were the master of your profession. My wife and I will miss you terribly. But if we ever needed an excuse to drive the vette from Seattle to Norfolk you’re it. Haven’t been there since my time on the USS Vulcan. Thanks for your service… and your wife as well. Take care brother.
I had no idea what you or family and employees went through… hell with us your family is everything.
Dear Dan and crew, I am a huge fan of your show and just wanted to let you know that you will be sorely missed. I normally don’t comment like this, but after I saw your bio and saw your impressive military history, it just confirmed to me what a class act you are. Best wishes to you, your family, and staff.
Your attention to detail, patience and overall command of the situation is hugely impressive.
What must make it worthwhile is the look on customers’ faces when they see the results!
Best Clive
its like some shows on tv, you grow to love to watch them, look forward to them, and then they get cancelled and put on some garbage in its place!
phantom works was a great show and i liked it a lot. but like you said Dan if was a hardship on you and your family, and money wise, I will miss it, but you have to do what is best for you!
thanks for the memories
god bless
My name is Richard I have been disabled for the past 10 years and have a lot of free time on my hands now Phantom Works is about the only show I binge watch and have everyone’s name memorized even Heidi the German Shepherd
Don’t miss this show one bit. Dan’s negativity and brutal honesty was its weakness.
This is why Texas Metal & Iron Resurrection are thriving.
You’re clearly in the minority, on that assessment of FW 🤔
Me and my husband will miss the show. Our favorite!!!!
Dan am still watching rerun I still enjoyed your show thank you!
My girlfriend and I loved the show!
We also had a great time talking one on one with you that day we were looking in the shop from the bay door and you came over and talked!
Good stuff!
This is my favorite car restoration show. I love that the cars are restored to their original glory and not “customized” into something they weren’t meant to be. I especially love the introduction where Dan says that they’ll choose your car over you. I feel the same way. God speed to you and your crew.
I’m in my home area working a project in Chesapeake and they have me staying in Norfolk, in fact just down the street from your garage, as I drove by today I saw your sign, and I couldn’t believe I’m actually just down the street from you. I’ve been a fan for a long time, in fact I’m watching an episode as I write this. I totally understand your decision to quit the show, and just get back to doing what you love. It’s too bad my working hours are the same as yours I would have loved to have been able to tour garage. Maybe the next time I’m here I’ll be working the late night shift again and I’ll be able to stop in.
I’m very sorry to see your show is ending, but pleased that the shop you’ve built will continue on for years to come. As an aviation maintenance technician for 35 years and a classic car owner and enthusiast Your show brought me many hours of enjoyment. You’ve had some interesting builds with a team of talented guys! We are fortunate that you took on this endeavor for the sake of our hobby! I wish you and your team many more years of continued success.
Dan good luck to you and your crew the best real life car show on tv.You guys will be missed.
Sorry to hear, but happy you are continuing to build what matters..CARS! I thought your show was the Best on the air, bar none! Not like the others with their Hollywood Nonsense! You are a true car builder and the show was about building CARS! I tried to watch the others, but can’t get by the ridiculous antics.
Thanks for being True to the Build!
Wishing you and yours the Best and Prosperous future, The Porz.
Thank you for 8 years of amazing episodes! I DVR all my programs, and FantomWorks was always my favorite! Your passion for your work practically pops off the screen. I can’t imagine the toll it took. I’m trying to start a little you tube channel related to electronic repair, among other things and 2 years in I’ve only put up one video! I’m glad sanity has been restored, and you are moving on. All the best from Washington State!
Best car show of the lot, it’s great to see real people working on the cars and not just some guy with too much hair gel doing crappy jokes while others do the work, and I loved that at times you gave the real cost of some of these builds as well, good luck in the future.
Dan – My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed FantomWorks. She grew up in the car parts business and probably had over a dozen cars growing up. Every time we’d watch a restoration and I’d try to explain something to her, she’d say, “I had one of those when I was in high school.” We will both miss the joy, tension and excitement of the next reveal.
Hey Dan and FantomWorks Family.
I knew a Dan Short from San Diego State back in the mid-70’s. You guys must be clones, same look, same drive, same real personality.
We drove a Datsun 210 way out to Ubehebe Crater. He was one heck of a hard driver, but we did survive.
Anyhow, hate to see your show ending, but life’s too short to get stuck in a rut. God Bless you and Good Luck!
Dear Dan;
I was devastated when I found out that Fantomworks would now longer part of Motortrend’s lineup of shows. Even though I am not a mechanic, I love cars. I marveled each time I watched you and your automotive craftsmen would build a car. You and your team are truly artists! If I had the money you would be the first (and only) person I would trust to build my dream car. What impressed me most is your attention to detail and doing things the right way( safety first). and the relationship with your customers. I do not know if you give tours of your shop but I hope one day to see your shop in person and shake your hand and say thank you for the hours of enjoyment you have given me. I also want to thank you for helping me realize that I am a restmod fanatic as well. I pray that God will shower you with a financial blessing so that you can overcome the finanacial issues you’re having. God bless you.
I love the work you and your shop do. Loved your enthusiasm and believe it or not, your bewilderment at some of the things you were challenged with. You Will be sadly missed.
I’m an old army Veteran who loved your work and honesty, I have had the pleasure of dealing with public in similar ways, God Bless you for maintaining professionalism and gentle nature., like the guy with the Volkswagen Beetle may have ended my career if I was in your shoes., thankyou for sharing your life., and god bless all of you
I only discovered your show maybe two years ago as up until then I never had cable television whatsoever! I would like to say one of the best shows I have watched. You and your team work extremely well together. The hard work, ethics, honesty, and integrity that you and team live by is very admirable and hard to find anywhere these days. You and your shop have definitely earned my respect and I have never even met you guys in person. Good luck to all of you, your show will be missed.
Hi Dan. I love your show. Your honesty and the quality you exude is off the chart. I also have to say the level of knowledge and professionalism of your staff is thru the roof. I will miss watching new episodes but will enjoy watching repeats. All the best to you.
Dan, I just saw this and want to thank you and your team for the sacrifice it takes to produce such a great show – the best car show on TV. Your story about the viewer with a father with dementia touched me, as my father is going through this now. All of your true fans – who are really car people – will understand your decision. And if I can ever afford to pay a pro to finish my 57 T-bird restoration – you will be the first one I call! Best of luck to you.
I was never a “car guy”…your show changed me.
I thoroughly enjoyed your show and your cast of “characters”.
I learned much by watching and am sorry to see you go, however after reading your departure notice I completly understand.
Good luck Dan to you, your family, and your employees, and thank you for the entertainment and knowledge you provided.
I always like watch Velocity channel.
Dan , my son & I have enjoyed your show immensely. We have watched your show since he was 10. Your show inspired him go take an automotive course. You will be missed a great deal.
Dan will miss watching you and your guys (Family) putting your guts into giving owners the cars you believe the way they should be whilst respecting what the owners would like (love) the only problem I have is that you dont offer world wide shipping of your merchandise.
Colin in Scotland 🏴
If you email us we can provide information on how to get some of our merchandise shipped overseas.
What a great show
You will be missed in my house
God bless you all and good luck for the future
Hi Dan,
I’m writing to you from Australia.
Your show was the first “real” car build show that I enjoyed and made time to watch.
You inspired me to buy a classic and to spend time to restore and build my dream car with your standards of care in mind.
I will miss you and your great team I wish you good luck, good health and prosperity.
God bless you Dan
Dan i’m In disbelief that your show has been canceled. I watch several of the auto shows and yours was by far my favorite.
You touched me personally when you restored the fire truck for the Flossmoor Fire Department. I severed on that department in the early 70’s and had driven that truck in our Tuesday night practices. I was on the department when Flossmoor merged with the Sunny Hill fire department.
We’ve all gotten old and gray but it was fun to see the old familiar faces.
Please accept my thanks to you and your crew for your devotion and time spent on a job well done.
Best regards
We over here in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, loved that episode!
As we loved them all to be honest..
All the best to the whole team and keep enjoying what you do, building fantastic cars and other vehicles.
Hi Dan,
Thank you for the great program.
Watching the program i now for sure that you and the way you think an manage the technical issues that your the only one with the a car show who have the most truely experiance and technical feelings for real and not only for camera action.
Thanks Dan!!
Thank you for a great show! I am an upholsterer who has been restoring car interiors for almost 56 years. I have seen every one of your shows. I will miss your show.You have a team I would love to have been a part of. You do cars like I try to. There are so many shops out that are in it for fast money and turn out a lot of sorry work. There are few shops that are willing to take the time to do things right. Thank you for wanting to do things right.
I only found the show when it was on quest here in the UK but both myself and my partner love it, all repeats probably as they are series 4 but still it means plenty more to see. I understand why you are stopping i hope things do work out for you with regards the debt good luck …
Hey Dan, I enjoyed the show , the cars your shop worked on and showed us. Your passion came through in everything – I was amazed. I too am a business owner and understand the pressures and cost of running a business. I completely understand why you have stepped out of the TV production. I will miss my time with you and your shop though!! It is my sincere hope you and your family push through and grow stronger.
All the best with your future at work and at home.
Hey Dan,
A big thank you to you and your workers for providing me with over 6 years of enjoyment each time I watched an episode of Fantomworks. I wish the
very best for you and your family and crew in the coming years.
Loved Fantom Works, but I totally understand the problem of filming the process of auto repair and restoration.
Sure would like to buy a car from you!
Dear fanthom works Dan and crew my family and I pure love your show my fiancé isn’t a petrol head but makes the time to catch your show, your team are absolutely fantastic and to see the end product is spectacular we will miss you all and hope you all have a great future ahead of you all, all the best from a wee town called Greenock Scotland
Loved every episode wife is not a car person but she would watch with me on occasion and ask questions
Thanks best in the business
Hi dan, being a mechanic from England I admire your true professionalism and attention to detail the thing that really got me attached to your show I was gutted to hear the last 2 minutes of tonight’s show, in England it’s shown on a channel named quest anyhow I hope all goes well for your business in the future and if you ever revisit England please make it a priority to advertise it would be amazing to shake your hand thank You all for giving me an hour of amazing art every week you are truly a 1 off shop
Dear Dan,
Just to say thanks for the show. I really enjoyed it and I’m a bit sad it’s over. But all things must end and you have done all your fans the courtesy of letting us know why. True fans will support your descision and wish you well. I am one of them.
If i am ever in your area i will see you on a Friday tour.
P. S. I didnt know you were finishing until i watched the last episode last night.
Bill Scott, York, UK
Thank you Dan for giving us your heart and soul and many wonderful memories with you crews, true geniuses in their field. We could see the dedication and meticulous Craftmanship with every project completed and the attention to details. Your show was a welcome respite to the news media and mindless entertainment thrown at us today. I will continue to watch your reruns over any first run network series. Please give my best to your crew and family.
To Dan and All of the FantomWorks Crew, you will be solely missed on TV. It is/was the best restoration-repair shows on TV, with actually problems foundcand problems solvedon vlassis and vintage vehicles. Thank You All for the Good Times. Please come back any time, even, if it is just limited,
Hey Dan,
I just wanted to wish you the best of luck with your shop and your passion. I love watching your show and have learned a great deal in the process. It is my favorite car show to watch… a go-to whenever I see it on. You actually remind me of a basketball coach I had in elementary school. He made me love the game by the way he taught me how to play it. You have that effect on me with auto restoration. I hope to tour your shop one day soon. Stay safe and God bless.
Dan it’s a shame that the networks has canceled your program. I have been looking at your program for some time now and I really enjoyed it. It was totally professional and I never seen more knowledgeable guys than what you had. Do you have rebuilt or used cars for sale? Please let me know. Thank you PatGoduto.
Hi Dan Team FantomWorks: As a 60 years young classic & muscle car enthusiast, I though it proper to let you know that while I loved all the 6+ years of tv shows, I could see and only imagine the stress it put on you and your family as well as the staff at FantomWorks. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer over two years ago now, but still find time to watch your shows and posted videos in between treatments and feeling crappy! God Bless you all as I like having these type of honest / live videos to peruse as time permits. Most of the cars in your shop I can remember putting gas in as a young 15 – 18 year old service attendant at the local SUNOCO station (I can still remember the cool special smell of the over 100 octane, high test leaded 260 gas and red in color – miss that fuel today) in Bethlehem, PA where I grew up. I learned a very valuable lesson / philosophy at LEHIGH UNIVERSITY where I attended college from 1978-82 earning a degree in Civil Engineering and that is: “Do it right once.” I’m fortunate enough to still have my father today at 92 and he currently lives in a nice assisted care facility sponsored by his faith. LOOKING TO BUY ONE OF YOUR COOL SHOP T-SHIRTS; ANY HELP / SUGGESTIONS TO DIRECT ME IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION? Kindest Regards, Chris from Leesburg, VA
Yes, you can purchase them on our website
I love the show. Still watching it thru Discovery Turbo Channel in Argenrina.
You make great jobs with profesionalism and responsibility. Good luck Dan and team.
Thank you Dan for being a real car guy, and a real person, you & your team are the best I’ve seen, I wish only the best in life from here on out . As a vet & a car guy myself, you struck a personal note as well ! Peace out!
I agree wholeheartedly! I still enjoy the show every time it comes on. I have been a car buff all of my life, but I am by no means a mechanic. But I DO know the misery of busted knuckles and frozen blood in the wintertime, and the thrill of hearing the throaty roar of twin pipes on the highway… Or what it feels like when the 4 wheel drive system kicks in and pulls you up the side of a hill. It’s shows like FantomWorks that though they may have been hard to create, will not only entertain but educate for many years to come. I had no idea that a TV show was so difficult to produce, even so I am sad to learn that it is no longer in production. I only wish Dan could come back for one more show: a kind of FantomWorks very “best of the best ” show. I would just LOVE to know what Dan thinks are the best work his shop has ever done. My wish and prayer for Dan is continued great success in his endeavors- what ever they may be!
I am watching a show first views in 2015, “One of a Kind”. It exemplifies why “Fantom Works” was head and shoulders above all other automobile shows, then and still now (2021). Each in episode shows the care and attention to detail that made the program so interesting and fun to watch. The employees were always on task, not clowning around. They cared, Mr. Short cared. The program came across as real, not just a TV show.
I continue to watch replays and enjoy them. I’m sorry I live in California, only for the reason I could not make a trip to see and tour the shop. Just as well as I would have to mop up after myself as I watched the craftsmen in the shop as well as looking over the cars they were working on each day.
Sorry to see the show goes, but having been in film production for over 25 years I know how hard it can be.
There are a few good shows about resurrecting old cars but it was your passion that made me keep coming back.
Dan, I always enjoyed your show and in particular the restorations you did. Most of those other car “restoration” shows were not restorations at all…but slapped together restomods. They always want to slam them to the ground, throw in a crate motor and usually slap on some satin paint on it…paint over the chrome, or remove it altogether and then slap on the biggest wheels they can cram under them after tubbing and call it restored. I don’t know how many good classic and muscle cars I have seen butchered up on those shows. It just makes me sick.
Hi i watch your show in the UK best of luck dan
Dan family and staff I want to congratulate you for the best car show ever. I agree 100% with your philosophy on your restorations. Job well down and wish you much success in the future !
Like so many other, I recently discovered your wonderful show. I am a former US Army Ordnance officer, and have a fascination with how things work. “Fantomworks” provides a fascinating insight into some of the finest automobiles (and a few rather esoteric models…) ever built.
Thank you
It is so sad that the producers screwed DRS. It is a show that a network should have supplemented or paid him to provide. But they have know idea of what they had or need to get and keep viewers.
Dan, not only was your show one of the few with true substance but you were and I am sure still are a model for other managers of personnel to follow. You are firm but fair and not willing to coddle or praise unworthy efforts. So many bosses feel such an owerwhelming need to be liked that they accept inferior output for fear of losing the employees approval. You clearly have your employees respect. A side benefit of your management style is that you don’t need to run a “romper room” and worry about entretaining an imature group of pseudo-adults like so many of the other shows.
You should give seminars!
Great show I miss it
The happiest I ever had seen you do a test drive was on the water. I don’t know what the hell kind of boat was built but you had a smile from ear to ear. I felt like you were tickled.
Thank you and all your team for so many awesome vehicles being saved.
Loved you show, and I agree with so many others. If I have that 55 Nomad or 55 Apache that I would love to have. Your shop would be my first choice and all made.
Daniel Webber
Thanks for the many hours of worth while TV time. Insirational to watch the many talented artisians in your shop. Got me off center to get in the garage and finish my projects. Hope to make it out sometime for a tour. Best to you and your crew.
I’ve watched the programs for a long time I’m VERY Sorry you’ve decided to stop. But, I understand all good things must end. To me, your show was the very best honor, great quality work, at a fair price. Quality was first at your shop. God Bless U & yours.
I Agree 100%
I agree 100%. Always appreciated your concern about doing it
right! I pray God will bless you in your future efforts.
I loved your show,always felt like you and your staff was honest and trustworthy. Will miss you very much .God bless and good luck.
You brought me much joy.
Thank you for blessing us with a show that was shared among three generations of my family. My son (now 12) was six years old when the show started and we never missed an episode. We would call my 70 year old father after each show and discuss each of the beautiful transformations you and your team would execute.
My father, a muscle car enthusiast who has restored a number of cars in his life loved your show because it was real. He appreciate the fact that you didn’t artificially create these one week projects that other shows claim to complete. You always show the long process and the realistic challenges that go into car restoration so as not to diminish or oversimplify the work involved.
Beyond fueling my son’s love of classic cars and giving him something to bond with his Dad and Grandpa over, you showed him so much more. You showed him the hard work and craftsmanship that goes into making something special. You showed him how people preserve memories through these rolling pieces of art. Most important of all you showed him how to deal with customers with honesty and integrity, how to treat your employees with respect while placing high expectations on them and how a passion for your job makes the work worthwhile.
Finally, my Father is a Vietnam veteran and our family would like to thank you for your service.
May you and your team have a prosperous future.
By the way, the first memories of a car I have are of my father’s 60 Corvette. My first car was a 79 Camaro Z28. Seeing doppelgängers of both cars in the opening sequence of every show was a treat.
All the best,
Thanks to Dan I was sorry to hear your show was canceled I always liked your do it right the first time attitude . I’m a Vietnam veteran and appreciate your attitude towards service men and women best regards for the future. James Short
We here in our house will miss FantomWorks on tv. It truly is one of the few shows we looked forward to watching on velocity which is now Motortrend. After reading what you and your family had to endure during the filming process, it would be selfish for any of your fans to expect you to keep on enduring. The time and episodes you have shared with us all wil be remembered. I look forward to meeting you one day and shaking your hand to say well done. Hopefully, sometime down the road I will be able to have you build my next car. Best wishes to you, your family, and your awesome shop crew for a job well done and please keep doing what you all do best, continue building the best rides out there. Take care and God bless you and yours, Carl
Dan you will be missed; you were not just a show! You were an inspiration to everyone! Good luck to you Dan! Maybe I will come an meet you; and take the tour!
Dan, I have learned a lot from watching and enjoyed your show. You and your crew are like family. Enjoyed the personalities of you and your crew.
Best regards
The best show on car restorations, will be sorely missed.
Sorry to see such a GREAT show end. Dan and his entire crew are dedicated and talented people who obviously care about helping people make dreams come true. Thank you for your service to your country Dan. I hope we get a special now and then on Velocity TV about how your shop is doing. Best damn show on if you ask me.
Dan is a prime example of honesty and dedication. The show clearly displayed his talent and spot on honor to take care of people’s dream vehicles and genuine safety. You ROCK Dan!!!
Your show was a true joy to watch. The hard work that your dream group of workers performed throughout the show was the real thing and not the tv slush so many of the other shows feed their viewers.
I started to notice how some of the faces that I was used to seeing were slowly disappearing from the show. At first I suspected you may be a hard man to work for, but you have cleared up that misconception on my part in your farewell statement.. I can’t imagine trying to do intricate repairs while having a camera stuck in your face and a director saying “let’s try that scene again”. Your shows departure will leave a gap in my life that won’t be filled by any of the other shows remaining on Verlocity, Motor Trend, or whomever else eventually takes over the next time around. Good luck to you and your lovely wife as well as the crew remaining with you.
Big fan of your show and the realism you tried to put into both the difficulties and the true costs in building cars. Best part of your letter above is calling out the internet trolls. It sickens me daily to see how people treat people they don’t know online.
I hope you recoup make some money in reruns. I’m sure it will last a long, long time in syndication, owing to your standards and it being true to the art and to the business that it is . #etekrestorations
I have watched this show since the first episode. It was possibly the best auto restoration shows on the network. We live in Virginia and one September Friday in 2016 made the trek to Norfolk to visit Fantom Works during their weekly open house. My wife and I are retired most of the time she stays in her woman cave and I in my man cave most of the day. We don’t watch or like the same TV shows.
This changed after out visit. Every week when Fantom Works came on my wife would come to my man cave that we could watch it together. I have a fair amount of automotive training and experience, and I enjoyed explaining to her what was going on. I really enjoyed the show and very sad it will be no more. I really looked forward to it. I enjoyed watching the techs work and solve problems. I wish you and crew the best, and hope you are able to get that debt paid in minimum time. I will come back for one of the Friday afternoon open houses in the not too distant future.
The shop team, office personnel and especially Dan will be missed greatly. After many years (40) finally got my wife to watch a car show and she fell in love with a Pantom Works and watches it every week without fail. It is sad that the show is leaving the air, it was very good from an auto side as well the personal side of the builds. Most of the current shows do not show both sides like your show did.
Hopefully one day you will return knowing how much you will be missed being on the air. Realizing all the hardships that are endured by you and your staff I know it would be hard but hopefully rewarding enough for your return.(being selfish) Please let your staff and yourself know how we enjoyed your show, ya’lls professionalism and care you showed during your time on air. Please continue to prosper and god bless.
Jim & Carolyn Britton
Little Elm Tx
I was greatly saddened to learn of your departure from the TV lineup . I have greatly enjoyed this show– and have seen every episode. I have been a gear-head for many years now, and had often wondered about the difficulties involved with actually shooting a show like this one. Obviously — the stresses must be huge.
I have friends in this business– and I could not imagine trying to get real WORK done with such a circus-like atmosphere in the shop. It must be Hell. Especially with your rightful insistence on ‘doing things the RIGHT way’. I agree with your philosophy– and will miss the show. Who knows– perhaps I will stop in for a tour sometime ? Good luck to you and your crew.
I could not wait for new shows. I would watch old shows over and over again. I will miss Fantom Works.
I will miss your show and shop. Having watched many builds you have done, I have appreciated your integrity and commitment to doing it right. Hopefully sometime in the future I will be able to visit your shop in person…
This show is one of the best and one of my favorites I will miss it a lot!!!!
Thanks for an awesome show, and thanks for your military service 👍
I just started watching your show in November (Discovery Channel/Discovery ID/Motor Trend just started on Sling TV in November). I’ve missed the last 6 years of “Discovery HD/Velocity” due to cutting the cord & going streaming…. rates of which are more reasonable than cable TV. The Discovery family of channels was not part of any streaming service until Sling finally got them in November.
I’m just wondering…. why did you let the shortfall get to $1 million (and was that due to the show itself)? Couldn’t you have stopped the bleeding before it got so bad? With you ending the show, can you recoup the losses or are you in danger of closing the garage? (I am just trying to understand).
By the way, you are right about the Internet Trolls (they are maybe 10% of the Internet users out there and they never have anything good to say – arm chair quarterbacks or just truly horrible people). If only they weren’t anonymous….
I wish you, your family, and your employees the best of luck. Maybe you can post a blog of your projects from now on, just to keep fans appraised of the projects you take on? Just a thought.
I’m a retired USAF Boom Operator from the old SAC days. I’ve been watching your show on Motortrend for several years and enjoy the hell out of it.
I admire the attention to detail and the obvious pride you and your team take in what you do.
I watch the “re-runs” with the same enjoyment as the first time I watched them because I see something new every time.
When I was a kid in the 50’s my Dad owned a ’54 Ford pick-up. He owned and operated an ambulance service and a surgical supply business as well. The pick-up was a mobile “advertisement” with signs on the bed sides.
He taught me to drive in that truck. That was the most time we spent together as he ran both businesses 24/7. One day, before I
“give up the ghost” I’m going to find an early fifties Ford truck similar to his and buy it just for the heck of it.
I’d love to do it through your shop.
Thanks a million for putting up with the difficulties that went along with your show. Believe me, to me and many others it was inspirational to watch.
G. Cloud
You have explained it well Dan. This is really a shame. Your show is one of the most real and instructive W/O all the bullshit of false inner shop rivalries etc.
I’m sure it is very hard to run a business and do the show, I can’t imagine.
I think one of the funny est moments for me during the show is when you found all the TR4 parts and you held up the “Ugly Ass” plastic bumper cover.
I think we all get it, but we are all going to miss your show.
All the best to you and your wife, the shop and your people.
You will be missed.
PS-I hope to visit your shop some day.
Thanks Dan for the years of sharing your knowledge with the gear head public and those not so savvy. Will miss you guys greatly. Keep up the good work.
Going to miss your show Dan. I loved your matter of fact approach to the builds, and also how you discussed the parts and labor costs. I hope someday you can find a suitable way to return to T.V. All the best to you, Vin C.
Dan, You are doing the right thing. I worked in the TV industry for 30 years of at leat 12 hour days and 60 hour week minimums, you have no life but work. It takes years off your life. I will miss your show and the quality of your crews work. Cheers to you and FantomWorks.
R Thorpe
You are doing the right thing by quitting.
Good Luck with you and your family!
May God Bless you and your great staff!
I learned a lot about cars by watching you!
Godspeed! And thank you for your service to our great nation!
I will miss your show. Your quality is beyond reproach. I love seeing the American builds and as a Brit the occasional European car. I had not realised the hell filming put you all through!
Best wishes for the future and I hope your finances recover.
I first discovered Fantomworks while having tires installed on my car last spring! (The shop had it on their Waiting Room TV.) When I got home, I immediately began to queue up episodes to watch On Demand and said to my husband “you have to watch this with me.” (I’m a bigger car freak than he is–or was.) We both got hooked and tuned in to every episode. To us, Fantomworks was the BEST program on Velocity/Motor Trend network. Your crew has mad skills, you all made the show entertaining AND educational, and the projects Dan agreed to undertake were often unusual. The show will be sorely missed at our house. Kudos to you, Dan, and your entire crew.
Dan just wanted to said what an awesome show me and my father in law watched it every time it was on thanks for your service to this country my wife and I drove to Fantom works from South Caroline you were closed it was a Saturday when we got there we hope to come again you are a good man and I appreciate you and team
Good Luck to you,your family and the crew. Many safe miles and good health. Semper Fi Dan you will be missed
Sorry to see you go I love this show I’ve watch every episode. You do amazing work, if in the future i decide to get an old car I be coming to see you at your shop even if I live in Iowa thanks for everything
Dan and crew, I watched you guys for years. I was so impressed about how you guys were real deal builders. No smoke and mirrors. Real problems solved. Real problems even once completed. Real world! Not the Gas Monkey B.S. !!
PERSONALLY I WILL REALLY MISS YOU GUYS ON THE OLE TUBE ! I totally understand the frustration you must have gone through during filming. Take your much needed extra time you will now have, and enjoy life! Thanks For the memory’s. I may even shed a tear, but that is life. Thanks Gary Geissman Concord N.C,
Dan, I became an unexpected fan of the show; my first job was in auto parts and it was fun to see a real shop, really operating. I wish you and your crew the very best in all future endeavors. Thanks for sharing a few years with us.
Dan, I was so sad to see the show end but I fully understand. Yours was the only car building show I watched. Many of them are so silly, more of a comedy. I would love to have you do work for my on my 72 Chevy pickup if I had the money. God bless you all…
Love the show and can relate what it takes to film a show. I was involved in a short 5 minute film clip and it took 12 hours to film! Crazy.
I own a 1964 Corvette that I’ve been working on forever and can understand all the surprises that show up, fix one thing and find five more.
Keep up the good work.
My thanks to you and your many shop and office personnel for the many hours of entertainment and knowledge you have provided over the years.
I have had close contact with one of the Overhaulin production people and know of the long hours running into days of around the clock work.
Again, thanks to you, your wife and all your many personnel for the Fantom Works series.
Best wishes to all of you!
Good Luck best wishes!
I’m going to mis the show Dan but certainly understand why your calling it quits!! Still I’ll mis whatching your skilled crew build those flawless builds!! I wish you and your crew the very best going forward!! Great show!!!
My husband and I were very unhappy to hear about the cancellation but after reading Dan’s blog it sure makes sense. I couldn’t imagine having cameras in your face all day long. We will miss the show and hope to have Dan and crew build us a car some day.
Dan I was totally surprised and shocked by the ending of your show because I thought it was great. Over the years I have been really disappointed when several TV shows ended. Shows like MASH; Mary Tyler Moore; Cheers and of course Friends were on that list, and now Fantomworks must be added. I am a car guy so I loved what your show was about, and it was a pleasure to see an almost old school business dedicated to doing things the right way. Sometimes you don’t realize how much you like something until its gone. I will truly miss your show. Thank You.
Dan: I’m shocked. I loved your show because I have loved cars since I was a small boy. It was always a pleasure to see the car owners on your show talk about the dreams for their cars and watch your people working to do things the right way. Your viewers had no idea how hard it was to produce the show, and that makes us all the more grateful. Thank you and God bless.
Dan. My wife and I will miss your show more than I can say. I’m so impressed with the safety first with all the cars you showed. I have adopted your work ethic and care for my cars from learning by watching you and your great crew. Thanks for the years of memories. Kim & Kathy…
The show and the people on the so will be missed! Thanks for all the entertainment over the years!
You will be sorely missed but I understand. God Bless you and your crew!!
I will miss your show because it is the best car restoration show on television. I totally respect why you are doing it , though. You did it as a labor of love for your fans and the restoration industry. It saddens me that it has put your family in some financial straits. I have recently had a 63 Nova convertible restored in a local shop in Ann Arbor. They did a great job and we took some of your recommendations on parts. Seeing you use Heidt’s parts on many builds, I put a 4 link rear end and IFS front clip and an LS3 connect and cruise. You would be proud. That for the years of effort, I have seen every show.
Dan, You and the crew ROCK, will be missed
I’m a car guy and a huge fan of FantomWorks. Although I understand that all good things must come to an end, I’m very sad to see the show end. Dan and the crew are absolutely the very best and I wish them all the very best.
Dan, I’m truly going to miss your show, you and your crew were a joy to watch.
After reading your reason for the show stopping, I totally understand why your leaving, I can only wish you and your family the best, and thank you for 6 yrs. of enjoyment.
Your Fan
Bob Griffin
Dan and crew— I’ll greatly miss your show, which I think is probably the most authentic of the genre. No gimicks—just guys who are passionate about building great cars. You and your guys are craftsmen and it’s satisfying to see how you transform cars into works of art. I live in Northern VA, so would love to take a tour sometime. Best wishes for your continued success and growth.
You will be truly missed
Dan, I am a huge fan of your show and the products you produced.I felt your show was the best automotive show on then velocity now Motor Trend. I never missed an episode. I’m currently viewing reruns while typing this comment. Being an ex-business owner for years. I completely understand how difficult it is to keep the cash flow rolling. Covering payroll and having the operating cash to keep the business moving forward. I never knew the function or the true benefits or lack of benefits your shop obtained from velocity / Motor Trend. My thought was it creating operating capital, not the other way around.
You mentioned that you are now a million dollars in debt from your show. Being in the limelight, it sounds like you become a target for lawsuits and attacks from what I call haters. From your comment. It sounds like that had become an major issue. Filming retakes had to be costly effecting time tables for completion of vehicles. You also mentioned that customers did not receive reimbursement for travel. Again a guess, but were these customers the network lined up for service at your shop? Hopefully Motor Trend will handle that issue removing it from your table.
Thank you for giving us an opportunity to be a part of your fantastic shop and it’s outstanding automotive artisans. Also thank you for the your military service to our country. Your a strong business man and I know you will eliminate the debt and get back to what you intended to do when you open Fantomworks. Build more amazing cars and put smiles on customer’s faces.
Again. Thank you for sharing your story and best of luck moving forward.
Will really miss your show. No made up drama, nothing artificial, just honest car building and talk. Took me back to my deceased fathers salvage yard where I grew up, especially when you did a mopar, and I loved that you did all years and all sizes. If it was special to the customer it was special to you. Rare this day and age. MOPAR or NO CAR. thanks for a rare connection
We will miss Fantom Works so much.
You taught us so much about all of the problems we run into with the cars we love, I just wish my brain could remember a tenth of yours. You are a gifted man with a talented crew. Which brings me to a point that more young kids need to get in this great hobby, it can be truly rewarding when the finished car or truck is completed, just to see customers reaction, sometimes with tears. Evidently your reason for leaving is the same as Chip Foses on Overhauling. Is there anyway that now Motor Trend could produce these shows where they are not as grueling on the owners and their technicians?.
Ronnie and Maureen Mullis
Augusta, Ga.
Well that’s good cause you turned into a whiny ass bitch First season was good but down hill from there. I see why. Now. I been in the auto body field for 30 years and didn’t whine that much.
@Big Red
I see one of the trolls has shown up. Please just STFU.
To Dan and crew, I love the show and will miss the episodes terribly but I understand fully why you stopped after reading your explanation.
God bless and have fun,
George Osborne
my favorite show. sorry to see it end. best of luck to Dan, family and crew.
I’m really going to Miss the show, Dan may be a little rough around the Edges, but he demands quality before quantity and warns the customers as such. I must also give Dan Credit for finding young talented people to work in his Shop.. Being an OLD Shade tree mechanic, I have been concerned that quality auto work will fall by the way, with Dan and his crew I don’t worry as much, He encourages out of the box thinking and always stresses quality..
Going to Miss the show Good Luck in the future Fantom Works
Thank you for a very entertaining realistic approach. The sit downs with the clients to tell them this will be expensive so they have an opportunity to rethink was a great take on the show. Most of the other shows are just wealthy people spending exorbitant amounts without blinking an eye. Your show was my favorite, especially when you did upgrades but not complete rebuilds that weren’t necessary.
I watch a lot of car shows and yours is/was my favorite. Not only was I entertained but also I learned a lot. I understand your reasons of leaving and am glad you staff is happy with it. In regard to the production personal, they did a great job but I don’t think their complaints are warranted. Have any of them been filming on crab boats in the Bering sea. That is tough work! Anyway, you do great work!
This show should have been taken off the air the day after it started , it is full of rubbish and some of your employees couldn’t fix a pushbike !
Good luck Dan. Drive by your shop daily and always enjoyed the show.
Dear Dan, My husband and I love Fantomworks and we are sorry to see it go. You are an inspiration to all up and coming mechanics and an awesome human being. I know nothing about cars but I enjoyed watching you and your incredible mechanics. Hope all goes well for you and your family. Thank you for your service. Our thanks also to your wife. God bless
I’m from the UK and find it hard to believe the TV company left you in debt-so I would like suggest everybody send Dan a $1- what do you say folks?
Totally agree. Why should a guy that puts so much work into his business be treated this way. He is a credit to the motor industry . We in the UK love the chow
I bought a 2007 mustang gt because of great shows like FantomWorks and have been working on it myself because these types of shows have given me the confidence to do the work myself thank you Dan your show will always be something I will watch even in reruns
Dan, I want to thank you and you family, staff and friends for a excellent show. The love and passion of automobiles and trucks permeated into my living room every week. I found a connection with your show and I seldom view TV much except for the weather. Thank you for covering the prices of the parts and work hours, you were always more than reasonable. God Bless you and your team and again Thank you for the show, It was and still is #1 in my book.
To Dan and his crew, Loved your show, your no nonsense way of going about doing the builds. No running all over looking for so-called needed parts or cars making TV filler. It was about the build. Read some of the hate mail, hard for me to understand where they are coming from. There seems to be a lot of sad and miserable people in the world this day and time. Watched every show, had it set to DVR. I will greatly miss the show. Hope someday be able to come and tour your shop. Best for what the future holds for you.
Hi Dan and the Gang. So sorry to hear that Fantom Works TV show is to be “No more” The first show that I watched was only a couple of years ago and what impressed me most over and above the other “Reality” shows, was when you spoke to the camera and explained that nobody can restore a scrap car to concours condition in 2 to 3 weeks so believe it if you like as it takes Fantom Works at least 180 days to do a good, partial restoration. Since then FW was the only TV car show that I could believe in. We have a show here in UK called “Car S.O.S.” and although it is watchable there is just no way that an E Type Jaguar can be restored from rolling, not driving, scrap to near Gold Medal winning car in 21 days which includes the engine and gearbox overhaul. So sorry to hear that you are in the dwang money wise and sincerely hope that you survive to carry on the excellent work. Good luck to you and the team. Looking forward to the next Newsletter. Ken Tilly in UK
dear dan and all the crew ,very sad no more shows.good luck to you all,next time i am in the usa will come and visit. from a wet and windy essex uk. best wishes jim….
Congratulations on being free from the cameras. No doubt your productivity will increase and your blood pressure decrease. The show gave great insight into the restoration business, both good and bad. My son and I trade in 1937-46 Chevy and GMC parts. If you work on one of these trucks, please contact us with your parts needs. And get yourself up to Hershey in October and stop by our spaces at GAI 18-19 in the Green field. If you’ve never been, shame on you! Take care,
Dan (if I can call you that), I loved the show and certainly will miss it greatly. For some strange reason, your show never lost its luster like some of the others which came before it and after it. Sorry to hear that the show CREATED debt for you – usually, one would figure that it would create wealth instead. Now you are going to force me to visit the shop to see how things are going…..thanks for doing things “right” and sharing the highs and lows of doing so.
Mr. Short,
I join the thousands of people who will surely miss Fantom Works. Unlike a lot of car shows yours was truly about the cars. No cartoonish characters who wacky haircuts, beards, or personalities. I’ve said many times if I could afford a classic car, Dan Short and his guys would build it. I do have one question; Did you ever finish the plane you showed in one of the tail end of an episode? I think it was a Stearman ( sp.) WW2 trainer. I love the planes from that era and was just curious. Best of luck to you and your crew. Maybe I can get up there and do the tour.
A Fan Forever
Jerry Yount
It is still being restored. We are trying to give updates on some of the projects on our post This week at FantomWorks.
Thanks Dan & Team.
As a qualified Mechanic your show has shown real world problems unlike other car shows that are parts fitters with actors that don’t know a tappet from a rocker.
I’m sorry to read how much financially draining the show has been & I hope you can crawl from under that money rock. It must be mentally draining as well.
Thanks for keeping the show real & showing how difficult customers are to deal with. I hope that home car tinkerer has learned not buy there own bits as they more than likely don’t fit or are broken & if they don’t know what they are doing don’t touch it & get a professional as it’s probably unsafe.
Thanks for the last 6 & 1/2 years & all the best
Thanks Dan and crew for years of enjoyable entertainment. Loved your show. You rebuilt some beautiful cars. You should be proud. We will miss your show. Your legacy will live on through the re-runs and memories you created. I am sure we all wish you many years of continued succcess. Ron
I thought you had the best car restoration show on television bar none. No macho horseplay and made up personality conflicts between staff members. You kept the show on topic where auto restoration was center stage. Learned much heretofore unknown information on many different makes and models of cars. The mechanics on the show are top shelf. Cannot believe how much effort and skill Dale put into restoring the 1989 Jeep wiring system. Sorry to see you go.
Hi im in the uk and absolutely love fantom works the show has inspired me to do my own restoration but your well being is more important bless you all guys your awesome
Your show was always my favorite. I had no idea it was such a hardship on you and your team. I hope the future brings many blessings and a quick wind down of the debt. I had no idea that this show was creating such a burden on you. Trolls are scum. Glad you are moving on
David Wallace
So sad to see you going. Your show was the Best! Enjoyed so much…thank you for your splendid illustration of a real shop. I love cars, always have always will. Understand. Best of luck to you and your business.
I Dan, You’re show was such a joy to watch. I enjoyed every minute, especially the problems that popped up and how you dealt with them. It was a March thru my early years, rebuilding cars.. Best of luck to you and your family. God bless.. Andy Wood dds
Of all the car shows FantomWorks was the most believable.
If I ever have a car or truck restored, I will bring it to you.
Reason, if it isn’t right, it doesn’t leave the shop. If you don’t want it right, don’t bring it in.
Sorry to see you go, as a car guy the hands on approach was educational. Gonna be missed, BTW, guy with Red 66 volkswagen was a fucking b!+ch.
I hope you were able to get out of debt. I have always enjoyed the show and the perfection that goes into every job. Thank you. And good luck.
God I miss you. I enjoyed both your program and Wheeler Dealer. I also like Classic Cars with Wayne and graveyard cars but the rest is garbage. Mr. Short Thank You for your service in protecting my family in your very hazardous duty as a Green Beret and a Cobra Helicopter pilot. My cousin is a colonel in the army a commander of a Cobra unit. If you ever do a TV program again I will be lined up to watch. Thank you for your family’s service to our nation. “If you care about your country and your car like we do than we will get along” Hurrahhhhh!!!!! Mr. Short. God Bless you and family.
Dan, I loved how pissed off you’d get when discovering hidden problems on the builds. The fact that you were genuinely incensed by failed restoration attempts, negligent/cut-corner rush jobs, and jury-rigged Mickey Mouse garbage demonstrates real commitment to doing it right and that you care about the clients’ vehicles as if they were your own
Hey guys!
I’m a WOMAN who LOVES late 60s muscle cars. I love your show! You do beautiful, beautiful work, with some super bitchen paint jobs. The 1970 Shelby Cobra GT500 (Dennis’) was my all-time favorite car! AYKM?! The orange paint job was killer. Oh, the motor sound! Superb resto. I have a project in mind and I’ll contact you soon to talk numbers. I’m so bummed you’re leaving Motor Trend, but certainly understand why, based on your letter. I had no idea how difficult it is for shops to participate in a show. Thank you for all the beautiful rides we got to watch “magically” transform into works of art on wheels!
DAN: I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad’s death. My beloved Dad, who introduced me to muscle cars, died in July 2014. My first love was his 1972 Mustang convertible in Grabber Green, black rag top, black leather interior, skinny white-wall tires. I was 6 years old. It is a soul-crushing grief to lose your father. I’m sure your family, friends and colleagues will be there to help you. I will certainly keep you in my prayers. It’s such a devastating loss. I wish you the best.
Donine @ms_pistolicious on Twitter. I already follow you. Follow me back!
Dan, I truly enjoyed the show and remain impressed with you and your crew. When I finally find a project worth doing, you are the only person I would consider.
I’m not sure what you are referencing about “trolls on the internet” but I suggest you completely ignore them. Assholes have been around since the dawn of time and the WEB simply gave them a new place to lurk and gain a voice they don’t deserve.
I watch this show on Quest TV in the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland so I know it’s new to us but truly sorry it’s come to an end although glad to know the work lives on, many thanks Dan.
definitely will miss the show dan best show on air thank you
Fantomworks was a joy to watch, and I never missed an episode. While I certainly understand, through your explanation, the trials, tribulations, sacrifices, and surely stress that you have endured over these seasons, please know that you show was a highlight of television viewing. It was obvious that s great deal more time was expended in the magnificent restoration of the vehicles featured, than a one hour program was able to adequately portray. Thank you for the seasons you endured to produce this thoroughly enjoyable show. I fully understand and appreciate your reasons for ending this fantastic program, you will be sorely missed. Fair winds and following seas.
Hi Dan
I am an England viewer and a mechanic by trade
I have watched your series with great interest
You and your team are craftsmen and I take my hat off to you all. Perhaps one day I will come and visit you guys
Best wishes
Hi dan, I’m a fan from New Zealand. I’ve really enjoyed watching your show over the years. Seeing your passion for what you do, the love you have for bring old classic car back to life, you make people’s dreams come true. I wish every shop had your passion but not many do. I was sad to read why you stopped the the show. I wish I had the means to send, and have you and you team restore my falcon. But living on the other side of the world makes it a bit tricky. If your ever in New Zealand I’d love to buy you a beer or too. Thanks for making a great show
Thanks Dan & crew! Learning lots, superb composure, ethics, and of course not…. awesome automotive knowledge and skills exhibited… and cool newish solutions on some great retro mods!
Hi i have enjoyed every episode during my time off work sick your skill and patience with cars and customers has been a joy. Good luck for the future
Our house as well. Loved everything about this superb show.
Dan I loved the show. Feel sorry about the debt you incurred. You’re a patriot, and a helluva good guy (old school).keep up the good work & keep your head up
Ib bunkie
I have been watching Fantom Works from the UK since it was first released and have not only enjoyed it but also learned quite a bit to. The decision to get back to doing what you obviously do well has to be the right one. Great job guys.
Say it isn’t so ! I will sorely miss your show although I did not catch onto it until about a year ago. I found my self switching back and forth to your channel so much from all the other channels that I just settled in and watched daily. You really put on a great show and I can understand how hard it is to mix everything together between reality and television. What you did was something that was extremely entertaining and informative. I wish it did not have to end this way, but for your peace and sanity I don’t blame you. Take care Dan, we will miss you !
A big thanks to you and your team at Fantom Works. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your shows and fully understand your decision to get on with you do best. Thanks Dan, it’s been both informative and entertaining!
It was an honor to watch the show. This is one of my favorites. God bless Dan
Dear Dan, I love your show , you and your crew are real old school car builders, I have spent many hours seeing your show, I respect your work, cause you guys rebuild the best vehicles I have ever seen, you guys never compromise on a build, you and your crew will be greatly missed, thanks for all the time and effort you put into your series.
Dan Short was the star of Fantomworks. Every episode was a true car restoration fantastic journey. I still love watching the reruns. Thanks Fantomworks for the memories!
Wow, the very best car show. Your work is not cheap but worth every penny. Please continue but charge those stations your cost plus 30%.
I am older than you but I model myself after you and your crew.
And most important to me is to thank you for your service.
I have always enjoyed your show. I do not have the talent to take a broken piece of art, and make it beautiful again . I’m saddened by the hardship it has caused you and those around you. Know that the trolls are few, but noisy, for they blame everyone else for their shortcomings. Your loyal fans, the silent majority, will miss the show deeply. Keep on making dreams come true!
Love the show didn’t realize it wasn’t still in production because I haven’t had mt tv very long sad to see it done but totally understand, hopin for the best for FantomWorks
On Saturday mornings my wife and I watch the reruns of the show. My wife knows
nothing about cars. After your show is over, she always says “I like that show”. I know
alot about car’s and I always say ” I like it too”.
Good luck in the future. “We will always have Paris (Norfolk)”
Best car restoration, repair, re-fabrication, restoration….. wait a minute….Best car show out there.
Luckily the reruns will last.
I started watching this show by accident and currently at the end of season 2.
Watching from across the pond in London.
Love the American cars just wish I’d been born in the states. Still can’t have everything.
Dan ever thought of filming some stuff yourself you tube or similar at least you can chose when to film and what etc and not upset people doesn’t have to be professional quality we’d love it anyway.
Could end up starting your own production company.
Food for thought ?
I bet your other half wouldn’t mind being in front of the camera a bit more.
Dear Mr. Short,
I am 68 year old woman who after Barbie Dolls I wanted cars. I drive a 2003 Tahoe and I have put around 10,000.00 into it in the last 3 years because I’m so picky. I fantasize about asking your shop to rebuild the transmission, suspension and other things. It is in excellent condition with little rust. We live in the Chicago area.
I learned so much from your show and what it takes and how long to rebuild a car. I have seen each show at least 3 times. After reading all the hardships you and your crew faced, I can understand why you wanted to stop.
I keep telling my husband he needs to take me to Norfolk and take the tour of your shop.
Best of luck and good health to all of you at Fantom Works.
FantomWorks Works is our family’s favorite car show. Your positive attitude and leadership and your teams cooperation are great examples for all generations.
We wish you and your family continued success.
Thank you
Dear Staff Sergeant (lieutenant) Short. I want first to thank you for protecting my family and protecting our freedom. This also includes your wife because she served as well but you did something where you life was at constant danger as a Green Beret! Wow. Very few can make that cut! I also miss your show tremendously. I continue to watch your programs over and over again. You had the best program on velocity! I loved it because it was it was a no nonsense no bullshit program. Real men! Not like many of the stupid and childish program they have now. I do not like the show boating, dancing, fooling around or some dressed like disco fools. Your program we learned so much about cars other programs they have now are foolish stuff of destroying cars instead of fixing or spending time showing how smart they are with knowing VIN #s. I am very sorry to read in your story you went in debt for the program but I want you to know it brought me so much enjoyment and still in 01/14/2020. I was sorry to hear about your Dad but I am sure he was very proud of you in your service of your country as A GREEN BERET and your business success. God Bless you SIR! And your family. Health, happiness and prosperity to all. You have a great crew and I hope all is still with you.
WOW, I did not know that about Mr. Dan Short. It only affirms my respect for him, and it now affirms why he runs his shop the way he does, no Bull, and straight as they come. I’ve been receiving emails of all the comments over the last couple of weeks. If I didn’t know better, I’d say Fantomworks is a “Hall of Fame” worthy show!
I’ve enjoyed this show for several years now, one of my favorites. I just learned of the show coming to an end and why…sad. I hope Dan’s future and that of Fantom Works is a blessed one, because all the episodes I’ve enjoyed have truly been a blessing to me.
Thank you Dan & crew.
Scotty B.
⁸What a hardship you guys experienced for us car fans. Thanks so much for the years of enjoyment. You guys are the best. All car nuts like my will miss the show greatly.
I want to say thank you and God Bless you for your sacrifice and service to our country. You are a true patriot and it shows with all the time, effort and precision you put into all the projects you take on.
Although I understand the financial, intellectual and emotional tolls the show takes on you, your family and your staff of amazing artisans, I will sorely miss your show watching the amazing projects come to fruition.
I wish you and your staff the best of wishes to continue the performing fantastic work you do bringing long lost dreams of your clients to life.
watching the show right now in Fla. I will miss one of the truly best car builders in the industry. I can understand how demanding it must be to work and being filmed at least 12 hours every day 6 days a week. Good luck Dan and keep up the great work that you and your guys do.
Dan and crew,
You will be missed, but clearly understand the challenges that the spotlight creates.
Many of the comments are geared towards the quality snd craftsmanship of the work you do, which is second to none, but your show also makes it clear that although you care about quality, safety is the priority, and I love to watch your road test to see what surprises still lurk.
One other thing your show gives us insight to, and that is the customer, where some appear to be patient and reasonable, while others prove to be quite challenging. To top it off, you give us an opportunity to witness the dream become reality by allowing us to see the transaction as you explain what the customer is paying for before showing them the finished product.
Again, bravo to you and your team. Well done.
Dan this is the only “real”TV show depicting just what it takes to build a car from various peoples dreams that are in your shop. I work everyday building engines for Ambulances here in the UK and your show is one I can watch without muttering under my breath.
I have imported classics from South Africa where I lived until eleven years ago and in the time I worked on cars have learnt that there are very few actual reformers, most are bondo techs .
I hope your shop will continue crafting cars for clients that anybody would be proud of.
May God richly bless you and may your costs reap rewards you never even expected or understood because if it’s one thing if seen in your show I have to say it’s integrity.
God Bless
Alan King
I love Fantom Works because it was the only genuine car restoration show on tv. That is not to deminish other shows because their work is in a genuinely different sphere, building and restoration are clearly different. It was clear throughout each episode than Dan and his team cared for their charges, always aiming to produce quality results – sometimes having to struggle with a recalcitrant customer in order to get it done. Having said that, what was crystal clear was that these same customers were absolutely delighted with the end result. It is the easiest thing in the world of commerce, and sometimes the most common, for moans, groans, whinges and accusations to be voiced once the job is done. Especially where the business, whatever it may be, is publicly well known through tv exposure, obviously in the hope of a private settlement. Car restorations are always going to be uber expensive, the older and rarer the vehicle the greater the expense. Such complaints should always be dealt with a pinch of salt. Dan the Man and his team are always honest, hardworking and focused on quality, their products reflect that. I will miss this show greatly and will have to survive on repeats. Well done Dan and I wish you the best for the future.
great show good luck and all the best to Dan Short and his staff,
wish you lots of succes.
Thanks for the years. My family enjoyed the many projects. You motivated me to restore my 1971 Jeepster Commando that I taught all three of my kids to drive.
Dan is as real as it gets. If you are a real car guy this show was as good as it gets. I miss it but know Dan made the right decision.
God Bless!
Dear Mr. Short,
It is with great sadness but with full understanding that I now read you are ending the show. TV production under the best of circumstances is a much more intensive and rigorous process than most people realize.
Just wanted to share a few thoughts with you and your team about your contributions to the automotive lifestyle. I must also mention that, in my humble opinion, the work performed by your organization is among the best anywhere and certainly among the best on the small screen.
I should also share with you how much my beloved wife enjoys each broadcast we catch. Sadly, she has been fighting Alzheimer’s for several years, but watching your episodes has been a source of joy and wonderment for both of us.
Your meetings with prospective customers have always been highly instructive and I truly believe have helped other quality shops explain and justify just how difficult and involved a restoration/refreshment/resurrection can become, presenting realistic perspectives of how long the process can take, as well as understanding the costs involved of doing it right.
Without boring you with details, I’ve recently completed a rather thorough refreshment of a lovely 1995 C4 Roadster which came out very well but was very time consuming. Watching your show helped me gain a further understanding of the difficulties often encountered and helped me control my occasional impatience with the process.
I’m currently considering a second Corvette purchase, this time a C5, Z06 FRC, circa 2001-2004. If I proceed, I’m hoping you and I can discuss a project for you and your magicians of metal and motion.
My best regards to you, your family and your crew.
This sucks I didn’t know the show was over. I love this show. I hope to get a tour one day. I can kick myself selling my 69 Camaro RS.
Dan thank you so much for covering the labor on rich and his family renovation. I just recently found your show. I’m not much of a tv guy but I saw that episode and I cried. Something I haven’t done since my parents passed years ago. God bless and God speed to you and your family. You are a good person.
Dan, you and your passion for automobiles and the correct way to maintain and restore them is amazing and inspiring. My son and i love watching reruns of your show and hope things for you and your family return to normal soon. I’m on line at your site for a birthday present for Robby who is my only son of 4 kids and a motorhead like me. He loved Mickey’s ’70 Chevelle build, and the blue..awesome!
Although your sacrifice to share through TV was negative in many ways, it was really positive for Robby and I and pushed us out to the garage and Wells Cargo trailer to wake up my ’79 and ’81 Trans Am projects together. Bless you and your family and employees and thanks for caring so much,
Sincerely, Robert Lathi.
Thank G..d, l won’t have to look at that miserable Audrey. She personified lack of respect for coworkers. Was she just an adjunct to show a female on set??? Whatever the reason, she was a lousy choice.
É muito triste saber que o programa acabou, sou do Brasil e muito fã. Que vocês continuem a tornar sonho em realidade. Imagino o quanto é difícil essas gravações, o quanto tenham que lidar com egos.
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It is very sad to know that the program is over, I am from Brazil and a big fan. May you continue to make dreams come true. I imagine how difficult these recordings are, how much they have to deal with egos.
The challenges of fixing things- cars- for people who are absolutely absorbed w their long ownership and deep relationships to the cars can be difficult.
Letting a restorer like Dan have his say so is even more difficult for owners to accept.
The lifetime of skill involved in solving manufacturing issues for builds done decades ago are still difficult today even with our technology.
Thankfully restomods at least offer a better daily driving experience but again present the restorer with anew set of problems(squeezing a new crate motor into a place it was never intended to be).
I am a purest when it comes to restoration but those of us who love originality are facing the rapidly approaching reality of “it just ain’t any parts out there for that car”….
I live in UK and love watching the show the work that goes on I your shop is magnificent your and your guys are fantastic when it’s time it’s time good luck for the future hope it Carrie’s on for many years to come allan
Dan, loved the show. It brought my son and I many hours of pleasure watching you guys. We have several cars that we have bought and worked on since you have been on the air and you educated us on one main thing, either do it right or don’t do it at all. You will be missed in our household.
Doug Crowder
It is ( I just started watching the shows when I found them on Discovery..??? and can’t get enough) a awesome show. For those of us weekend mechanics it’s a reminder of what to look for and what not to do. I was actually considering getting a loan and sending you my ’66 pony to you restore it but I guess im.stuck with a place in Dallas, Texas that I really don’t like the owner. You give inspiration to those of us wanting to do our best even in difficult conditions. If you open.a new shop or go back, please let your true fans know so we can come see you… and of course get our hotrod fixed correctly.
Best wishes for you and family.
I really enjoyed the show, but I understand the dilemma. Un-like other reality shows, the owner and his staff portrayed as pure meat and potatoes car builders. No flash, no crazy looks, no personal drama, just a lot of hard dedicated work. I will miss watching this TRUE reality show. Good Luck, and continued success.
Dan, I have enjoyed the show. The trolls don’t deserve your time. Very sad the financial hardship put on you and your family. Please know that myself and friends truly enjoyed your dedication you all put into it. You have some amazing tech’s!! Thank you!
I watched your show and loved it. You and your team did the impossible with the cars you did!!! I only hope that one day you could do a care for me!! Would love to look at the cars you show outside the building. I will miss your show a lot. Great job to a truly professional bout fit.
Dan and Family I wondered why there were no new shows. I totally understand now. I enjoy the show so much even though I have seen them all I still continue to watch. The filming crew should reimburse you for your expenses. I appreciate your professionalism, honesty, and your employees who are masters of their craft. It’s nice to know real good people are still out there.
Bless you
Debbie Pugh
Dear Dan and crew, I retired from the repair business 5 years ago. I want you to know that it was a pleasure watching you and your crew insist on doing it right. I have seen many times where “flat rate” took precedence over doing the job right, or just plain cutting corners. At the end of each of my jobs, I always took that extra five minutes or so to mentally go over what I had just done. That ounce of prevention saved me a number of times from having a comeback. It was obvious from the start that you and your guys also felt the same way. The other part of my admiration concerns how honest you were with everyone that came through that door. A large percentage of shops are only in it for the money. You were upfront and honest with every client that was on screen and I feel that the honesty you showed carried over to your regular everyday customer. I’ll miss the show, but I’ll always admire you for your caring and honesty! And, last but not least, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!
I’d like to thank Dan and the mechanics along with the production personnel that made the show possible. We watched the show religiously three and four times over. Such an informative and entertaining show that always taught me something new each time I watched it. What I liked most of all was Dans high morals and honesty. Fantomeorks had become our favorite car show because it was great mechanics working on great cars and no ridiculous antics. We are such fan that I’m perfectly comfortable talking about the show and mentioning Dan and the others as if they were good friends of ours. Rarely does a show come by that I care about so much. Thank you guys for the memories.
Thank you
loved the show man! loved when ya start to get pissed
Great show Dan and probably the most realistic of the cable car restore shows, especially when showing costs. Like most hobbyists I loved to nit-pick when your team worked on one of “mine”, like the time you removed the upper ball joints from a 1960’s Valiant using a pipe wrench because you didn’t have the special socket (I do). At least you didn’t try pressing it out to ruin the control arm, like most shops do. Your approach was always practical and affordable, and appreciative of the customer’s desires. You showed that such restorations are rarely cost-effective, especially when using a shop, and are motivated by nostalgia for a car, which is a good reason.
I still watch your show I have most of them recorded on my DVR
Mr. Dan Short, Your best episode was building that car for Richard Lipshan, USMC. You proved that car guys have tremendous love for cars and people!! You rock and I miss Fantom Works!! Ken S.
To Dave and everyone at Canyon Works,
Thank you for showing someone like myself, I know in condensed form because of time of shows. I especially thank you and your awesome crew, for showing the reality of restoring a variety of vehicles. It’s not all sunshine and roses.
Best wishes to you and everyone at Canyon Works,
John Gramatikas in New Hampshire
Love the show, watch the reruns over and over. These guys are true artisans.
I still watch repeats of Fantomworks, the cars you build and the quality of the work is truly awesome inspiring, keep up the good work.
What the hell? Who the hell? There’s going to be hell to pay! That’s a hell of a thing!!
Thanks for being on the air when you were. Great show and straight-up car renos and restorations Thanks!!
The Team at FantomWorks is by far one of the most talented teams out there .. Dan is an amazing car builder , his no nonsense , straight talk is genuine . Someday , when I have the funds, I’d love to have them build my 1 owner 68 Fastback J code . Keep doing what you do best !
What brought you to Norfolk? Navy? The Navy brought me to San DIego. Will miss the show as you had one the top three shows on automotive stuff.
Best regards,
Watched your show on motortrend channel while recouping from back surgery, I really enjoyed it. Too bad it was a pia to produce, at least I can watch reruns, thanks Dan 😊
I just became aware of the show and I enjoy it very much. I was wondering why there were no new shows. After reading why you left I fully agree. Now on to the all the good work uninterrupted. God bless you and your crew.
We get to watch this great series here in the UK . At the moment watching one with an old fashioned Ford model T. This is a great series ,so upsetting to read Dan Short had to pull the plug . Brilliant show kindest Regards to Dan Short
Yes Miss the Show
I know I gave built
Hundreds I am builder that does it all my self and that down to the paint
But on the show they did a vette and
When th er y were all most done ot like o the frame is bent
Well I say this if you cant get under a car
And see a unstr8 or bent frame that a rookie mistake and other lil things I saw but over all darn good show but the ORANGE red Coupe
Street Rod well who in there tight mind drive a just built model A in a snow storm GEES just STUPIED stuff like that other than that ssd how was good
Good luck Dan and Team 👍🎩
I’m 72 years old and always look forward to seeing Dave and his guys go through to fix some unfixable cars and trucks. As a fellow Special Forces/ Ranger Dan is a can do man. I hope some day to meet him, thank you for the years
I understand family first. Was always a pleasure watching you (still have repeats) happy you are continuing to do what you love. If I’m ever lucky enough to be able to use your shop I will be there in a second. Good luck God bless you and yours.
You ALL at the shop are
I have seen every episode at least 4 times
Way sad to see you go
I understand completely
God bless you all
100% understand the riggers you explained.
I work in the film industry and all of the hassles of the resets, continuity, log hours.. all are problems in my chosen industry. I will never understand why filming takes 12+ hours a day. Never.
If you were able to clock the shots they took vs the edited time per show, you will no doubt see hundreds ,maybe thousands of hours of time the directors and producers took away from you.
Thank you for the show. Your candor and honesty would shine through the dramatic pauses and takes the directors no doubt forced upon you for those cliff-hanger commercial breaks.
Thank you for all of the lessons I have learned watching your show.
I hope to have enough money to have your team build my dream car one day.
I will very much miss Fantomworks, but Dan is intitled to a life. I built a supercharged fiberglass TR-3 while in college. Huge amount of work, but fun with the final result. Thanks for the series Dan. Best of luck to you.
Why can’t someone else take over the show and still produce it have another company running when that being nice I would love to see and come back but maybe a lot better
I love your show !! I enjoy much more than all the other “build “ shows. It clear you’re a class act Dan
I just discovered your show 2 years ago, apparently reruns of before your show was taken off the air. My husband is a 7x cancer survivor, and is not in a good place nor will he get better. When I sat down one day to see what he was watching FATHOM WORKS was on. I was hooked at the first show! Now we watch your show AROUND THE CLOCK! We lo e your show. It’s a shame it took so much out of your daily stress life!
Wow… I had no idea this was your situation currently… Soon to be 2023 I can only tell you I just for the first time watch that episode with George and the 427 1967 Chevelle that has always been my dream car… As strange as it may be my name is George also and I love 427s… If you ever consider doing it again, please let me know between the two of us we could find a nice one for you to set up for my legacy… I am on the East Coast and would love nothing better than to hear from you. God bless you and your family. Enjoy the time that we took away from you and your family… Because while I still watch the episodes today you are still an unbelievable a person… God bless you. 🙏
I miss Fantom Works but understand how grueling it must have been to work under pressure of the cameras. Love the reruns so I can stay connected to all!!!
Best “car show” out there. Real people, real issues, real time lines and real costs. No BS. Still watching and enjoying the reruns. Hope they keep them on forever. Thanks for showing everyone what it takes to REALLY restore a car. Hopefully you will be rewarded for your honesty and patriotism.
I think Fantom Works is by far the best of this type of show. I understand why you quit filming and I don’t blame you. But, I learned a lot of the things you experience when wanting an older car rebuilt that I had no idea of before. And the crew and especially Dan are really top notch and a real pleasure to watch! I watch all of the reruns I can and would really enjoy more new programs but since that won’t happen I just want to say “thank you” and your program is the best of all. God bless you in the future years! Again, a big thank you for all the programs they are the best!
Loved your show, it will be missed. As a immigrant my parents brought us to the U.S. in 1960. As a child I remember all the beautiful cars on the road. I know at a young age that the American cars were a work of art in my eyes. I’ve owned several cars in my life and always enjoyed working on them. Throughout high school I owned a 57 Chevy and when I was inducted in the military I owned a 66 Nova and a 70 AMX when I E.T.S my focus was on a 69 T-top Corvette which was absolutely a gem driving to college everyday.
Thank you for bringing some good memories into our household
Best wishes to you and the crew who made these memories possible.
Ralf B.
I loved this show and will miss it much, but I fully understand why You decided to pull the pin on it. God Bless and I hope to take a shop tour one day before I have that date with the “big junkyard in the sky”.
Love the show & the cast/crew!You all will be sorely missed 🙏👍😢
Just watched the show Again about the guy from England and the 72 N25 Buick Gran Sport. I couldn’t believe that was not a 455 “Hemi Killer” in it like the one my Dad had in 1974. Beautiful car though, if I ever hit the lottery and Dan is still in business, we will meet!
I’m just learning of your show ending. I’m a master tech and instructor and enjoyed “being there” during the broadcasts. How I would have loved to work in an environment such as yours. In one episode I noted an AC situation requiring refrigerant being needed to leak test the system, so I was going to recommend Bernie Thompson’s CO2 leak test system, the name escapes me, but CO2 is inexpensive and a special leak detection spray will pinpoint any leaks. The system works with EVAP leaks, tire/rim leaks, air suspension and other air system devices.
Enjoy the show everytime it was on. Its a shame people just running they’re mouth destroying what others enjoy. God Bless an much success to you an yours Dan, an all your crew….
Dan I’m am so sorry the show will be over, the best car show on TV. Your professionalism is unsurpassed. I knew it was a demanding schedule. Please keep your Website up so we can follow some builds. Your integrity is what I will miss the most. Thank you and your team for a great ride. Til we meet again.
Hi Dan,
I’m sorry to hear of the shows eventual end. By far it was my favourite car show on Discovery Velocity and you and the crew will be missed. Having run my own business for many years it is easy to understand why you have made this decision, especially in light of the fact of all of the things that you have described in your narrative of why the show needs to come to an end, is perfectly understandable. All the best.
Dan, good luck to you and your crew. I and many of my car-nut friends will miss you.
Thanks for all the work that you folks did to entertain and teach so many of us. In a
time when so many people are so mean and nasty watching your show was a reminder for all
of us to be professional and caring. You and your crew set the bar high for the rest of
Hi Dan
I will always be a supporter of your business. I have often wondered how you and your crew manage to function under the camera eye. It had to increase your cost or decrease your profit. Keep doing the work your known for and with luck maybe I’ll see you at a SEMA show. I’ll miss your show but I agree with your decision.
Best wishes for the future
I didn’t always agree with everything that was done but….Wednesdays will never be the same. Good luck in the future and if I’m ever in Norfolk I’ll make one of the tours.
I would like to thank you and your amazing team for creating the finest car show for the last six and a half years. While anothercar show on the network think it is funny to berate the staff and find it important to be the Star of the show yet only work on one brand of vehicle. I hope you,family and staff have all the best in the future. You will be missed.
Sorry for all the stuff you and your staff and family went through to put this show on the air, but as two fans of your show we are sorry to see it end. We looked forward to it and as my husband worked for a restoration garage in Long Beach,CA over 40 years ago we understood what it took to keep the work in track and still get that show made. Thank you for all the time, lessons shared and showing that you and your staff built some of the most beautiful cars EVER. Thank you! Donna & George Copeland Walla Walla WA
The show will for sure be missed. It was good to find out how a reputable shop performs. Since it is so many out here that don’t know what they are doing, just taking peoples money.
As I said sorry to see you go. I’ll make sure I catch all of these last episodes.
Dan i really enjoyed your show and i am so sorry that you have lost lots of money of your own trying to keep the show alive.Thanks Dan.Lots of luck on what ever you do in your life before you. Kenneth
Dan it was a pleasure to meet you and some of your employees and not least of all your wife. I have enjoyed your show for years and it will be missed. It was always fun to discuss the builds with my car brothers. Thank you for sharing and best wishes and I will visit the shop again.
Dan you are surely gonna be missed, sorry you inquired so much debt in producing this show but your craftmanship is top notch your honesty and straight forward way in dealing with your business I loved. I’m still hoping that one day I could ever take have a classic car to take to you
while its not likely Spencer Bandon will move back to VA from Colorado he certainly took away all the riff raff on the show and i was sad he was no longer at DRS aka FANTOMWORKS
I will now completely miss the show and thankful i DVR’d so many of the shows and hit the protect on each episode
In the 1970’s i worked on Hawaii 5-0 i know the 6 days a week schedule and the 12-14 hour days so i get the why you decided it was time to say thanks and good bye
so Merry Christmas to everyone at FANTOMWORKS
Dan, watching your show was always enjoyable. The passion, desire and relentless pursuit of nothing short of perfection for the cars and customers is a long lost trait in a shady business! I hope to one day make it there to tour the shop and meet you in person! Thank you so much for sharing your world and passion with all of us!
Dear Mister Short,
Thank you for giving us viewers the chance to be part of the Fantomworks family. It’s sad that the show will come to an end, but I fully understand the reasons. Please express my admiration to everyone at Fantomworks, you and your team have shown what honesty, dedication an honor truly mean.
Best of luck to all of you.
Pascal Dupont, a fan from Belgium.
Dan: You and your Shop are Top Notch! Primo! Best of luck!
Surprised to hear the show will not go on, but reading why does make sense. Very sorry to hear of the professional and personal hardships that came up because of the show. Your shop and crew are the best for bringing cars back to original or better conditions.
Will miss the show and hope to come out to your shop at some time if you are still doing tours.
Watch the show every chance I get, one of the few shows actually worth watching. Gonna miss it a lot I also like someone else said DVRd what I could and hit protect lol. Sorry to see you go. I’m from Buckingham Virginia and would love to come take a tour soon. Thanks Dan Short and the rest of Fantom works. P.s. the hate mail and responses from Dan are funny as hell lmmfao
Dan, I am a single dad I am raising 3 kids 2 boys, 1 girl, I am the only person in my house into cars and I l love what your doing best wishes in all you do I look forward to years and years of Fantom Works reruns God Bless you and yours, Sean Benware, Athens, Vermont
Dan, great show. Glad you’ll be getting your life back.
I just want to thank you on the many years of putting on the best car show on tv. As a businessman and a car enthusiast I certainly understand and agree with your decision. I’m only about a 7 hour drive from your shop so I plan to drive up make the tour and more importantly meet you. I wish you the very best for 2019 and the many years in the future. God Bless you and your family.
Big respect from the UK, love the show! All the best to you all
Thank you for an enjoyable show! Watching how TV edited months of a project into an hour show was both amazing and frustrating, in that novices never understand the reality of those types of builds. We will miss you and the crew. Best wishes for continued success!
Dan: I have enjoyed every episode on your show and appreciate the high quality job you and your team put into every job. While I have no personal experience in finding a repair shop that does quality restoration work, you certainly have inherited your share of customers who have had a lot of bad luck.
As a 67 year old who grew up in Flossmoor, IL many years ago, I especially loved the great episode on repairing the historic Flossmoor Fire Department Mack fire truck and its pump a few years ago. I still have the episode on my dvr.
I will miss your show greatly but understand how economics works especially on reality shows such as yours. I mentioned your place to my son-in-law this week and perhaps we will visit your shop the next time we are in Richmond, VA visiting our new grandson.
All my best to you, your family and the future of your business.
A shame but understandable Dan. Loved watching the show and loved how you interacted with the team members, not all the bullshit drama of other ‘car’ shows (more like days of our lives some of them).
Pete Buggy, Brisbane, Australia.
Like so many gearheads, I thoroughly enjoyed how you continually emphasized the importance of quality.
When I watched Fantomworks, I was constantly reminded of one of my favorite quotations: “Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.” ~ Henry Ford.
That is the abiding memory you leave with all of us.
Thanks for being you.
I live in Australia and have been a fan since the show commenced here in Oz. I am sorry and sad to see the end in sight but I have many great memories of some amazing builds over the years. I will be in contact to see about a mustang build I have in mind. However, if you are ever down under I would be honoured to have a chat and a beer with you. All the best for the future mate and keep building beautiful machines.
Dan, and FantomWorks Crew
You, all of you (as the integrity comes from the top down) are to be admired. To have been able to maintain your cool when dealing with unco-operative car parts, poorly done “fixes” and unreasonable requests has taken a lot of patience. And to have done it all while dealing with TV cameras, cables, extra people and many no-nothings in the working shop is even more admirable.
Your shop is the only one I have seen (among the many car builders) that has a working woodworking shop. My wood craftsman son would salivate to visit with your wood genius.
We wish you only the best ahead for you, your family, Heidi and your shop. May none of your fingers get caught between wrenches that slip and solid frame (or engine) parts.
Dan, loved the show from the beginning. I have a ’66 Corvette Coupe the year we were married and a 2016 purchased new for our 50th wedding anniversary. My son lives in Williamsburg and I always wanted to visit your shop. This was my first visit to your web site. Sorry to see you go. A visit to your shop is on my “Bucket list” maybe some day
You will be sorely missed. The job you have done with your crew is totally unbelievable. I have been a fan since the beginning. I will miss it very much. Good luck to everyone in the future. You will never be forgotten.
Best wishes to everyone.
Dan, I’ve really enjoyed watching your show here in Australia.
I love your straight forward attitude, no ifs, no buts, it’s reflected in the standard of your restorations. First class all the way. All the best mate.
While I watched Fantom Works, I would wonder how anything ever got done with all the TV crew and equipment getting in the way. While I will miss the show, I feel better knowing that huge burden has been lifted from your business. Thanks for putting up with all the extra stresses all these years, we appreciate it. I’ll keep an eye on your web site to keep up with your projects.
Hi, Dan:
Just saw your announcement – sorry to see the show end, but I understand and you KNOW you will be missed. I grew up in a “car” family; my Dad worked for GM, we had a metal lathe in the basement and a garage full of tools. Helping Dad change the oil from age 5, rebuilding lawn mower engines with him at age 7, replacing brakes and carbs at age 10, all those things helped make me who I am today. Thank you for your time and efforts in putting this show on. I sincerely appreciate your pursuit of excellence.
The first time I saw your show, I thought to myself “there’s a real pr*#k!” but the more I watched, the more I came to realize that you were simply extremely passionate about your builds. I have loved watching each and every episode. You produced a show about car restoration and modifications that didn’t have to rely on going for the joke. Too many other shows on Velocity (now MotorTrends) try too hard to be entertaining. You focused on what mattered most – the builds. I will sorely miss your show and wish you continued success.
Paul,I spit all over my laptop when I read your comment about Dan.Felt the exact same way after the first show.After I saw how much Dan cares about his crew and doing the best thing possible for his customer I too was hooked.I have to admit I almost hunted down a first gen mustang fastback owner until I saw it parked out front for sale.There was also a certain BOY pretending to be a man with a red beetle who came close to needing tnose crutches for a lot longer than planned!LOL?Dan,after seeing how you handled some,lets just say problematic car owners I gained a lot of respect for you.
You will be sorely missed!
James Gordon
I live here in Norfolk and I will miss the show but I sure can understand the decision. No car guy or mechanic likes to be watched constantly while he works, I can’t imagine being filmed constantly like that, plus all of the extra stuff that comes with filming a TV show. The one time I visited the shop, my favorite memory is of Heidi bringing a stuffed animal and bumping me on the leg with it. Real life is more important than what goes on film. Life is better without stress. Best Wishes to you all.
Thanks very much for the six-plus years! Like so many have expressed I also enjoyed the show and have been educated. I’m glad the shop will still be open for business because I may just be visiting you for some restoration work in the near future.
All the Best
Toronto, Canada
Loved the show Dan! I can’t imagine the intrusion on the workflow and trying to run a normal business and completely understand the decision from a personal and employee point of view. I keep saying, I wonder where this guy went, and that guy went. This makes a lot of sense. We appreciate the show and enjoyed your personality in it. Also sharing costs and labor times which NOBODY ELSE does, that part is truly insightful. Wishing you all the best from the Northwest.
Everything you mentioned is so true. I don’t know how he did it for so long. I’ve got all the respect in the world for Dan and his entire crew.
Your show was my favorite of all the programing on Velocity (now Motor Trend). As a retired military, I really love your approach on doing things right the first time around. Your professionalism and candor will be missed. Best of luck & keep doing what you do best: Excellent Craftsmanship.
Dear Dan and crew at fantom works, thank you for showing us the fine art of quality automotive restoration and repair. If I could ever afford my dream car (69 dodge charger) I would defenitely bring it to fantom works, you guys have a awesome passion for the classics and do a awesome job, and do it the right way.
Hello Dan (Family and Crew),
I gotta say, like what has been said REPEATEDLY here, You (etal) are an AWESOME TEAM!
Since I first “discovered” your show; I (my Dad, friends, co-workers) have been fans. BEAUTIFUL craftsman ship! How you and your team manage to correct some of the issues presented to you is awesome.
My Dad is a retired mechanic (now 81yoa) and we love to sit and watch you guys at work. I am sorry to see the show end but, as has been said, I get it. I get a big ear-to-ear grin when you guys hit a rough spot on a build and your sweatin’ a storm and let s blurp of frustration go. It reminds me of working with my Dad and Grandpa.
Thanks for doing what you do! GREAT tribute to auto mechanics, restorations and craftsmanship.
I totally agree. Don’t think we will ever see another show as good.
love that old shop I worked in a couple buildings like yours I n penna and had dogs like hedi good luck tom h alva fla
Your show was one of the few I would stop to watch. It was fun to watch as each vehicle took shape knowing what actually goes into making each one a work of art! The show was fun to watch, and I learned something in the process. Good luck!
Hi Dan, good luck to you and your team. These shows can bring a lot of visibility to a business, and a lot of the time we viewers forget what it takes to do a production from this. I’m amazed that some of these programs like Fantomworks stay on the air as long as they do due to the disruption of what made your business successful. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your world and I only wish you, your family and employees only the best and hope you and yours can take a vacation sometime in the future to relax at least for a few days before the next project comes rolling thru the doors…
Thanks Dan, to you and your crew. We will miss your smiling face.
Hi Dan, just to come to the point, THANK YOU so much for everything you went through. You are a Class Act and of course, my favorite car show. You provide years of TV enjoyment but I know there had to be a toll. THANK YOU AGAIN!!!
Thank you for sharing the amazing restorations, your teams talents, skills, creativity and passions.
All my best
Dan, from one old Army test pilot to another, my wife and I have enjoyed your show. it saddens us to know you decided to quit. BUT, your decision was yours. we support you and your shop. my dream is to, one day, have one of your cars.
thanks, Dave
Dan, you and your team are positive workers. Your team starts a car that has either been improperly repaired and you all complete it 100%. In good working order body wise, electric and mechanical. I will miss you and your crew. If I need work done I would look you up!
Yes Dan I really loved your show and I will dearly miss it wish you could have stayed on the are you all were the best show on TV you didn’t slam the cars on the ground and put our bags under the like everyone else does I appreciate what you do thank you very much
My father who is 87 and I especially will miss your wonderful show.To me,your show was different from all the others because of your professionalism and the complete absence of these stupid childish pranks that ruin the others.I know you lost money on many of those builds but because of your huge heart and that wonderful crew the cars got done to the same high standard and usually under budget.Always felt proud that the best vehicle restoration show on TV is located just a few miles from my home in Yorktown!Dan,you set a remarkably high standard for your show that I feel will never be duplicated by anyone else.You and your crew will be deeply missed!
Thank You
While I will miss the show, I appreciate the amount of skill and craftsmanship you and the team at DRS have shown the audience. Watching the show has made the “When I win the lottery I’m going to get my dads truck restored” an easy one. I hope to visit the shop on a Friday tour in the near future!!
You will all be missed.Thank you for sharing your work with is for these past years.
I think most folks can fully understand the effect of stresses on you and your crew and also your need to return to a “normal” life. I will say as others that I’ve enjoyed the show and felt often that I was “in on the conversation”. This is a model for other car restoration, modification shows in that you presented your crew as professionals, without the need for excessive drama or conflict. It was a fun shop to hang around. Thanks.
Wow very unusual to hear a honest man speak. You are truly a great person. Thank you for your time out of your life. I am a corvette owner. (1965 coupe) when we were in not too much respect for the military. New day new light. Aim high! Go navy.
Dan –
First and foremost, thanks for allowing us into your shop and into your lives for the time that you have. I enjoyed your candid, no-BS style of managing your builds, customers and employees. I also appreciate your past military service, as my son, niece and nephew all currently serve our country. It’s great to see how excellence in one discipline can be parlayed into excellence in another after retiring from the military. All the best as you continue to move forward and create rolling works of art.
Respectfully –
your show will be missed. its a quality program. it has shown what really goes on a shop of this type. I visited your shop because of the tv program and I talk about a lot. good luck in the future.
Hello Dan,
I would like to say THANK YOU for all the good experiences you and your team share with us.
We will miss your program and the nice cars your shop rebuilded.
The best of the best for all of you.
Carlos from Brazil
I always enjoyed watching Fantom Works over any other “car show” You an your team were always doing the right thing – and producing some beautiful cars- without the usual BS that other shows seem to have. We will look forward to the reruns if you have any. I would imagine that dealing with so many people that there were a few troublesome people who showed up from time to time. Dan- Your show was top notch from start to finish -every show a keeper. You and your crew will certainly be missed.
Best wishes as your organization moves forward in the coming years. From a viewers point of view I enjoyed the show, however, had no idea regarding the stress levels involved and the issues surrounding the complexity of filming the shows. I’ll continue to dream about towing my 1951 Chevy Styleline Deluxe back East for a make-over.
Good luck and cheers,
Dan…. your show is absolutely the best on TV. I certainly understand your position but know that experiencing your car builds will be greatly missed. How about doing a “special” every once in a while?
Dan: i have just realized you will quit the tv show. I am very upset with the show ending. We love your work, your principles and respect you a lot in my home. I am writing from Brazil and you have no idea how many fans you have here. Good luck! We will.miss you and your staff. Regards from Brazil
Dear Dan and Crew, it has been a sad day to hear that I won’t be able to watch your amazing team and yourself show the world just how much is involved in repairing not only the mechanical items but the bodywork as well. I have been working on cars since I was a young age, but due to health issues, I’ve been left disabled and bedridden for the last 18 years. Watching your show has given me great joy over the time the show has been going. My first car was a 1963 Pontiac Laurentian, 4 door, I bought the car in Arizona and shipped it back to Australia in 1988 and I did a total nut and bolt restoration that took me 5 years to do on my own, I was so proud of my car that it was ready in time for me when I got my license, but unfortunately my father took my car and sold it from under me, I was shattered, but I will be coming back this year to buy a car that has already completely restored, but I want you and only you to go over the car before I ship it back to Australia with me.
I’m going to miss you Dan and everyone from Phantom works, and I’m sure I can speak for most people in Australia that watch your show in sending the same message. Take care and I look forward to your further posts online and videos.
Kind regards Jason O’Keefe.
Dan and crew sad to see you guys hang it up as far as the tv show always enjoyed watching the cars come apart then be reassembled.i always thought you guys had the best car show out there showing how tedious it was to work on cars to the highest of luck in the furture.thanks Chas.
they butt heads that come out to start shit for no reason but to get attention, at least you will not have to worry about that. I have enjoyed your show ever since it started and I whish you I just hate at I’m not going to be able to get my 87 GMC 4×4 Sierra Classic fixed by you. See you later
It has been very enjoyable watching all the projects you at FantomWorks showed us on TV. My friends and I agree that from all the car shows we watched yours was more “real” than most. Your guys talents are great…..I have worked on cars as a pass time for 50 years and know its not always easy but always satisfying . Its sad it has to end but I wonder if this move will allow more time available for some of us who have maybe a ’69 camaro in need of some metal work?
My wife and I really enjoyed watching your show and visiting your showroom. Meeting everyone was a real treat. Not to mention all the cars/boats/truck and plane you restored and made functional and beautiful again. Thanks for much for doing this all these years and we will certainly stop by again to check on you and the gang.
Your show was one of the best things about owning a classic car. My wife and I loved it and always talk it up with friends and family. I even made “Fan Car”. We will surely miss it. If you were closer to NJ, my car would be there annually. Keep up the great work.
Warm Regards
Dan, so sorry to hear the show is over, it’s the only real and honest one on TV. My wife and I had the pleasure of meeting you during a shop tour last summer and will stop by again if in the area. You are truly a stand up guy. Wishing you the best in the future and we will miss seeing you and the crew each week.
Dear Mr. Dan Short,
I will miss the show. It is true once more “Every thing has a price”. I am sorry for the price that you personally and your crew had to pay. As a viewer we don’t see what it takes to make a great show. We are shielded from the cost on people, all we see working craftsman and women producing a product with unbelievable results and pride.
To your crew I wish to say Thank You for giving the viewer a better idea of what it takes to bring a car from a steel mill candidate to a family heirloom.
I hope that life will get back on track for you and your crew.
Hopefully I will find ” The Complete Series of Fantom Works on DVD.
Kindest Regards,
Kenneth W. Shilts
Dan short and sweet. Loved your show and the guys doing the work. I’ve enjoyed many episodes and it’s been inspiring to keep me working on my project. I can surely understand how tough it must have been on all of y’all. Thanks for giving us great memories. Look forward to reruns for a long time.
Hi dan I live in Tasmaina have watch your show from the start and you guys will be missed what l loved about your show was you gave price of rebuilds and how long they took your shop which help us guys what we are about to undertake ourselves lol the other thing would be good if you had something like Dennis Collins Collins bros Jeep has is his coffee walk I really like the Route 66 trip so keep up your awesome work and we will be looking for you down under
Cheers michael
I loved your show your qualty of restoration and your attention to detail fantastic
Iloved your comment if you had to choose between the customer and the car you would choose the car
Best wishes for a continuing successful business
The skills that you and your team possess are disappearing at an alarming rate
I will continue to follow you on your website and newsletter
Best wishes for 2019 and beyond
Dan and team,
It has been a real pleasure watching your show while it was on Velocity/MotorTrend. The way you conducted business was nice to see. As a military national guard retiree, I can appreciate your service as well. Understand your reasons, and want to thank you for all that we got to see while it was on.
My wife and I love the show and talk it up all the time. I’m proud to have been a “Fan Car” as well. We will surely miss you and your “Dan-isms”. If you were closer to NJ, I would be in there with my 63 vette annually.
Warm Regards,
Dan I will miss your show but I understand why you have to call end to the filming. Thank you for letting us see the fine work you do on restoring not only cars but boats and air plains.
I have had a 1965 Corvette in a shop and had a frame off restoration done and know how stresfull it can get between the shop and the customer. Mine took 8 months. Keep up the good work you and your guys are doing and thank you again for your giving us 6 years of the show
I will certainly miss your show. The crew you assembled and their talent is remarkable. How they ever got things done and on time is a miracle only you and they could have performed.I have watched the show since finding it on cable years ago and have not missed one since, I even watched the “second showing of the episodes. No one showed a sign of stress while filming but it had to put incredible pressure on all. I will continue to monitor the website and be able to download as much as possible. Thanks again for a great experience in the automotive world.
So very to see you go but I do understand. Thank you so much for your 6 1/2 years of coming into my home and being part of my family. It meant so much. God Bless you and the crew my friend and until we meet again.
Thank you for allowing everyday people to see what it takes to truly restore a car. Your honesty always shined through. If I am lucky enough to get my hands on a restoration project expect a visit. Thank you to you, your wife and your crew.
From an absolutely devoted fan from Australia I offer the following. Dan to you, your obviously devoted wife and family and especially your magnificent crew of artisans and craftsmen and women it is with great disappointment to read of your decision to finish up with the show. BUT I firmly believe without the extra stress of filming the show gone, your business will grow and continue to grow in the future based on the totally honest approach you have with your customers and your attitude to the work your Team does from start to finish. Good health to you all for the future and in particular your support of Veterans!!!
Dan, after owning & operating a repair and restoration shop for 30 years, I commend you on your entire operation. You and it are the “real deal”. Your show , from the first customer interview to the actual work to the final invoice and the reveal showed me that you truly care about the customer and the end product, rare in today’s business environment. And one more thing, I loved your BRAKE tests !
Just want to express gratitude for you and your crew’s efforts to educate and entertain. Love the show and understand the impact to your family and business. Best wishes to all and hope I get to take the tour some day.
Just read your comments regarding ending your fine program. This is not a Happy New Year message. Understand your frustration but will sorely miss your show.
Very best to you, your family and your crew.
Jacques B
Gravenhurst, ontario.
Dan i have watched the show a long time, my daughter and granddaughters live in Chessapeak and i visit often i have been trying to get to a tour now i will. I built 2 cars a 69 Coronet R/T and a 72 Dart Prostreet see you and the guys soon. Thanks Dan
Sorry to see your show come to an end. Your show caught the true meaning of restoring a car with all the hardships of finding parts and thing that you go through. You have a heart of gold putting up with the good and the bad. Your team of employees are perfectionist in the jobs they do. You will be miss!!!
So sorry to hear that you are ending the show. My wife and I enjoyed watching and many a time she would say how knowledgable you were
We loved seeing the great cars you turned out and let me tell you your show will be missed in our household. Thanks for all the entertainment you passed our way. Good luck in the future and I hope you will return to the tv again.
Dan, nooooo! I have enjoyed Fantom Works so much and while I understand your reasoning, I am so disappointed you are leaving television. I like Dave Kindig’s show and a few others but Fantom was my favorite. Anyway Dan, best of luck and blessings to you and your family and crew.
You had the most honest car show of them all!
This is bullshit no more shows i will miss it alot here in NY. Thanks good luck maybe your shop can return on tv hope so.
Hey Dan and Crew: Sorry to learn that your FantomWorks show will end but I certainly understand and agree with your reasoning.
I wanted to say publicly that of all the car shows that I watch, yours is the only one that presents an adult image of car restoration. Virtually all the rest present the image of a bunch of clowns playing for the camera instead of presenting quality workmanship (Chip Foose and Overhaulin would be a potential exception). I’ve been car nut since age 5 in 1940 and yet I’ve still learned new techniques and tricks from watching your show. Thanks for being the adults in the room.
I watched the show weekly and really enjoyed it. Dan and his staff brought back good television again. I’m going to miss all the good cars coming back to life. Thank you then good luck and God-bless
Hi Dan,
Love your honesty and integrity. Your FantomWorks show has been the best car show on TV. But I do understand the need to move on and get back to “real” life and business.
Your show, especially the recent Boss 302 episode and the “Salty Shelby” episode from a few years ago, has provided lots of inspiration towards the 1970 Mustang restoration project my son-in-law and I are about to tackle (as soon as he gets back from his current deployment).
I hope to see you on the shop tour I’ll be attending when I’m in Norfolk on the 19th.
Craig Cline
San Diego, CA
Hi Dan and all at Fantomworks.Very sad to hear the show is ending but have thoroughly enjoyed it and completely understand your reasons for bringing it to an end.
It’s been a total pleasure seeing your team at work and I could never decide which sub-team I admired the most – metal fab, paint, mechanical etc. I don’t know, I guess all of them! What I did appreciate is how your team brought complex issues to life and understanding in front of the cameras, and made it so interesting.
I have to say, my wife is an avowed non-car person. All she wants to know is that hers starts up and runs every morning. So, on the occasions when she actually watched the show with me, got her head out of her smartphone for a moment and commented on an aspect of this build or that build – well, that’s high praise indeed!
I think artisanship is used in an overrated way, but I can definitely say that any person – car nut or not – could come away from an episode of FW and agree they saw artisans at work.
Best of luck for your futures and keep up the good work. Maybe from time to time you could post a vlog on your website covering your best builds?..
will miss watching you show here in Canada;). Good luck to you and your family in your new venture, what ever it is but first take time to relax.
I totally agree. I also live in Canada and watching Fantomworks was a weekly thing. It was treasured and will be sorely missed
Dan, I will definitely miss watching the show but totally understand how much toll it has taken on you and your staff! I had my own business for five years and it can consume your life. I visited last year to get a few tee shirts and will return some day for a tour. I think you made a lot of people happy over the years with the work you did on their vehicles and you have been generous at times not charging for labor or a reduction in parts. I doubt that many shops would be that generous. Thank you for all your efforts to provide such a realistic car show.
I can only imagine the stress and burden of producing such a show – on the owners, the employees, the production crews, customers, and everyone. I also appreciate the efforts to provide a true representation of the work and dedication involved in the projects at your shop. While I’ll miss seeing new restorations, I enjoyed the opportunity to take a peek into the inner workings of Fantomworks. I wish the best for all as you move forward!
Thanks again!
Dan, I just wanted to say that I treasure your show. The crew of Fantom Works truly are craftsman at their trade and are a joy to watch. I will sorely miss the show but I completely understand your reasoning for discontinuing to do it. I thank you for the time you have brought me for watching the show, watching you all craft some of the most amazing vehicles I have ever seen. Thank you and I hope to bring you my C4 for restoration soon. God Bless you all
Of all the shows on tv that deal with vehicle restoration this is by far the best. I like the fact Dan is a no bullshit kinda guy and I just watched him tell a return customer to fuck off. You can trust a guy like Dan. Everyone laughed and then they looked at the panel van. If I ever need services I would take my vehicle to the US to get it done.
This show will be missed. I only hope they play reruns.
Like every commenter here I am saddened to learn of this end to a foundation automobile television program. And by foundation I mean I have in the past and will in the future judge all automobile related programs to Fantomworks. I wish you all at FantomWorks my sincerest desire for your success in the future . In my opinion Fantomworks was the best automobile related program available and someone made a huge, huge mistake.
Loved the show and the passion you yourself and the team put into every car.
Good luck fot the future Dan and the team at FantomWorks
From sunny England
Hi Dan,
Do you teach or have an apprenticeship program? I’m a woman and I really want to learn how to fix cars because I’m tired of being over charged. I live in Chester, VA (15 min. south of Richmond).
Dear Dan, Team and Families.
I naturally respect your decision, too bad, what a Top Series.
I am a Dutch Veteran and I am sick. I have seen and repeated your Shows, over and over, it has me and now helps me with the hours I unfortunately have to spend in bed.
I wish you, your Team, Family and friends a lot of work, happiness and good health.
I Salute you and thank you from my heart for these great shows that give me a drive to spend my bad time in bed for the last time, but also to the future.
Dan, thanks 👍💪
Excuses my bad English
Dan, you will be sorely missed by me, but I certainly understand the need to move on. Like the others, I thought you were a complete jerk until I saw how passionate and professional you are. If I had the means you’d be my first choice for a restoration. Good luck and best wishes! Maybe you can post a little something on YouTube occasionally and keep us up to date.
Dear Dan,
I’ve watched the show from day 1 and have watched several of the same builds over and over. I’m very disappointed the show is ending but I completely understand your discussion. I’m very sorry to hear of your fathers passing, I lost my Dad 10 years ago he is the reason why I’m such a gear head. It was great as fan while it lasted but there is that saying “all good things must come to an end”
Good luck
I just became aware of the show’s end. I’m devastated. It is my favorite show by far. But, I’m glad you published the reasons for the end of its production and I can totally understand the reasons.
My wife has been after me to send you my 57 Chevrolet to perform the body and paint work, and possibly the entire restoration if I can let go of the money. I have a few projects within my capabilities to complete first.
I hope to meet you some day and have your team work my Chevy. I have enjoyed your show more than you’ll ever know. Thanks for enduring the difficulties in creating it.
I am saddened to see that this show will no longer air – I watched numerous episodes (I don’t think I have seen them all yet) and have learned numerous skills and techniques watching you & your team do what they do. Your shop is my choice (if I ever win the lottery) where I will take my rides to have them restored, or the ultimate resto-mod. You will be missed. (Hey – maybe all episodes on DVD?)
The only REAL “reality show”. Your facial expressions on road tests will be in my mind forever. There is no shame in going out on your own terms. JD FLETCHER Greenville NC
I wish you and your craftsmen and mechanics the very best, tell you that I have enjoyed watching all of the seasons of the show. I was disappointed to hear that the show was ending, but in reading your explanation, it makes sense given the burden it imposed. I enjoyed your efforts much more than the myriad of other shows with their hot rod custom builds, with suspensions slammed to the ground. I’m glad that people like you are preserving automotive history, and doing it to such an excellent standard. Continued success,and thanks.
Dan, After writing you asking if it was true the show was ending, I saw the message as to why. I fully understand now and still want you to know that you and the show will be missed. I have seen over the years that you’re a no nonsense man who is honest in letting people know just how it is when it comes to their cars. Thank you for all you’ve done and your continued regard for cars as to safety and restorations.
I truly enjoyed your show as it was one of the few car shows that did not try to do anything other than restore cars to their original beauty. I always respected a self made person who took their passion and turned it into a profession. I hope you and your family rebound and thank you for the hours of entertainment.
Thank you Dan,
Having never realized what a burden it was, I am grateful you and your wife stuck it out. I am hoping I will be able to take a tour of the shop some day. Thanks for showing us what a great shop can be.
Ed Dowdy
To the whole crew and Dan Short
I have been working on cars for nearly 50 years. Watching your show has raised my awareness of doing things right not sacrificing safety and reliability to save a few dollars. My 4 cars are now safer and more reliable taking the message you put out in every show that safety is your paramount task when building a car for a customer. It was a lesson not lost on me thank you very much! Good luck to you and your crew and I hope to get there the next time I am on the east coast.
Jim L
Dan and crew,
I enjoy your show, your show is one of the best. I hate that your decided to quit, but understandable. You and your crew do outstanding work return classic cars back to their glory.
Chad T.
Having the great pleasure of meeting Dan and his lovely wife on a shop tour back in Oct of ’18, I really didn’t know what to expect. Was Dan a scripted “hands on owner”, or did his wife just stop in for filming after Jazzercize lessons? Let me tell you both statements couldn’t be further from the truth.
Arriving at the shop for the tour, we saw Dan walking down the street, dirt and sweat from head to toe. His wife greeted my family at the door and the nicest person you would want to meet. Very down to earth people.
Mr. Short engaged alot with my 7 yr old son near the end of the tour.
I really don’t know how they were able to go as long as they did with the show. Running this kind of business can be such a pain in the a** at times, let alone the intensity of having a film crew all over you.
Prayers and best wishes to you Mr. Short, your family and your shop.
Being an avid fan of the Velocity network. The various shows that I enjoyed. I knew there would be change by the ” Motor Trend” thing.
It is all in the $$$$$$ as usual. Have to wonder that since with the internet….and magazine sales of all kinds going by the wayside or being terribly reduced in size with more ads than substance. ( This Old House Magazine I think is about half its old size now ) It doesn’t surprise me. I’m sure there will be more changes in the time to come.
Hi Dan,
I’m watching the Phaeton episode as I write this… for the 3rd time. I will truly miss your show – it emboldened me to do more work on my late model BMW and to be more imaginative in everything from car repair to home repair. That, and the recorded episodes provided a great escape at the end of a work day or week. Thank you for the many years of dedication it took to put your team’s talent on display, and for being an honest, earnest and upright guy for us all to admire.
Steven R
Lake Oswego, OR
Everyone at FantomWorks,
The only car show that my wife was interested in watching with me. Sad, to say the least, but we understand that sanity and continuity in the shop is everything. We appreciate the opportunity to glimpse into your world and hope to actually see the shop in person one day. Thank y’all for the years of entertainment.
I could tell that things were not right the last season. Dan, from your zombie, “thousand yard stare” during monologues it ways obvious that you were beyond fatigue. I’ve been there and it ruins your life. You had the only sincere, adult restoration show on TV. Always looked forward to it. Get some rest and get your life back.
Dan, I am a 67 year-old grandmother who never had any interest in the mechanics of a car beyond how fast I could get it to the shop for the work to be done. I discovered Fantomworks while channel surfing last year and it became must see TV for me from that moment on. You and your crew became another family for me and, while I understand your reasons for ending the show, I am going to truly miss all of you. I’ve been going back and watching some of the older shows On Demand for a while now and I will continue that for as long as they are available. Blessings and good luck to you, your family, and your crew.
I have watched every show for many months I did not discover the show till about a year ago. I have watched and recorded every repeat that I could find. Fantom Works and Dan has been such an important part of each week for me. I am 82 years old and pretty much confined to home. Dan, has been of particular interest as In grew up with a father who was the service manager of a Lincoln Mercury Garage. I have watched almost all the other car shows but I find Fantom Works the most realistic as there is not the theatrics. Dan, is a real manager. He is there for his crew with either advise or will pick up a tool and join them to fix the problem.
Dan and the crew will be missed. I only wish I had a car that I could bring to them. Thank you for many enjoyable hours. Please notify me by email if any thing happens that might change the present situation.
Thank you,
My favorite car show!!! Really hate to see it go but after reading Dan’s letter I understand. I wish Dan and the shop the best and hope to see FantomWorks on tv again someday.
just so sad to see one of the best car shows go away loved that show
Just wanted to say thank you to Dan and the crews for sharing with us for all these years. I have felt the whole time like a kid sweeping floors, just trying to stay out of the pros way, but wishing I could get in there and wrench with you all. What a gift you gave us, but completely understand why it had to end after reading your post. I hope that the bills clear up in short order and I am sure you all will be a welcome sight at automotive events for many years to come. All the very best to all of you!
I have enjoyed your show tremendously. It is the best of the bunch. Your passion and the passion of your people is evident in every car you build. One of the things on my bucket list is a 1965 GTO. My first car was a ‘65 Goat, and I want to have another. I can think of no better compliment for you and your team than this …….. when I am ready to have the car built, I want your team to be the one to build it. Until then I wish you and your team the best in all things. Hope to meet you someday.
I must say that you will be very sorely missed. Your show was one that I could not miss. My wife has gained a lot of respect for “car nuts” like ourselves. I am glad that you posted the grueling schedule necessary for filming over one and two years. Also your reasons concerning your need for private time.
I particularly liked the episode on the 1954 Oldsmobile Rocket 88 and its entry into the Mille Miglia.
Good luck in the future, Dan.
My favorite show on MT/Velocity there is not a more honest show on TV, maybe one day I can bring my numbers matching 69 Z28 Camaro by the shop. Thanks Dan and crew all will be sadly missed.
Dear Dan We are going to miss your show terribly.You are a man after my own heart, no BS,you tell it like it is. Customers always knew what their project would entail before work was begun,and anything occurring along the way,was always brought to their attention. Also,many times you were out in the shop working with your guys,and not some owner who avoided work at all costs.We were also able to see much of the fabrication needed to make these cars the gems that they became. My wife and I enjoyed the body work the most ,since her dad had his own body shop which is now being run by our nephews.Brought back a lot of great memories,as I restored a 1964 Chevelle Convertable in my garage and when I ran into trouble with body work,I would call her dad and he could diagnose the problem and help me through the situation over the phone,he was that good. You remind me of a younger version of him,although he was fantastic at leading in a seam,saw the episode where you were leading a quarter panel.It was only his last few years when body filler came into use.Your workers were always determined to to do the job right and not just “good enough”.Good luck to you and your wife and staff in the future.
I was shocked and disappointed to see that the series was ending, but after reading your reason, I totally understand. The maximum effort that I watched every week, is something that people do when they love their work. But when the necessities of broadcasting interfere, and effect you and your people, it is amazing that you all kept your professional integrity for so long. Your repairs and restorations are amazing and all without making cars into caricatures. I hope you can recoup your financial burden from the sharks as soon as possible, and know that all your work was an inspiration to people who value the memories we all have, of our cars and families who love their cars.
man, I’m going to miss the show, watched every one many times. I had dan make a set of blue flame 6 emblems for my chevy street rod.
Dan your show will truly be missed. I totally understand your reason for canceling the show. I’m sure filming was a bitch. Sad to see you go though. Hopefully one day I can get a chance to ride up and get a tour of the shop. Thank you for putting forth a quality show and trying to stay true to who you are.
I feel like my favorite neighbors are moving and I won’t be able to see them anymore.
Dear Dan,
I am heartbroken that your show is ending. After reading your explanation, I fully understand why but it doesn’t hurt any less. My admiration for you personally is beyond words. You are truly a great American! And thank you for your service!
Your insistence on doing things RIGHT is so rare these days. Your crew deserves a standing ovation for their work and dedication. I suspect you are not easy to work for but they know your requirement on first class work is non negotiable so it goes with the territory.
I can only wish you, your wonderful wife Melissa, and your entire crew (plus Heidi) nothing but the best. Hopefully removing the complications associated with filming a TV show while doing the amazing work you do will make you life easier. Since I probably won’t ever get the chance to meet you and shake your hand, I can only wish you all the best and hope you can now enjoy the success you richly deserve!
Well this sucks. You had the best restoration show on tv since Boyd died and his show ended no more Foose Thanks for all the time and effort you and all your crew put in Your work is bad ass
Your show is my favorite out of all of the car build shows on tv. Gonna miss the hell out of it.
I saw today on MotorTrend that your show was ending. Came to the website to see if it is true. Read your reason for ending the show, and was amazed you didn’t end it sooner. Be proud of the show you gave us. Its one of the best I’ve seen. We had a chat at A-Bodies Only (Mopar site) a few months ago about Auto TV shows and yours was the most talked about as far as being real and true for fanatics of classis cars. I will miss it but am glad I was able to see it for 6.5 yrs.
I hope to get down to Norfolk sometime in the near future to take the tour.(I’ll bring pics of my 72 Demon I’m working on)
I’ll miss you and your crew, Dan, but understand and wish you the best.
well said, sir. watching this program has shown, among some very high quality automotive programming, the by far best total entity of work done to make old vehicles like new. taught us all a lot, the show will be missed, but by far, our best wishes to Dan Short and his crew, along with show production crews, for giving us entertaining and meaningful lessons on how to take care of vehicles. will be missed,, but I Praise Jesus for reruns too.
Dan and crew,
I absolutely love your show and was sad to see it go but after reading your explanation it makes perfect sense. Thank you for the explanation. Thank you for sharing your builds with us for the past 6 plus years despite all the problems and financial difficulties it caused. I wish you, your crew and family all the best. God Bless.
Thanks for “Fantomworks”. My wife and I loved your show.
Dan thank you for your time and hard effort in putting together a great show. The work your shop has put together and shown is outstanding in every way. Very sad to see your show go but your decision to call lt is the best,you family and health is priceless and most of all your giving you time from your father was I am sure extremely hard to do. I can relate to that. My prayers are with you and thank you for the honest and up front answer to closing the show.
Your show was real. I will miss it immensely. Most of the rest are flat billed hat wearing style over substance types. hate unique rides, etc. You were the best…..farewell to FANTOMWORKS….farewell to MT.
I am a fan of the show and of all the cars you restored throughout the years out of all the shows on TV I believe yours was the most realistic and the restorations were being done for the right reason not for the dollar but for the love of the cars. Well watching your show so many memories came back of being in my father’s garage working on our cars together. Country car and family.
Like so many other people have said, FantomWorks is my favorite car show. It’s my favorite because it’s focused on the cars and the reality of working on old iron. So many times it has reminded me of growing up, helping my dad with the restomods (that wasn’t a word back then) we did back in the day.
That said, I fully understand your decision to stop. You and your team are full of passion and skill, but it’s focused on cars not on television production.
You already said it best, “If we have to pick between you and your car, we’re not picking you.” Thanks for living up to that statement.
Best wishes for a long and happy future.
Sorry to see your show end. However, after reading your post above I understand.
Your shoe will be missed. What I’m seeing as new shows will MSU’s me miss your show even more.
David Grosd
To everyone at Fantomworks, thank you for an awesome show. I learned so much and I enjoyed watching all of you do such quality work. That mentality doesn’t exist much these days
Good luck to all of you.
Dan – My wife and I are very sad to see the show go, but understand the toll it has been taking on the shop and you and your family. The show stood head and shoulders above by showing realistic timelines for car restoration projects (not done in two weeks!). Your devotion to getting things right is a testament to your character and the charter you run the business by. We will miss the show, we wish you and the business continued success!
Thank and God Bless you Dan, your family, and amazing crew for hours upon hours of entertainment. As you can see from the many comments you have touched all of us with your professionalism, integrity, and grit. My girlfriend couldn’t care less about cars but she always asks is the SEAL guys car show on, followed by I really like him he seems like a great person. Thank you for your service to our country and your service to all the automotive community fans of your show. We wish you the best in the future. Like many fans on this post I wouldn’t trust anyone more than your team to massage my T Bird into one of the gorgeous works that come out of your shop. Wishing the best to all of you!
It has been an honor and a privilege to watch you and your crew work on endless classics and soo many sentimental builds.
You are an honorable, revered, and respected person and builder.
Although, I haven’t been able to indulge financially in a meaningful project, I would easily know and choose, without reservation to bring any opportunity I have, to you.
There are many quality builders out there, but few, if any, match your dedication and appreciation, and duty to provide the very best care, in spite of, sometimes, your clients lack of vision.
Cb Pekala
Dan…..You, your crew and your show FantomWorks will honestly be missed by many. This is one of the best shows offered by Velocity (now Motor Trend). My friends and I enjoy the awesome cars you restore and the passion and detail you and your crew put into each project. I still plan to visit your shop one day. I hope you and your family find peace and focus on the most important thing in life…..each other! Take care and God bless!
Dan I build cars too…..your a true professional and I try to emulate you everything must be spot on or redo it! Sorry to here of your debt and will miss your show! Godspeed Fantoworks!
So many of the car shows are there are jokes staffed by people trying to be funny, but only successful at looking stupid. Your approach, and that of your staff is what I would want applied to my project. The attention to detail is outstanding. It’s too bad TV couldn’t support a quality show like yours. Good luck to you and your great staff.
Dear Dan—We just realized you are leaving tv. I too have enjoyed every episode. I’m an old car guy, still in the hobby @ 78. When I started @ 14 if I’d seen your show it probably would have changed my career. As a vet, we want to thank you for your service & your military background was evident in each show. We mourned the loss of Ed China, but this is even harder. The best of luck to you and your family.
Hey Dan, as a car buff for nearly all of my 73 years, my Wife and I will miss seeing you and your crew very much. I always told her that you were the guy I would want to work on my cars, because you would accept nothing but perfection. What a great work ethic. Keep up the great work, we will miss you terribly.
As a member of the motor sports press, I get the stress and the costs of “fame” and how difficult it was to pull off what you did. Thank you for sharing, I wish you a good life.
I bet that your shop’s morale does go up when the “urgency music” and the “stressed out drum beats” go away tho. It’s bad enough to have something screw up when you just hear swearing…. (grins).
Dan Thank You and all your wonderful employees for the best show on Velocity. Had no idea of how hard it was to make your show so great, thanks for the sacrifice. Happy for you all to get your lives back. Best wishes for you all your future is bright.
Well, I have to say thank you, but with great sadness. I had the pleasure, when younger to own a couple of what they call classics now, a 1969 Road Runner and a 1969 Mustang Mach 1, also a 1970 Cougar XR7, that was my first car, anyway, your show was the only one that kept my interest, I think Dan has done a tremendous job and this show will be sorely missed. There are other car shows but none with the quality and talent of Dan Short. Hate to see it end Dan, we will miss you.
MAJ Short,
My son and I have watched every episode of FantomWorks together, and I was shocked to see the commercial on MotorTrend today that the final episode was going to air. Your life and mine parallel somewhat; we’re both retired Soldiers, we were both in Special Forces and we were both in Aviation. In my case, I was on a SOT-A team, MID, 2/10th SFG(A). In my earlier years I was a 67N and loved my time at Mother Rucker, wrenching and flying on the UH-1H…damn shame the Army took it out of service.
May all of your future endeavors prove to be as fruitful for you, your family and your crew, as watching FantomWorks has been enjoyable for me.
De Oppresso Liber…that motto has great meaning, especially in your case with the show.
Take care,
SFC Lynes (ret)
Thank you for sharing your love of cars with the viewers. I loved your show and want you to know it will certainly be missed. Best of luck.
Hello Dan, as I’ve read others who feel the same way as we do, me and my husband Ron will surely miss your show. We feel that your show is one of the best shows that are on Motor Trend. We could feel the love of cars you have and could feel and see, that at times, your anger at the cars and people you had to deal with. Your show was a joy to watch and learn from. We’ll both miss it and may God bless you and your family and the staff there at Fantom Works. Anita and Ron Johnson
I’m not a car guy by trade, the most I’ve done on my car is change oil/filter, brake pads, coolant, spark plugs (I4 only) and wires, and lights (inside and out). And I’ve replaced one thermostat.
But as far back as I can remember cars have stood out to me. The 1st I remember is a ’63 Impala across the street when I was 3. Red, white and chrome all over. I was hooked. Didn’t matter if it was foreign or domestic, big or small or custom, hotrod or stock. It was just the style.
Your shop is what I would hope all shops would be when it comes to professionalism and integrity.
Being that I was stationed in Norfolk from 1987 – 1997, it’s been nice seeing you driving around areas that I’ve frequented. I’m fairly certain that I’ve seen Tidewater Drive near downtown where you guys drive through that one flood zone under a road of which I do not know the name.
I just want to say thank you for giving us a glimpse into your world. It’s been a privilege and an honor.
Steve H.
Thank you for the many years and sorry for all the crap you had to deal with. You and your crew will be missed on TV, but I am glad to know you will continue to build cars.
I loved watching, I actually bought a 1969 Buick Special Deluxe in Vista, CA because I wanted you to wok on it, six years later I still cannot afford you 🙂
Thank you Dan!!!
Nilson Lopez
Valencia, CA
Mr. Short,
Thanks for the many fascinating builds through the years and for avoiding to phony tight deadline drama so many other shows manufacture. I appreciated your obvious passion and dedication to doing the right thing and just wish I had the money to bring a project to you. As a retired video producer I can only imagine the stress of operating a business like yours while dealing with long-term production issues. Good luck and hope you experience a huge reduction in stress level!
Dear Mr Short, you and your staff will be sorely missed in this household! My husband and I share a love of cars. As a young girl I would sit with my father as he fixed cars. My father owned a Chevrolet dealership and I was very fortunate to have a 62 Impala for my first car. Yes it was used and 13 years old but I loved it! I upgraded to a 70 Impala with a 350 engine. Oh how I loved that car! Meanwhile my husband had his used cars but was so lucky to get a 68 Camero! Unfortunately, he had to sell it before he deployed to Japan (Marines) and he still misses that car. We both dream of finding our special cars and we often talk about who we would want to have restore our dream cars. It always came to you and your staff. We love your perfectionism! We are happy you are not quitting due to illness and we are happy you are still restoring cars. We hope to take a tour someday. Many Blessings in your new peaceful endeavors.
Dear Mr. Short, I just wanted to let you know how much I will miss your show “FantomWorks”. It is the only television show I truly looked forward to watching. I hope that Motor Trend will continue to show reruns so that people who are just now discovering the show can enjoy its uniqueness. To me, your show exemplified so many commendable personal and business virtues: hard work and perseverance; excellence in craftsmanship; honesty and integrity in dealing with your customers; the implications of safety first; etc. I’m sorry it was an ordeal to produce and I completely understand your reason for quitting but please know that millions of viewers (like me) enjoyed it immensely. So, thanks for the 9 seasons you gave us and good luck in all your future endeavors. I’m in Texas but someday I hope to make it up your way and take the tour!
the absolute best show on Velocity/motor trend, the workmanship, dedication to detail and creative ways to fix what looked impossible kept My interest at a peak, thanks for letting us in and like all good things as they say….the best part is you and your crew never went “Hollywood” it was always about the cars. thanks and the best to you and all the Fantom Works Family…
I couldn’t believe it when my wife told me the show was ending. We have been faithful viewers from the beginning, and will truly miss the timeless adventures experience by yourself, family and crew. We wish you all the best in the future, and thanks again for the great times.
Thank you dan and the entire team at DRS, gonna miss you 😞
Dan and Company – Thanks for the many years of interesting shows. You and your team have shown me many things that I need to know working on my old cars – 64 Chevy Carryall and 61 Mercury Comet. Will miss seeing you all work wonders!
Thanks for the many years of good repair/restore shows. Hope you can get out from under all the debt. Rest up and then keep up the good work in your shop!
Thank your for your service to our country. You have my respect.
BTW, I like the brake test as it shows exactly which brake is working or not!
I like the way you enjoy testing the cars. Keep up the good work, you will be missed. Your show was the best!
I’m very sorry that the show will not go on, however I get it. My family and I were wondering how difficult it must have been to run a successful business like your while putting up with all the difficulties associated with a tv show.
Your letter about the father and son that were able to reconnect despite Alzheimer’s was very touching. It brought a tear to my eye. I’m blessed to still have my father in my life and cars are a big part of our relationship. My son and I especially enjoy watching together.
My father helped my buy my first car back in 1982, a 1969 Z/28. While it has now seen better days, my son and I dream of taking it to your shop. That dream is not dead. Someday….someday…..
Hats off to you for a great show! Glad to hear that you and your shop will be able to refocus on what you love!
Thank you,
Paul Castro
I have enjoyed your show very much and am sorry I did not find it sooner. My wife, who tolerates my viewing habits and we enjoyed your show because there was not a bunch of whining and drama. Sure there is the stress of quality and deadlines but that we understand. I own my business and I can’t imagine what this extra burden has been for you. Good luck in all your endeavors in the future and we look forward to watching all the earlier shows we have not seen. We live only about 2 hours away so we plan to take one of your tours if you continue to have them. God Bless, Jeff and Ellen Moore
I totally understand your reasoning in stepping away. I owned a custom bike shop back in the early 2000’s called Mayhem Cycles. Shop was right out back behind my house, and was run and operated by myself, my wife and 2 employees. One of our bikes made it to an Easyrider Bike Show in Columbus Ohio, didn’t win any awards, but at least was in the spotlight. Business started booming after that, and went from just scraping by monthly, to becoming able to add more up to date equipment and finally able to say we were comfortable. Out of the blue, we were contacted by a producer from the Biker Build-Off series, we were over the moon! Never did we think we were anywhere near the builders such as Billy Lane, Indian Larry and many others, but knew our industrial designs were catching on. Film crew showed up, changed all my lighting, had me add a very expensive heating and cooling system along with a ton of new wiring. Within a week we had spent well over 30,000 dollars, things we needed yes, but not at the cost that we had to pay to have these things done in such a small timeframe. The 34 days of filming were long hard hours, we incured massive overtime for our 2 employees along with the outrageous costs of our utility bills, water, electric etc having over 14 crew members on site daily. Filming was done, we were up against a shop in Florida called Amen Cycles, I filmed all the back and forth fake bickering they demanded, and never even spoke to this other shop not once who we were up against, even though they wanted me to act like their was animosity towards them. 6 months after filming, we still were never contacted about where to meet to have the actual voting for the build-off. No returned phone calls, emails, nothing but crickets. A few months later the season starts, and low and behold Amen Cycles is up against another shop, with the same videos they showed us of them cutting our bikes down, but now they were cutting the other shop down. All in all, we went way in debt, for nothing, no answers why, no sorry we went a different direction, nothing. Jump 2 years ahead, guess what, now they want us to sign off on our footage to go against another shop, but needed to film a few more pieces of footage to make the show flow easier. My attorney said hell no, and we fought for the footage, of course we didn’t win, but at least we didn’t give in. Never made it on tv, but that bike won best of show at the next 7 events we put it in! Your gonna be missed dearly, just wanted to share that I can totally understand your side of things
Dan I am sad and sorry to hear that the show is going off the air. Yours is my favorite car build show. But I can also understand your motivation to end. I look forward to taking the tour and meeting you hopefully someday. Best of luck in the future and all the best. And thanks for serving our country…..Mike
I was going to MT hell, but since and you ex plane the reason for the shut down. I guess I will cry in my beer and say goodbye to the show. The staff and you were the best on MT. Hope you will post when you but the mini shows out, I won’t miss a one of them
I commented a few days earlier. Every day I’m reading the follow up comments about Fantom Works. You have a very loyal following. I want to add this. I fully understand the reasons for walking away. After thinking a bit. I want to offer this. I’m hoping in a few years after you’ve had the chance to recover from this journey and to return normal life. I’m hoping you would re-consider coming back to tv with another car repair show. Maybe not as many episodes per year, maybe one a quarter. Maybe a different format/purpose that is not as demanding as this last gig. I really looked forward to your show. I will miss it very much. You will leave a void that will be hard to fill. Your show was one of the best on the network.
I loved your show, but certainly understand why it’s time after reading your explanation. I will miss the show. I look forward to many reruns and wish you and your crew the very best. Maybe a reunion special in a few years??? God bless and best of luck!
Dan, just saw that the show was ending. As others have stated, you and the whole staff and crew will be missed. After reading how filming worked I was amazed how you were able to keep the show live so long. Why are you in debt. Doesn’t the show/Velocity or whoever pay YOU? Wow, if not. My wish is to one day bring a car to your shop to have it restored. Thank you so much for sharing your deep commitment to excellence and your deep understanding of bringing beauty and love to the people you work with and all of us that share in the watching. So many tears of joy in your show. It is WE that have been honored. There are 6 billion stories on the planet. Yours reached many.
I have been a fan of Fantomworks since episode 1 and will miss it, you and your crew terribly. Best wishes for all of you going forward. Hopefully, all your fans can continue to enjoy your show in reruns, assuming MT continues showing it.
Dan and his family and the crew at Fantomworks/DRS Automotive Shop,
First and foremost, best car show on TV period over a vast number of years and I have seen them all. Your statement to us all at the beginning of the show that if you had to choose between anyone or their car you chose the car. I get that you meant your integrity was worth more than a fantasizing human with a checkbook and you kept your word on that. Most any car can be saved to one extent or another but when does it stop making sense. I am sorry to hear you went into so much debt keeping your fans happy and doing what you love in front of a camera but feel you are on a path to greater things and the money will take care of itself. I already watch reruns and will continue to do so if they are aired. I am not in any way financially independent enough to do a build but if I did you would be first in the loop and second the first I would ask to do the project. I trust you would tell me straight if I was on point or fucking dreaming. God Bless and will for sure if not able to meet you in this journey we call life, we will bump fists in gearhead heaven.
Dear Mr. Short,
Just being here at this time is evidence of the importance of your show in the lives of car people everywhere. A tragic loss to the world of those of us who still live by the edict that you value people by their ability to ” SAY WHAT THEY DO ,” and then ” DO WHAT YOU SAY, “.
You will remain the king of this edict, and much of my children’s work ethic comes from the way your show dealt with the issues of honesty, ethicallity, and truth,these last six years. This, coupled with the concept of “form follows function”, have given my children the skills to solve the problems that they just seemed to walk away from in the past.
Ownership of these longtime concepts has given them the confidence to excel in their projects at school and in just dealing with life. I offer my thanks for the joys I get when I watch them work together, knowing much of what I see came from your efforts these past six years.
You will be sorely missed. My thanks and gratitude !
There were 2 car shows I found myself watching reruns: FantomWorks and WheelerDealer (Edd China seasons)
I genuinely learned a lot about restos and mods along with the realities of investing time and money into a project.
I will miss the show and hope you and your team continue on your journey.
God Bless!
Edd China for the win!!!! His episodes are the only ones worth watching. Sadly, he is another victim of those who think they know better. It is strange when one company buys another successful company and then changes everything. Motor Trend will be the death of all that was great about the Velocity Channel. They have already removed episodes from several shows from On-Demand while others require a fee to view.
I have never left a comment on a forum like this before but I wanted to say how much I will miss watching your show. In a time when other shows/shops are going wilder and pushing the limits of being tasteful just to maintain a viewership, you never played into that mindset. What I appreciate most is that you’re brutally honest and an automobile purest at heart. It’s been refreshing to see that there are still genuine cars guy working at a high level of craftsmanship. I was actually relieved to learn that this was ultimately your decision. If the show has to end it should be on your terms. I will truly miss the hour a week I got to spend enjoying watching your shop create automotive art and I sincerely wish you and your crew the best in the future.
Dear Dan,
After reading your announcement, I can surely understand why. However, it won’t fill the void. Your program will be missed. Doing what you love to do, maintaining the standard of excellence, and doing the job right the first time was putting on a clinic to those who do jobs poorly—like so many of those that came to you after being ripped off by those shops.
There are some good shows on what was Velocity. My wife generally watches channels like HGTV. Of all the shows aired on what is now Motortrend, when I watched your show, she came in and joined me. She loved you program and it taught her a lot! You have a great program, a great business and hopefully you will recoup those losses you mentioned in quick order. For sure, while your programs hopefully run in repeats for a while, it will continue to be your best advertising. If I ever get to your part of the country, it’s on the top of that bucket list. Unfortunately, I snapped a couple of disks in my back preventing a medical waste spill, and I don’t travel as much as I used to. I used to do a lot of my own basic maintenance on my vehicles, but have discovered that is no longer in my wheelhouse. I’ll miss you and the FantomWorks show, your crew, and the wonderful stuff you have done for others. (As for the trolls, as kind as I can put it, I definitely believe that all of those people will have a difficult time finding a place to stay in Heaven given what they spent there time doing here.)
To your continued success!
Dan I for one will hate to see you and your crew leave. I am basically a disabled shut in and my car shows sort of keep me going. I have always wanted a nicely redone c
Chevy Nova along with others but living on SSDI doesn’t allow for such comforts. I was already was a fan of yours but when you did the 51′ Buick Special for Rich and his family, and you and the crew waved all the labor costs. I knew for sure that your whole operation is a total class act. that is the main reason that I will miss Fantom Works. Keep up the quality of the work that you and I will keep watching the reruns.
Dan, Your show will be greatly missed in my family. It was something my father and I would enjoy regularly. I grew up in my uncle’s collision shop as a kid visiting with my father, and often times my father would comment “I can almost smell the collision dust” while watching your show. It breaks my heart not to have more time with you in our living room. Your dedication to our military was something else my father loves about the show, there’s just not enough of that in today’s society. We are in the process of restoring a ’49 F2 together all because of the inspiration we got from the show. It’s our hope we have some way to stay connected to you and your wonderful work now that the show is no longer on air. Thank you for being such a big part of bringing my family closer with the show(my wife loved it very much as well). God Bless and many more years of success.
Great show by high bar builders, work ethic couldn’t be topped! We will miss and your interactions! Stay the course and thanks for the memories
Dan, Your show was the best of all the car shows. You have true passion, a high sense of quality, a huge love of country and military and you talk actual costs for your work which most all shows avoid. You have very talented tradesmen (others do too) and I did quite well with cameras shoved in their faces. My wife and I watch many, many car shows and your’s is the best. You put your heart and soul into everything you do. It shows in the quality of your shops work and the satisfaction of your clients. I agree it is time to set the cameras aside and get back to your core business. You will be badly missed. If we ever need a care restored or fixed-we will come to you. Bless you and your family and crew
Dan – When MotorTrend starting advertising the “Final Episode” of your show, I was sure they meant the season finale. I said to my wife that no way MT cancelled that show! It’s great! But as I continued to see the commercial I began to realize that unfortunately it was going to be the actual final episode. Game Over. Well I decided to let MT know just what I thought about that stupid decision, but as I began my search on how to reach them I came across your statement explaining what was actually going on. Although I’m disappointed I totally understand the reason for your actions. At this point I can only say “Thank You” to you & everyone at the shop for the great show and the hours of enjoyment it gave me. You’ll be missed.
Dan and crew of Fantom Works, you will be missed. As a child of the 50’s I grew up in the muscle car era and enjoyed your show immensely. I saw so many of the cars that resembled those I had owned and all brought back fond memories and a bit of nostalgia. Keep up the good work and keep the cars coming.
It’s a real shame that “all good things must come to an end”. I know the superior products and workmanship will continue but we’ll miss seeing the process.
Best to you and your crew.
Dan, we just learned the news and I wanted to let you know that my wife and I will miss the show tremendously. It’s a real loss to those of use to love cars and bikes. We’ve enjoyed watching your men work and how you deal with your customers. Someday we’d like to make a trip to your shop and visit during one of your open houses.
Please keep your web site updated so we can keep track of you and the shop.
Continued success.
Dan and Crew,
Having been around hotrods and custom cars for many years I know what you have had to deal with. Many don’t realize what you have to figure out during a build and it’s tough enough without having cameras and other things in your way.
You and your crew seemed to handle everything with class.
There is so much programing that I consider junk on these days. With that said, your show was one I never missed. I loved having it on while I was doing my own garage work, often stopping to watch something I may have even seen a time of two.
Good luck to you and your team as you embark on a new chapter at your shop.
I’ve been a fan of the show for the past 2 seasons and have been setting my DVR to record as many previous shows as possible. I’ve grown to get to know you and the guys so well, albeit 1 hr at a time, over a few years. Your story has touched me as I can only imagine the toll it’s taken from all the time and effort needed to film and capture the true essence of what it’s truly like to be in your shoes thank you for actually caring for the cars and doing everything meticulously and right the first time instead of taking short cuts and doing things half assed. And I agree, F-U to all the damn internet trolls out there. I’m glad you’re still going to be doing the weekly tours and hope to come visit soon. Will miss your show!
I have truly enjoyed Fantomworks for a long time. Thank you Dan for allowing us into your shop and your lives. I have the utmost respect for you and all your crew for the skill you have working on cars. Your show will be greatly missed. Good luck to you in the future.
Dan, I cannot add anything more to the sentiments others have posted. What I will add in an ancededot. As a 60 yr old car guy whose shop was built 25 years ago without enough clearance for a lift. I sometimes struggle getting up and down working with jackstands. Because I have been so disappointed with the shoddy production work performed today. During each episode I look at my wife and say ” I hope he is really like that” God speed my friend. See you in June I hope.
Sorry to see you go Dan. The health and happiness for you and your family is much more important than a tv show. Best of luck to you!! Your show will be missed.
Dan, there’s not much more to say that hasn’t been said and repeated over and over. Thanks for a great show! There was NEVER a mediocre episode! Your expressions when a customer wanted something totally outrageous were priceless!! You, your shop, your people and the production are a class act and I wish you good fortune! (*Sigh* NOW what’ll I do for my weekly “car fix?”)
Dan and Crew,
I wanted to thank you for the countless hours of amazing builds that you guys did. I appreciate your high standard of builds and attention to the safety of your customers cars. The show was amazing and I have recorded almost every episode. I hope that one day the network can figure how to make things easier for you and your staff to perform and the show will come back to the air. If I ever get enough cash to build my dream car Ill be knocking on the doors of FantomWorks. Thanks for the years of enjoyment.
Dan and crew,
I wanted to say thank you for the many hours of great entertainment your show provided. The builds were amazing and the talent of your crew is second to none. I hope that the network can one day figure how to make the show work financially and be less Intrusive to you and your team and bring the show back. My deepest regrets about your dad that has to be hard. I hope that one day I have enough cash to knock at the doors of FantomWorks to have you do my dream car. Thank you for the experience, Continued success.
Going to miss the HE double LL out of the show ! We(myself,wife,2 grandkids both girls)stopped by in Aug 2018,on our way to Va beach.I dropped off the 2 Chrysler ball joint sockets,could not take the tour (wished the hell we had ,time crunch!).But to my astonishment the Woodchuck International Retro van owner lives 3 miles down the road, I have seen it at afar sitting outside his 3 story Garage a couple months ago amazing!I think a 5 hour drive this summer is in our future. Thanks
To all at FantomWorks:
I am 69 and have enjoyed your show from the beginning. You and your crew alway work great together and showed us the best ways to repair our classic cars. Many times I have rewatched the older shows because they were so informative. I will miss FantomWorks, you and your crew. All of you have a great time working on all these classic cars that we once seen running the roads. 😕
I feel so much better knowing that this was a choice that Dan is making rather than the network canceling your great show. I have enjoyed it so much. I’m sorry to see it end but hopefully reruns will keep me connected for sometime to come!
Thanks for a great show. After reading above I completely understand why you are ending the show, but still wish it could continue.
I’m really gonna miss you guys. Tell Bobby he is THE MAN!
Dan, I have commented before, know I’m really feeling the tragic loss you must be feeling. Such a unbelievable, educational, informative show is done. You have shown the world your exceptional talent, your endless knowledge, your dedication to art that the world will never see again.
I wish you, your family, your crew and their families all the best in the future.
You and everyone else at Fantomworks will never be forgotten.
God Bless Everyone
So sorry to see that FantomWorks is coming to an end!
I have really enjoyed watching for years now. Your passion, knowledge and skill at doing what you do is, and has been an inspiration.
I understand your decision to end the show- thank you so much for enduring what you did- and sharing your work with us.
All my best to you always,
I have totally enjoyed your show and your personality. Your love for cars and show has helped to re-energize my own car enthusiasm.
Great show – I’ll miss seeing new shows but will stop by for a tour the next time I’m in that part of the world.
Thanks so much.
I can no longer suffer a Car show that doesn’t feature dirty t-shirts and jeans. Thanks for the hours of enjoyment watching rusted wrecks turned into rolling art.
It was with great sadness that I heard you were shutting down the TV show. I thoroughy enjoyed watching you and your crew unscrew others’ screw ups and deliver a quality product time and time again. In the USN we called that professionalism
I’m not one who enjoys re-runs but if Fanthomworks comes out in syndication, you can bet your last peso I’ll be watching.
Thanks for the “ride” and I wish only the best for you, your family and your crew.
Thanks Dan and crew. Y’all will be missed.
I am an automotive hobbyist and have a few old cars that I am restoring. A 68 Chevelle (done), a 66 El Camino (lots of work left to do), and a 64 GTO (getting close). That said, I understand the passion that you and your team have and it was definitely apparent in the workmanship of the restorations that you did for the show. I am amazed by the challenges you overcame, things like making wooden wheels and some of the truly rare vehicles that you and your team were not afraid to tackle. You and your team did a great service to the hobby and the history of the automobile by showcasing what automotive restoration is and the craftsmanship it takes to do it right. I wish you and your team all the best…
I just read that the show was cancelled. I am glad it was your call and not the network. I have enjoyed the talent displayed by your crew and your honesty with the customers. Some people don’t understand the difficulties associated with restoration and the shop owners requirement to build a safe car. I wish you and your crew nothing but success in the future.
You and your crews commitment to producing quality results that were what the customer wanted a williness to tackle most any type of ride from the oldest to the newest made it the best thing on the tube, sorry for the scarifices required but you get is the best of breed..
Dan & Crew…. just let it be known that my wife and I really enjoyed your quality builds, the shop drama, the customers reactions to their vehicles and the appreciation they all showed at your efforts. I have one suggestion, would you at all be interested in going to YouTube with your channel on even a periodic schedule? You’d stay in touch with we fans, and still have your name in the limelight of auto restoration so to speak. I think it would be a hit if you wouldn’t mind the time required to edit and post videos. One a week wouldn’t be too bad for starters! ???
Thanks so much for your great shows,
David and JoNell Thomas, Anadarko, OK
Just simply put Dan and crew.Thank you for the last 6 years.
Dear Dan,
Me & my daughter toured your shop in october. We had the chance to meet you & some of your crew. We really enjoyed the experience & we will miss watching your show on tv. Many thanks to you & your crew for a great show. Good luck in the future. And thank you & your wife for your service.
Hi Dan,
I have really enjoyed each and every show and I am soory to see it end, but I understand completely why it has to be that way. Your striving for perfection in every vehicle you and your team turned out was refreshing. Thanks and a tip of the hat to you and your crew! And from one service man to another, thank you for your service.
Your show will be missed, but I am sure that FantomWorks will continue to turn out excellence for many years to come!
Will Rogers
Fayetteville, AR
Dan, thank you for giving us one of the best car restoration shows on TV. I completely understand why you are leaving the show and never imagined that you would be incurring debt and had employee turnover like that. I’m a retired military pilot myself (also an A&P with IA) and I have been amazed that you were able to build such a great business after retirement. Your aviation background definitely shows. Don’t listen to the internet trolls. Your show will be missed.
Love the show , always enjoyed that it was real , no Hollywood glamour bs . I only wish I had the money, so that I could have you build my dream car. You guys take its and don’t worry when I hit the lotto you will be the first stop!
We have enjoyed your show for the last few years and will miss it! Seeing cars and trucks restored to their former glory took us back to a simpler time (60’s & 70’s). Thanks for the “memories”.
Kristi & Mike Bromans (Texas)
Enjoy the show-sorry to see it end. I like your insistence to detail. When I worked on cars, it doesn’t always go right the first time-the challenge is how to figure out how to make it right. (Which your show showed) I know you’re a car guy by the smile you get when you get on a build. Good luck!
Dan, thank you for the great entertainment and automotive content. Thank you also for the explanation of the background, it seems a little better to know this cancellation was mostly your choice. I will miss Fantomworks greatly. I am truly sorry to see it end but after the ‘marathon’ day before the last episode, hopefully reruns and ‘on demand’ will allow me to enjoy real automotive restoration once in the while. Best wishes to you and your family; and the Fantomworks Team.
Dan – Sorry to hear FantomWorks is ending. To every positive, noteworthy up-lifting word your fans have left I say DITTO! I do have a dream of shipping you a late sixties early seventies GM convertible muscle car and having your shop restore it to better than when it rolled off the factory floor! My grandfather owned a Chevy dealership in the late 50’s – late 70’s. Unfortunately the ‘car’ gene skipped a generation and my Dad did not have any interest in the business. Your show brought back some fond memories of the cars I grew up with. There were plenty of good times. Praying for the best for you, your family and your business endeavors. Thank you for letting us into your life for the last 6 years!
Gonna miss your show, good quality work being done in every aspect. Wondering if you can re-coop any expenses and such on residuals from reruns? I watch a lot of the other cable car shows, some over and over! Not a gripe but interesting watching your reactions to cars rebuilt the wrong way, with inch thick putty covering bad areas of reconstruction, and you wondering why any one would do that? Well, they did it to get someone ‘by’ and it probably would have had not the next owner wanted to get it back to original. Again, best wishes on your “retirement” from the hassle of a TV schedule, I can’t imagine having to deal with that. I always hated it when tours came through the production area our newspaper, for a “look-see” myself!
Because of chronic shoulder & neck pain, I have a very difficult time sleeping a full night through. So there have been many many nights that I have spent watching FantomWorks in the middle of the night. I will trully miss watching you and your great crew rebuild such beautiful works of art, and getting a good chuckle when your daughter would bring you your favorite shake when your day was’nt going so well in order to help cheer you up. That would certainly work for me. You have one great daughter! I will trully miss watching FantomWorks!
Hey Dan,
I’ve worked in a body shop for 12 years in the past. I always said to myself while watching the show, “How do they put up with a film crew in their faces while working?” In a nutshell, I absolutely loved the work you do and your passion for originalism. (Better than showroom!)
I am 100% behind your decision. Best of luck to you, your family and crew.
Take care,
Sean Sylvain
Dan & Crew – you can see from comments that you represented to integrity and quality standard that all restoration shops should go by (whether on cable or not). You never sold out and you supported Vets. My wife has grown into a car restoration lover, primarily over your show – to that I am grateful as she now knows more than me! We will visit soon (from AZ). Glad the morale and spirit is being restored.
I am sorry to hear your show is ending. I am in the autobody collision repair business which I believe gives me the background to comment on how honest your show is while providing the depth of what it takes to do the restorations and repairs properly. My belief is that what you have shown in your episodes depicts the environment of the automotive repair and restoration industry. I have hoped that your show would spark interest for young people to participate in the autobody and mechanical repair industry.
Thank you Dan for a wonderful show.
I’m going to miss Fantomworks, but I’m confused. Did you quit, or were you fired LOL? My understanding is that MotorTrend cancelled you – that’s not “quitting” it’s getting fired. Networks cancel TV shows all the time for whatever reason only suits understand – they seldom get it right so trust me that is no reflection on Fantomworks. But why would you continue with anything that generated “almost a million dollars of debt we incurred keeping the production going” in the first place? Does that mean you’re producing the show and selling it to the network a la “Graveyard Carz” ? What’s really going on here Dan?
Something is not adding up here. If you’re managing the production that means you could also shop it to Scripps or Amazon Prime or whatever. There are other options beyond MotorTrend these days. What’s the “rest of the story” Dan?
Sorry to see you go, my son and myself loved the show.Hope to make a trip from Alabama to the shop one day. God bless you and yours
Sorry the show is ending, but I can understand why. Thank you for keeping the show going as long as you did. You had a very good show, and there are some bad ones out there (Chop Cut Rebuild!).
Dan, thank you for posting this! As others have said, Fantomworks has easily been one of the best shows in TV, and I will be sad to see it go. When I first heard about the cancellation, my assumption was that it was yet another boneheaded move by the Discovery/Velicity/MT brass looking to cut costs at the expense of quality programming. But I completely understand why you have made the decision to end the series for business and personal reasons, and wholeheartedly respect that decision. Best wishes to you and your shop for the future; if I am ever in a position to restore a classic, I know who I’m going to call.
hey dan i like to wish you good fortune f the fame,like to thank you for the real life restorating of autombiles… i am a fan will always be retired army 35 yrs homeland security and other things. been restoring cars for my self and otheres for many yrs so i do relate, like i said f the fame that dont pay the rent. if im ever in the area maybe i could look you up or call first thanks and HAPPY MOTORING
Dan, I’ll miss the show but now I understand why you called it quits. I thought at first Motor Trend made a bit mistake. Your show was one of the few that took an average Joe’s (or Jane’s) dream and brought it to reality. You’re discussions with them on the costs, and actually seeing the work being done was what got me hooked. God speed in the future, and if I ever have that “project”, you folks will be the first ones I call!
Good luck Dan
I will miss the show
Dan, I was hugely disappointed to hear that your show is ending. Your show was my favorite. You always found answers to even the most difficult challenges your customers asked you for and always left your customers excited about their new cars, even leaving many almost speechless. Many similar shows don’t seem to show the detail to the builds that you were able to. Your show will be missed greatly! I will continue to watch the reruns as often as they are on. Best of luck! You are deserving of all the good things that come your way. Ken
I am a home restorer of E Type and XK 150 Jaguars and my wife and I watched your show faithfully due to your dedication to doing the job right! As an Army vet and Ranger I appreciate what it took for you to leave the service and be such a success at your craft, you have a group of very skilled craftsmen at you shop. I totally understand the stress and pressure you and your employees were under while filming the shows, but the quality of the shows is why so many of us were loyal fans.
Best wishes for the future and if I am ever in Norfolk you can be sure I want to meet you personally.
Hi Dan,
What most upsets me after reading why you are leaving the show is that it has caused great stress and debt for you and your wife. When a business or line of that business no longer makes good financial or personal sense, the only decision is to make a change. Back in 2011, my business caused serious health problems for me. I was 62. I changed the business a little and me a lot. The business soared and I haven’t felt this good since my hockey-playing days. We often hear the phrase, “Stress kills”. Well, Dan, it does, and I’m in health care so I should have been more alert to it. You have a world-wide reputation now, I’m sure, greatly attributable to the exposure your show has given to your professional excellence. I think it’s time to move on and focus on your Return on Investment (ROC) for those 6 plus years and many investment dollars. I know you will kill that debt and realize the reward you worked hard for and rightly deserve. Most of all, I want to see you do it in good health. The time you give up doesn’t come back again.
I just discovered your show a few months ago and I’ve watched all of the available episodes on Direct TV a few times. It’s the best car show I’ve ever watched and I did love Overhaulin. I miss the muscle cars and you brought them back for me. I had a 69 Camaro that wasn’t a super car and I had to sell it when I moved to Ft. Lauderdale because I just couldn’t take driving down in the heat down here with no a/c. I only wish I could have brought it to you.
I am in the process of selling my business after a lot of years. It still makes good business sense but not personal sense. It’s just time for me, Dan and for you. I’m not looking back and I hope you won’t either. Thank you for blessing the lives of your millions of viewers including me. I hope to see you some time in Norfolk-I’d love to take a tour. Best, my friend!
Dan, I live in Oregon and your show is the best car show on tv i have ever watched period. Thank you for all the enjoyment your show brought to me and others. Because of the distance i don’t think i could afford to come take a tour but i just wanted to say thanks. Darren Green.
Thank you Dan, your Family and your very talented crew for providing me with knowledge about auto restoration and many enjoyable hours of great entertainment! I restored a 46 Ford Woodie, and was inspired by you to carry on when things got difficult!
I wish you the best in the years to come! I recorded your shoes so this Car Nut will still enjoy your show!
G-D Bless🙏
Thank you for your wonderful show. My wife and I recently found it and have become big fans. Me of the builds and her of the interpersonal dynamics.
She mentioned this post and the debt you incurred. Would you consider a go fund me page? For all that you have done the least the fan base can do is to help you pay off a portion of the debt.
Dear Dan and Crew,
Thanks for a great show. After reading above I completely understand why you are ending the show.
Maybe someday I will come to see your shop and crew!!!
Car restoration shows are my TV thing; certain ones, anyway. During lulls of other car shows and a need to satiate my car show addiction, I searched and “discovered” FantomWorks. FantomWorks seemed homemade and lacking the slickness of other car shows. Despite the rawness, it wasn’t long before the goofy owner with a penchant for colorful metaphors and his skilled crew and German Shepherd shop dog won me over. FantomWorks is about a real shop building real cars with real people. The lack of production sheen was more than made up for by simply being genuine.
While I’m disappointed the show is canceled, I’m happy you are relieved of its burden. I wish you, your family and your crew the best in the future.
FantomWorks was the best show on Motortrend TV. Dan is a great car guy who does the finest restore work I have seen. His team are nothing short of miracle workers. The show has provided many hours of quality auto restoration. I will miss Dan nd his great team. For all the shows on Motortrend TV, FantomWorks is heads above any of the rest. I will probably no long watch Motortrend TV after this. The other shows have to have some stupid character where FantomWorks was truely about the process and the automobiles. This is the second great show that has left the air. The first being OVERHAULIN.
Good day Dan,
Your show will truly be missed. My sons and I watch you and your crew every time a new episode comes on. I even got my wife to start watching your show. You and your crew began a part of our family in a way. I even thought about bringing my 1977 Buick Century to your shop. I live in Michigan near the motor city. Its really hard to find a shop that has a passion for what they do. The shops that I have been to are sub par compared to the type of work you do. One day I will save enough to have you all restore my car.
Thanks, Dan for bringing us this great show… of the best of all the car shows it was. I wish it could have continued…..
Thanks for the many years that we were able to watch such craftsmanship and dedication to restoring all of these wonderful classic cars. Your show has been amazing to watch and has inspired me to want to work on my own cars more.
For selfish reasons I am very sorry to hear your show will no longer air as I enjoyed witnessing your passion around cars and country. The attrition of your staff you chronicled was apparent. Knowing how much you value the expertise of your team to be able to deliver above expectations the explanation around the impact of producing the show on employee retention had to be an irritant you would not stand for. Thank you so much for providing your audience with the insight of the great work DRS does for its customers. In my next trip to OBX I will make a side trip to see your shop and hopefully have the privilege of thanking you personally. My best to you and your family and business.
Just wanted to say thanks to you and your crew for producing such a fine body of work. Us viewers don’t often realize the hard work that goes into producing a weekly show and the disruptions that this causes in what is essentially your place of business. Hope you guys find some peace as you continue to do outstanding restoration work. I hope someday to make the trip and take a shop tour. All the best.
You and your team will be missed
Dan and crew:
I’m not a “car guy,” but I enjoyed your show tremendously. The dedication, talent, and creative drive you and your team brought to each job showed at every step.
One vet to another, you guys have done well.
Thanks so much for the bringing the professionalism of you and your team to my home each week.
It was a fun run.
I have to say your show was a great show. It will be sorly missed. You kept the car building and restoration at the forefront and scripted drama to a minimum.
I wish you the best on future endeavors. With luck maybe your shop might return in a limited fashion that works for you.
Again kudos on a well done show!
Mashpee, Ma
Dear Dan, Sorry to hear the show is ending. I enjoyed it very much. Some of these new shows that i’m seeing on velocity like “wrenched” and last stop garage don’t hold a candle to your show. Dave Kindig should pay attention because it might take a toll on his crew and shop next.God bless you and your wife. Your a good man. All the best
Thanks for a great show. Now go and enjoy life and prosper!
God bless You Dan. Thanks and we wish You the Best of Luck.
My nephew and I have always enjoyed your show over the years. I’ve tried to show him the “right” way to restore/modify a car (like my ’68 GTO) but your program showed him in a way I could not and we are both better for it. Thank you for the teaching, for the humanity, for the lack of childish [pranks, for helping my nephew see what honesty and professionalism is all about.
We hate that the show put such a destructive strain on all of your staff and you and your family. May the Lord help you all recover quickly from the mental, physical, and financial hardships you all have endured.
Take Care and the Best to all of you!
Long after Velocity is forgotten and the Motor Trend channel falls to dust, people will still remember Dan Short and his crew at Fantom Works. Dan is a true pioneer in this arena and his show will be copied and revered for generations to come. Thank you Mr Short for your contribution, you have touched the hearts of millions and will never be forgotten!
Mr Dan. My wife and myself will miss your great show more than my words could say. I’ve learned so much from you and really appreciate the safety first with all the great cars you showed us. I’ve adopted the same work ethic and appreciation for a safe and beautiful car working on my own cars. We’re sad that we could never be able to meet you and your great crew. Thanks for the memories and good luck in the future. Thanks again Kim & Kathy.
Thank you for the great seasons of FantomWorks. The honesty and integrity will be missed as well as the “real” people. In the end it is about relationship. Go get yours back with your business, your employees, and most of all your family. The things that matter most. Now you’ve served twice. We, as fans and Americans, are honored by both. Hope to meet you one day and thank you. God Bless.
Troy Brown
Fort Worth TX (by way of Roanoke VA)
Dear Dan,
First of all, thanks for the countless hours of automotive education you’ve adforded me. You and your crew of artisans (which is the perfect word) have shown me countless procedures that I have tried to use and perfect in restoring my ‘63 Falcon as well as maintaining my family’s vehicles as well. I appreciate your commitment to holding fast to your personal set of exacting standards and ethos of doing stuff the right way. I hope your show will be carried in rerun syndication so that I can continue to watch and learn…rest assured I will continue to remain a loyal fan into the future. One last thing, I want to say thanks for your military service. I’ve served 32 years with the AF and share your commitment. The best thing is my new duties center on working with the Navy and I’ll be routinely TDY to Norfolk and there is no doubt I will be stopping by your business, buying some gear and hopefully taking the shop tour. Best of luck and God speed.
You make everything seem so easy. I had no idea what you were going through to bring your shop into my living room each week. The efforts of you and your crew have brought me hours of enjoyment through quality entertainment in what is now a very competitive venue. I particularly enjoyed watching as you and your crew solved problems we all have faced in our love of cars. Unfortunately, most of us lack the skill and persistence you guys have. I’ve learned a lot from you. I will miss not having new episodes to watch but I hope Motor Trend will continue to show your existing ones. I’ve seen most of them at least three times each. I hope to visit your shop on my next trip to Norfolk. I want to shake your hand and the hands of those still with you and thank each of you personally. Your dedication to doing things right means a lot to me. I wish you continued success with the shop and with each vehicle you touch. Thank you!
Dan, I am sorry to hear the show has ran its course. My wife and I have enjoyed watching you and your people work on some wonderful cars for years now. We will miss it but I understand why you would be ready to stop the madness of doing the show. I often wondered how you and your people could get any real work done with all those cameras and people everywhere. I am sure all of your lives were upended by the chaos that occurred on a daily basis. So I just want to say thank you for bringing such a great product to our TV screens every week. Now, enjoy life again!
Best wishes!!!! Your standards for which Your employees hit over and over again was great to watch for 6.5 yrs thank you
Dan, As many have echoed I will miss the TV show greatly, but I get it. Had to be a nightmare to try to keep a business going with a camera stuck in your face all day. I am sure there was a time or two you reminded a camera man what he or she could do with their camera!!! Yours was one of the few car shows that I actually learned something…Take care, hope to visit your shop one day.
So very, very sorry to see you go. Fantomworks was one of my favorite shows on Velocity. I understand that good things must sometimes come to an end, but that does not make it any easier. In the words of Red Skelton, “Good night, and God Bless”.
Wow! I cannot believe what I have just read. I absolutely love your show! Your dedication to your craft is exceptional and should be, to anyone truly paying attention, inspirational. I had no idea what it took to produce your show and cannot believe you lasted this long. I was feeling sad that it was going off the air until I read your words and realized this is a good thing. My sad feeling was a selfish one that was negated by how unselfish you have been all this time. You should have been making money from your tireless efforts not going into extreme debt. I may be ignorant of all the facts about how such an arrangement between a show like yours and a tv network is structured but my assumption here is that they didn’t go into debt along with you. I assume they made a great deal of money. That is why they are in business. Your show would have been cancelled by the network executives if there wasn’t money to be made. Even if you made some choices, separate from the network, that caused you financial hardship they should be making you whole. You should not have to walk away from this experience in debt. The overall value you and your team provided them should be more than enough to allow you to at least break even. Obviously I live in a world of fantasy. Money is more important than people. I am grateful for all you, your family and team went thru to provide me and so many others with hours of enjoyment. I am sorry for the haters that have attacked you and for the hardships this experience has caused. It’s not always obvious, and often it takes time, but all negatives contain positives or actually become a positive. I am certain any negatives this experience has provided will fade away and be replaced by the positives you deserve. One positive that I think you may be now realizing is all the happy you have given to so many others. I wish you all the best. Well done Dan!
Dan, my husband and I could not imagine why such a popular show was leaving! We always were stuck to the TV or DVR when you were on. My husband would even say whenever a rerun came on ‘O, that’s the one that has the Camaro on it that he fixes for his wife’ or whatever. We watch your shows a lot new ones, reruns, whatever. Then he would come to a part and say ‘that’s what I’m going to do to the Jeep’. We have a Jeep Cherokee he is going to restore someday when we get the money and time and room to do it.
After reading your reasons it’s a wonder you hadn’t left TV long ago. I am amazed you were still able to put out such a premium product with all your interruptions and with your revolving door staff.
I applaud you for your work ethics and your decision to quit. (Your language could use a just a little cleaning up though.)
Good luck my friend. I feel that I am loosing a friend.
The ONLY show that sometimes shared the amount of the invoice!!! An open and honest show with real people. One of a kind and one of my favorites. Congrats on a successful run and on a successful shop!
Dan it has been wonderful to watch your show. Im sorry that making so many people happy has caused you problems. I always looked forward to your show. You and your crew of mechanics/resoration experts are fantastic, I hope one day to have a car at your shop for something so I can meet you. Thanks for a great show bud!
well that sucks I love this show to bad ppl have to screw up a good thing all the damn time. I have learned so much watching this show. I never claimed to be a mechanic but i work on all my cars and the things i would do before i will do know thanks to the show. It just sucks!
We will miss FantomWorks greatly. Of all the car restoration shows we watch, this is my favorite because of Dan and his crew.
Dan….the one overarching takeaway from the years I have spent watching you and your incredible crew is the ever-present level of integrity possessed by all – giving us the absolute pinnacle of car shows.
My approach, like yours, has always been “good enough” is never enough, and I have also suffered financially as a result of my devotion to perfection, and my refusal to compromise quality for price. I have always seen in you a younger version of me. Anyone taking offense at your “attitude” has never run a business.
Please take a minute when you can to visit my company website and YouTube page….I hope you enjoy what you see.
Thank you from a fellow veteran, who also decided to build a business instead of playing the “poor me” card. I sincerely wish you and everyone in your world a future of greater things. Be well, be happy.
I am going to miss your show. I can totally understand the “demands” placed on you and your crew to film this show but from a purely selfish point of view, I am going to miss the hell out Fantomworks. All others are imposters, yours is the best.
Good luck to you, your family and crew.
Rick Mitchell
Well hell, understand but gonna miss this show😢
Thank you Dan for your sevice and any of your technicians also. I just started watching your show about 2 years ago and loved it .you all tought me a lot because you showed a very in depth way to do it .you also made them look good an true to the way they were built at the factory restoration wise . Some of the vehicles i had never heard of but if you did a different suspention or what ever you made it look almost factory like . So many of the car shows i wath want to air bag them lower them and things like that but i liked how you all did it, the only things i couldn’t wrap my mind around was when you put a Chevy motor in a ford like the 56 tbird but i liked the look of it .loli live in staunto va and am hoping to get down for a tour and to meet you and the guys & girls .thanks for the show .
I understand why you need to end the series but wish like hell you didn’t have to. You were the best show on velocity and one of the best on television. I wish you and your crew nothing but the best and thank you for the years of education and entertainment. You will be missed!
I’m glad to hear that the builds will continue, as I’m currently saving up to have my Dad’s old 1969 GMC make the trip to Norfolk. From the first show I saw to the last, your dedication to quality work is what impressed me most.
I’m not going to lie, I will miss the show immensely.
I could hardly believe that “Final Episode” meant just that. Your show and the way it was run was simply superb. Always interesting, always on point, focused on cars, restoration, etc. without nonsensical drama and B.S. Only recently did I realize you too were an Army Aviator, specifically a Maintenance Test Pilot. I spent 26 years in Army Aviation as an IP/IE in first Hueys and most of my years in Chinooks. I recognized your style of approaching a problem and the no-nonsense, cut-to-the-chase way of solving it. I really enjoyed that and it brought back fond memories. I’ll miss your show for certain and, yet, I can understand your reasons for moving on and focusing on doing what all of you Fantom Works folks do best; namely rebuild/restore/create great cars, bikes and even delivery trucks. Thanks for the memories. Bill Barker, US Army, CW5(R).
This is my favorite car show I’m sad to see is leaving the air I will always watch your reruns I enjoy watching all the episodes and. Take care and God-bless fantomworks fan 4 ever thank U for the good shows
Will really miss the show. If I ever can afford to do a body off reto on my 1976 TR6 you will be the one shop to do so.
Having to fix my own car in the Northeast while putting myself through college and breaking 2 parts to fix a 3rd because they were more rust than solid steel, I have great understanding and appreciation of the hassles you folks endure daily. I can only imaging how much penetrating oil you must use! Please know that my family & I greatly enjoyed watching your show. May all of you have a smoother ride from here on out!
Dan, Thanks for the great show and memories. My dad, son, brother and myself love the show. The show and the crew will be greatly missed but we understand the reasoning behind the ending of the show. I am a very patient person but I know I would have lost my cool with the behind the scenes stuff. We will make it to your shop one day. Until then, thanks again for everything.
By the amount of comments on here you should know the show will really be missed. You are awsome god bless you and yours good luck in the future . I have love your show and your attitude toward your business and love of cars . We need more people like you
Dan, I’ve never written a ‘fan letter’ before, but here goes. I just wanted to say that I truly enjoyed your show for the last 6.5 years and feel I really learned something during that time. I always enjoyed the passion you conveyed for keeping the cars as original as possible while in many cases showing what was possible to make them structurally or functionally better than they were new in the interest of safety. I have to admit it upset me when I first saw that the ‘Final Episode’ was on the horizon, but as usual, now that I’ve seen your explanation, the need to wrap it up is completely understandable. Thanks for a great show. A visit to your shop is on the bucket list.
I will be very sorry to see your show come to an end, Dan; you have shown a passion for automotive restoration & preservation that in my opinion is unparalleled. A passion that is genuine…maybe there is an obsessive component, almost bordering on being dreamlike or unrealistic…but who cares. People who have a love for something, a passion, sometimes can be this way. I find your show extremely entertaining, & will miss seeing new episodes. You are one of a kind. Richard Rawlings could definitely learn a thing or two from you, sir.
Thank you for being real.
I was an auto technology teacher for years.
I built many cars and trucks over the years, none of them as nice as what your shop turns out.
You brought to light the reality of building a car.
It is dirty, it is frustrating, it is expen$ive, and it is time-consuming.
I have personally visited some of the studios of other car shows that are on television.
The guys turning the wrenches were not mechanics.
On the other shows, they had the host turn a bolt, then off-camera, the real mechanics would do the job.
Dan, your show always seemed refreshingly real to me.
Other shows look like a lie, maybe because I know a little about what building a vehicle entails.
I never had the pressure of a camera in my face.
It is a testament to you and your crew to have been able to produce so many fine builds while being under pressure.
I would like to wish you and your fine company many years of success.
I was sorry to read that you decided to end the show, but after reading your letter, I certainly understand. Fantomworks was my favorite car show and I’m really going to miss it. One of these days, I’m going to take a ride down I-64 from Richmond and take a tour of your shop. Best of luck to you and your crew.
I was basically confused as to final episode and final show. Now it is clearly final show. I was really impressed with the show the detailed explanation of work, the detail of concern, the true reality of patience and labor. I will definitely miss the show, it was something I looked forward to. It was great entertainment and learning experience. I am sorry to find out about your father and confused how the show was a personal financial loss. I know about family issues as my 30 years in the Marine Corps and 18 years as a Catastrophe Insurance Adjuster caused me to miss out on family events. So I really understand your situation. Thank you for what you did and take care of that yellow and black vette.
I totally understand the reasons for closing out the show I truly do but it still doesn’t make me less bummed that it’s going off the air…
You and your employees that work for you that were shown on the show seem like fantastic down to earth and well knowledged people and it has been a pleasure to watch you and your crew do what you love week after week…
Thank you So Very Much!!
Dear Dan, Thank you for exemplifying craftsmanship! My husband and I loved your show. We especially enjoyed watching you and your team solve the many problems that naturally come up. My daughter was a master mechanic and I am 68 and taking racing lessons. My family is car crazy and have spent hours working on projects so we know the gremlins that appear when you are doing something new. Anyway, best to you and your crew and thanks for making our lives a little richer.
Wow! I cannot believe what I have just read. I absolutely love your show! Your dedication to your craft is exceptional. I had no idea what it took to produce your show and cannot believe you lasted this long. I was feeling sad that it was going off the air until I read your words and realized this is a good thing. My sad feeling was a selfish one that was negated by how unselfish you have been all this time. You should have been making money from your tireless efforts not going into extreme debt. I may be ignorant of all the facts about how such an arrangement between a show like yours and a tv network is structured but my assumption here is that they didn’t go into debt along with you. I assume they made a great deal of money. That is why they are in business. Your show would have been cancelled by the network executives if there wasn’t money to be made. Even if you made some choices, separate from the network, that caused you financial hardship they should be making you whole. You should not have to walk away from this experience in debt. The overall value you and your team provided them should be more than enough to allow you to at least break even. Obviously I live in a world of fantasy. Money is more important than people. I am grateful for all you, your family and team went thru to provide me and so many others with hours of enjoyment. I am sorry for the haters that have attacked you and for the hardships this experience has caused. It’s not always obvious, and often it takes time, but all negatives contain positives or actually become a positive. I am certain any negatives this experience has provided will fade away and be replaced by the positives you deserve. One positive that I think you may be now realizing is all the happy you have given to so many others. I wish you all the best. Well done Dan!
My husband and I were saddened to hear the end of the show. But we can respect why. Thank you for your time, and thanks to your crew. Good Luck to you.
I’m not even a car builder, but recently I’ve started watching several shows. I liked yours the best. I will miss it much, but your reasons are valid in every way. Best of luck as you now get to pursue your passion minus grueling hours and endless hassles. Thanks again for awakening my enjoyment of car repair and restoration.
thank you dan and crew. it was an extreme pleasure to watch you guys work!
I grew up in my dad’s small mechanic shop in a small town. He worked himself sick trying to please his customers and helping them any way he could. Some customers wanted everything done for nothing and were still not happy. However, it was the good customers who made it worthwhile. They were appreciative and became like close family members.
I can certainly appreciate the time, effort, and craftsmanship required to turn out the quality vehicles that you and your crew produce.
Dan, just wanted to take this time to say thank you for the last few years of some of the best car building ever. Your show was unique. You offered close up, in detail how it’s done. Not only that, you did it in a way that was not only real, but with passion. Most of the shows on velocity, have one or more builders who appear like they’re trying to get into the comedian business. Again thank you and I’m gonna miss your show.
I get it completely… but you will be missed… It’s been the only restoration show I actually enjoy watching.
Thanks for being the only restoration show worth watching. God bless you, your family and crew.
Dear Dan, Family and Crew,
While the news of your show ending is quite sad, I would like to thank you for letting us into your shop all this time. The knowledge, craftsmanship and passion for your builds has been a highlight for me. Beyond the rigors of filming and financial burden, please know that you have given many of us car fanatics a great deal. I wish you all the very best.
Thank you again for letting us in,
Dan and your great crew. I am sorry to see you go but it sounds like it will be best for your family and all the dedicated folks at Fantonworks. I watch a lot of car shows and this was the only one my wife looked forward to watching with me. That says a lot. I am from VA and the next time I make a trip that way I would love to stop and see Fantomworks. The best to you and your team.
I will definitely miss the show enjoyed every episode quality work that went into every car . If you had thrown in a bloopers after each show would have been worth watching. Good luck
My husband got me started watching Velocity over a year ago and your show has been one of my favorites because of all the classics you work on. His dream is to purchase a 1967 Corvette and take it to you from Texas. We admire your work and will miss your show. Hopefully one day we’ll make it up there for a tour. We wish you, your family and crew the best of luck!
I think you can see you will be very missed. I like your tell it like it is attitude! I have alot of respect for people that can say exactly what needs to be said without being “Mean”. There have been a lot of moments that you and your shop have earned my respect over and over!
Finishing the car after the spouse died at no cost! A++
Telling people they needed to preserve the originality when you could have charged ALOT to completely restore a car that really didn’t need it. and countless other times.
I wish you, your family, and all your crew all the best.
When I can finally find my (67 – 69) Camaro we are coming to see ya! Your wifes isn’t for sale is it ??? LOL
Dan and your whole crew [including the film crew], I have enjoyed watching the marvelous work you all have done and will miss seeing new builds. While I selfishly would love to see it continue, I understand how the filming would add stress to all involved and when it isn’t fun anymore, it is time to move on. I wish you all further success in bring these pieces of art back to life. If I get to your area and you still are giving tours, I would love to see your facility.
I was catching up this weeks epeisode when I noticed it final episode. I had been thinking season until I read this article. To say the least, I am saddened by the loss of another straight forward, non dramatic car show.
While I do understand your decision , I will miss your show !! One Vet to another. God Speed..
hope one day to make it to your shop for a tour. I grew up with an uncle who built a few 55-57 chevy’s. So I just admired your approach and love for cars.
All I have left is Chasing Classic cars left now..
Dan, I actually had a dream about you and your crew fixing my 1977 Trans Am LOL. Although you guys actually will probably never work on it, you have shown the steps how to do it right over and over with no shortcuts on all those other projects. I hope someday my car will live up to the kind of quality your shop can produce. I understand now what you and your family has been through with your production and owning my own business for 6 years myself…. I would have pulled the plug on production a long time ago if I had to deal with all that. Thank you for your sacrifice and honor you have shown for those 9 years and I wish you the very best for years to come. Really wish I could actually visit your shop someday but you are a long way from AZ and travel expenses and all… Blehhh! Take car of you and yours and again — Thank you!!
Great show, thank you for sharing your passion with the world (even though it ended up being tough on you). You always keep it real which was refreshing and I also enjoyed your mix of employees which unlike some shops was varied across the racial spectrum.
To all the cast, keep the passion for what you do! With our love for these infernal machines, we need purist in pursuit of creating rolling pieces of art. Thank you Dan for your guidance, mentor ship, and love for what you do, care about the owners and their love for their machines….
Surely an internet record: hundreds of comments, and only one by a total dick! (Who I think was also the only guy to include a title in his name LOL!)
Dan, your show was about the only reality automotive show that had any reality. Explaining to clients that safety systems come first. Explaining the high costs of restoration, which quite often exceed the value of the finished car. Showing the real time frame of the restoration, usually a couple years. You and your crew entertained and educated us, and we will miss your show.
Here’s wishing you, your family, and your team continued success.
Hi Dan,
Currently watching the FantomWorks marathon awaiting the final show tonight. This has been one of the few shows that kept my channel choice on Velocity for more than a few years. Those long beard, tatto and MT added shows are not up to the quality your show has always embodied. Thanks to you, your family and employees for allowing this show to get produced. Best wishes and I hope to visit your shop someday.
Real quick… I never tire of MASH reruns. I will never tire of FantomWorks reruns. Every now and then, maybe one of my grandkids will say, “Grandpa! I saw a Cobra like yours on that cool car show last night!” Your tireless efforts will become timeless classics, I promise! Thank you for years of enjoyment and memories.
I’ve truly enjoyed the show. You and your entire crew are just amazing! It is so difficult to watch other shows that basically show fast food type builds with hardly any explanation of what and why. There are so many things that set your show apart from the others besides the unbelievable quality but when you see the “Days” of a build, that hits home in the scope of reality! I am sure producers think that a high end rebuild or restoration can be done with a few weeks but that is honestly fantasy. Quality will always suffer and the much needed attention to detail of which you and your crew shine like no others did.
As so many others have said before me and I’m sure after me you and your crew on TV will be sorely missed. For me it’s like that comfortable weekly ritual addiction that is suddenly broken. My 85yr old father and have truly enjoyed watching the show every week and now we are really heart broken over this.
Please if you read this pass this on to the shop and thank them deeply for years of enjoyment, for you and their sacrifices to bring a little joy and happiness to their fans. We wish you all the very best now and into the future.
Kindest regards
Such an amazing show! We will miss it. Like you and Melissa, my wife and I are both vets (we met while stationed at Langley AFB). We began to get into your show almost as much for your obvious military regimen as for the cars. And how you handled those clients that had no business (financially at least) trying to resurrect some cars from the dead, well that impressed us too. Reconnecting family memories is a difficult feat. You and your troops did it routinely. How many of us can say that? Please keep your team and business going. We hope to stop by for a tour the next time we are in the Tidewater area. Well done soldier!
By far my most favorite rebuilding show. Did not seem fake,real problems, real solutions. Quality work by well qualified technicians. I will be rewatching shows as I automatic record all shows. I was in Virginia 2 years ago, but our schedule did not match your tour schedule. Would still love to see your place. I’m looking for a 70 Elco and should I find what I want, you would be the one I would call to see that it is right. Thanks for doing the show for so long. GOD bless you and your crew. Jim G. Texas
Dan, My Father and I would watch the show after his stroke in 2014, he loved your work. He passed in March of 2018 but I continued to watch, good luck and Godspeed!
Thanks to all the shops crew. Along with you Dan for being a straight shooter. Thanks for your service one rotor head to another. the show will be greatly missed.
Dan, I am an avid fan and will be sorry to see your show go, however I completely understand your reasons. You gotta do the thing you truly live! I watch you show with keen interest as I have a 1977 New Yorker Brougham survivor car with low miles and your show is the only show I’ve seen where tackle working on those big Chrysler C-Bodies! I note the show on the Chrysler 300 Hurst and the 1974-75 Chrysler Newport your shop was working on that was in the background. It is my hope one day to be able to come out and visit your shop! Maybe show ya’ some pix. Keep on fixing those cars the ‘right way’ and better than when they rolled out of the show room. It’s so refreshing to see where quality is number one!
Best to you Dan, to your family and to your crew!
Dear Dan,
As a member of the dwindling middle class in America, I want to thank you for educating us on the cost of living the dream of our youth within the car culture. You gave us a reality check but also showed the joy of obtaining the dream. The people and stories in Fantom Works gave us hope that maybe the kid that had to endure watching Lawrence Welk to see the Dodge commercials, would someday be behind the wheel of a cool car too. You not only showed us that people on the East coast had a love of the automobile but that there are passionate people with the talent to make the dream come true.
Thank you too for your service to our country and for being the tough and kind entrepreneur that made watching Fanton Works a must see. You will be missed.
I am sorry the show is ending, but totally understand your rationale. I will say, that this was my favorite car show on TV EVER. You kept true to the cars originality and the tagline…”safety comes first and if we have to choose between you and your car…” says what you are all about…the CARS. Your show always kept me motivated as I work on my ’65 Chevy C10 LWB Stepside.
Thanks for the years of dedication you had to the cars and fans…and thanks for not slamming every car to the ground and throwing big speakers in the trunk. Keep the passion and know that you and all the crew are appreciated. Take care of your family and business!
I was sad to hear the news that your final show is airing tonight. I truly enjoyed watching your show and how you and your team work through the realities of real auto restoration. I also was amazed at how, in many cases, you were able to salvage the inept and sometimes fraudulent work of other less reputable shops. FantomWorks epitomizes how honest people devoted to customer service and ethical business practices have a place in our economy. I also appreciated the fact that you were not seduced by being on a popular TV show to remain true to your business. I never saw you marketing yourself on other shows. When I get my 63 convertible Vette out, I keep thinking I need one of those split window conversions you do. Thanks again for your show. I still will enjoy the reruns.
Dan, you are the best car show on TV. You keep it real. You remind me of me as a chief in the navy many years ago. The discontinuation of FantomWorks is tragic to me. But I also understand.
I can only hope that after you and the crew have time to recover you can come back in a modified form that is more agreeable to your workflow.
Peace my friend, and best wishes for your continued secession.
Dear Dan,
You and the Fantomworks staff have consistently demonstrated the best qualitites of the business–caring deeply about the customers and doing great justice to the projects. I particularly appreciated your dynamic approach to work and focus on achieving restoration and modification goals. Also, I think your show has been unique in letting folks regularly dive deeply into the reality of the restoration business. I’m been restoring cars for many years now and appreciate beyond words what I’ve seen you show of the business. I’m also consistently impressed with your enthusiasm and love for what you do and your results. The happy customers you have are being rewarded. Truely impressive. Thank you!
Dear Dan and the FantomWorks Team:
Thank you for demonstrating what professionalism, integrity, work ethic and a love of car restoration is all about. Although I will sorely miss you, I do understand your reasons.
Wishing you all the absolute best. Dan, thank you for your service to our country, for your sense of humor and expertise. God bless you, your family and your team.
Sonia O. Hakim
Thanks to you, your family and your crew for all the hours of work we don’t see on the TV show. I really enjoy your show. I have a lot of respect for the hard work and talent it takes to do the quality work you ask out of your team. I love the passion your shop has for cars and people. Every car has a story and those cars have memories to people who own them. Your team really does make dreams come true and also helps preserve memories that last forever. Time for the next chapter in your life. May God bless you, your family and your crew in the future.
Dan, I loved your show. Thanks to my dad I have been a motor head since I was a kid. Watching your show would take a lot of stress out of my day. God bless and good luck.
It is with great regret that your show is now canceled. I have enjoyed Fantomworks and its non-actors. It was refreshing to see cars restored back to original and even some restomods. Your crew always did from my viewpoint a professional and appealing job on your builds. It’s too bad you were a camaro lover because a Dodge Charger is still the ultimate muscle car. Take care and God Bless fellow veteran.
I just finished watching your last show. Having been a certified mechanic for the last 49 years and retiring from my own shop of 21 years last April I understand why you would call it quits with the show. Just to survive in the automotive world is tough. I think all people show own a small business and get a taste of how tough it is! Your show and technicians are great and best of luck to all.
Thank God for Dan Short Thank God he is gone. He says he is humbled are you kidding me he is the most arrogant man in the world
I love seeing the haters comments. We get it that your angry and disgruntled because you couldn’t afford Dan to build you a huffy let alone an awesome car. It’s funny when you actually took the time to lookup fantom works and agreed to join up and confirm your email to come on and post like a total tool. Maybe MTV pimp my ride is more your speed?🤦♂️🤣😂 calm down, you know it’s true, we don’t want you getting your tampon in a knot. Anyways goodluck Dan and the crew at fantom works.
After reading your reasons for moving on with the show and what I know of you from the show . You’ve made absolutely the right decision for you , your business , and your staff. Guess I’ll just have to come and see you in person. I’m still saving to be able to bring my Camaro to the shop. It may be a while but I will get there! And I will look forward to that day! Until then you will be missed . Thank you for 9 great seasons ! Your fan Phil
Dan, sorry to see your show end. Really appreciated your explanation though. Always looked forward to each episode. Unfortunately the trolls, losers and jerks are everywhere. Good to hear that things appear to be rapidly returning to “normal”. You and your crew put on a great show and will definitely be missed! Good luck and best wishes for you and your crew!
I’m going to try to keep this short. Want you to know who’s writing…
I’m a 77yr Calif car geek, founder of a car rallye club, BA in TV/Film prod, former owner of some classics (TR3, Alfa Giulietta, 66 Vette, VW Bug, Chrysler 5th Avenue, Lincoln MkVII LSC, 91 Vette, etc…the gamut.
I’ve been a radio news anchor, tv director, pr guy, college prof and owned three ad agencies. I LOVED YOUR SHOW and always guessed it was much tougher to produce than it looked! I will miss Fantomworks immensely…your crew, your wife (I remember that trip to England for parts to an Isetta) and, of course, Audrey! I wish you could work it out to create a show that’s easier to produce. Thanks for the entertainment and hope in restoring classics! Take care Bud. BTW, I AM also a proud Vet.
Most real of any show. I liked that the show displayed the day number, a dose of reality. Thank you for what was, for me, at the top with the best. I will miss it.
I will miss watching new shows but understand your point. I helped my father restore a 30 model A with a rumble seat. We are currently restoring a 40 Ford pickup. I don’t have any one show that was a favorite. I enjoyed the show.
I have watched your show from the beginning and it quickly became my favorite. I often wondered how difficult it had to be, working on cars with cameras stuffed in your face, and I get your decision to get out of what truly must have been a nightmare. I have a numbers matching 74 Z28 that I always wished I could get restored but never seem to have the time or money due to the camp we run for abused and neglected kids. I would watch your show and always tell my wife, “If I had he money, this is the guy I want fixing my car.” Sadly the car is up for sale now after a tornado hit our camp last year. Good luck with everything and I hope to one day visit your shop.
A I sit here in frozen NH with two hot rods in the garage waiting for that first warm day in late March when they can awake from their slumber I am already working on THE LIST…things to tweak. I have had over fifty hot rods, Factory 5 Cobras and classics since retirement 8 years ago and your show was the only “REALITY” show that even came close to reality. If you want quality it takes drive,time,and money! Your cars were superb and during the builds with day 236 on the screen this was reality. Having been in the auto business and having to spend hours filming TV spots I know only too well the toll it takes on the whole crew. Wishing you continued success keeping the flame burning for us older guys still wanting our lead footed past back! God bless you and GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Enjoyed the show and leave as a fan. Always intrigued by the talented guys working in the shop and the craftsmanship each one demonstrates on every build. I thank you for giving us the 6 year run and a better understanding and insight to what really happens when you restore a car to “like new” condition. No tricks, just hard work, talent, time, and money. Wishing you and your team all the best and success moving forward.
This was one of the best shows ever for us cars people! I will miss this show. Thanks
As the wife of a diehard “car” guy (who has worked on fixing and restoring cars & motorcycles for more than 40 years), I first want to thank your wife- for her understanding and many sacrifices- to enable you to have a show that demanded so much of you (and her), and yet she still made a home for you to come back to.
As a woman, I just wanted you to know- that yours was the one show I would watch with my husband every week. Heck- it was pretty much the ONLY show we watched together each week.
Yours was the singular show that managed to teach me about every part of a car- first how each part worked individually, and then how they would finally work together as a whole rumbling, breathing, roaring, fine tuned beautiful machine.
It was an education that surprised me, in how much I actually enjoyed learning about it all and that came from watching your ever patient, professional, very talented FantomWorks crew—and you….
I will miss you, your show, and your crew.
Thank-you for all the years of learning and enjoyment you provided us, and for the hardships and sacrifices you, your wife and your crew made.
I like all of the comments I read, will miss a wonderful show. However I understand the difficulties of trying to film around a working garage. It must be a relief to be able to go to work and not have to be in a place where the camera can get a good shot. While I will miss the best auto restoration show, and a man that maintains a code of ethics in relation to building cars, good fortune in all the future endeavors.
Always looked forward to the series, and admired the expertise of workmanship. Regrettably, all things must pass, but your decision was wise, and warranted. Continued success to the business, and happiness to you, and your family.
Hey Dan,
You had the best car show on TV. Your crew was great at what they did, but I loved the fact that you had to come up with original engineering solutions because the problems you faced were unique to the specific build being done at that time.
Thanks for lots of entertainment and inspiration. Nothing I ever had to do on my cars was nearly difficult as the miracles you were performing.
I wish you and your family health and happiness in all the years ahead.
I will always remember your philosophy on safety. Even with my 1971 911 over brake. I added 930 brakes. If I’m doing 100 MPH and I stand on the brakes. Its wise to have your seat belt on. Your shop and your technicians are real. You will be missed.
Dan and your wonderful team,
Thank you for restoring my faith in the future of restored vehicles. Modern tech is fine as long as the original looks are kept intact.
God bless you all
Dan, to you, your family and crew of automotive artisans, my wife and I thank you all. When I was 13 I purchased a 1930 Model A sedan up in Canada and started the engine rebuild. I learned how to pull an engine, tear it down and replace piston rings, heads, rebuild the carburetor (it leaked good when I was done), and replace the flywheel ring gear. My mothers oven broiler made the ring gear job possible – no torch. I did this work on my own, hands-on learning.
The enjoyment of watching your folks bring all those units back to life was beyond wonderful. Over the years I’ve watched other car building shows filmed from Texas to California. None of them can compare with FantomWorks!! You folks set the standard.
My guess is with your schedule over the past years you haven’t had time to learn the game of golf, however, if you ever get to the central area/west coast of Florida and are looking for a game, I’d love to have you be my guest.
Thank you and all your folks again for so much enjoyment. You will be sorely missed and will remain in all your fans thoughts!!
Bless you and yours.
Dan, thanks for sharing you and your crews time for this Fantastic show, I have been a fan from day 1, and will sorely miss seeing, you, Bobby and the other highly skilled technicians in your shop. Also, thanks for taking the time to share with your fans the reasons and logic behind ending the show. Hopefully you / your shop will be compensated for the re-runs, as I am certain another Cable network will want to re-broadcast the Series.
My wife and i will loved watching your show it was the best, as car people we can appreciate the work your guys put into the cars the your shop built.We could see the stress you and your guys were under, but everyone held up great. We hate to see you go and we will miss your favorite saying ” SON OF A BITCH “and wish everyone the best of luck.
I would like to thank you and your entire crew for putting out one of the best automotive shows.GOOD LUCK SIR!!!
Dan and Crew,
I will ever be grateful for you sharing your stories, shop, and combined talents with our family. There are very few shows that I get excited about these days and Fantom Works will always be one of my favorites. We appreciate the sacrifices you and your family endured over the years to bring your show to our screens week after week. Wishing all of you the very best as you return to normalcy and continue to crank out each masterpiece.
No need for many words. Thank you, to you, and your extremely talented crew.
It is and will remain one of my favorite shows. [And I can’t turn a screwdriver.]
Hopefully someday I have the bank account and car worthy of your services. Great show. I understand why you are calling it quits.
I truly have enjoyed every episode of this wonderful show. I was not happy to hear that the show was entering its final year. However I do understand. Thanks for all the great years and God Bless you, your family, and crew.
Hi Dan
Sorry to see you go. Can you at least reconsider doing less shows. Your beliefs in safety can be a safety factor to continue with the show. I have a 1971 911 even if the car is over brake. I upgrade it to 930 brakes
Hi Dan & DRS Staff,
I loved your show. I recorded and kept many of shows just in case I purchased a Camaro, Mopar, C3 or Mustang. I plan on visiting DRS this summer.
Dan and Crew,
I’ve driven by your shop many times and I was fortunate to meet you once when you were shopping for couch. Your show brought back fond memories of my first hot rod build. I loved the ingenuity and thoroughness of you and your crew. Your show will be missed. My family wishes you and your crew the best of luck going forward.
Dan, I have been lucky enough to have found your show on Velocity and looked forward to each new episode for all your seasons.
It was truly my favorite show on the network.
My best to you and your crew in the future
Lyman McCrea
If I ever get up to nerve to purchase my dream car (69 Chevelle) I am coming to do to “do it right”. Sorry to see the show go but understand why given yur heartfelt post. Your show will be missed by this dreamer.
I’m glad I found this site. I thought the network canceled your show. Hope they show re-runs for a long time and I hope you recoupe your loses. Don’t understand how you could lose money but it is not my business and I guess it does not matter. loved your shows. Wish I could have know you as a personal friend. You seem like a real fine person and great car designer. If I ever win the lottery my second stop will be to get the money. My first one will be your shop. God bless you and your crew. Feel like I know you all. Terry
Dan, as much as I will miss your show, I can understand your decision to end it. The distraction and focus to detail must have been difficult. I’m a Navy veteran having resided in Norfolk for a number years before moving to Maine (bringing my street car project with me). I’ve been truly amazed by all the cars you and your technicians have transformed. Especially the Metro that concluded your series. Truly a beautiful piece of craftsmanship. I wish you and your team continued success and joy in the work you do. Thank you for all that you’ve shared with us for the love of all things automotive.
Hello Dan,
Although I have had had my share of projects out in the garage (the current a 74 TR6) I have still found time to sit and watch the “car show” offerings Speed TV, and then Velocity and now MotorTrend have to offer and I must say of all of those shows, Fantom Works will remain one that I dialed-in to watch Intentionally and alhough, not all the projects and procedures were pretty, everything was REALISTIC and and I will miss that. Best of luck in all thats ahead!
The best car show, period. Sorry to see you go but your explanation says it all. Every margin on doors, trunk and hood was made better than factory. Nothing overlooked. If I ever want a car done, this is where I would go. Keep up the great work.
Dan and Crew,
I’ve enjoyed your show over the years and wish you all the best. I know you will continue to prosper in your craft. You will be missed.
A note from Social Circle, GA.
“AMEN” to all the previous positive comments! Dan, over the past few years I have become a BIG fan of Fantomworks. I watch several different car shows, however Fantomworks is the only one that I have my TV set to record each and every episode. Not only is it informative it is also VERY entertaining! Damn I hate to see it go!
Dan, Watched your show from beginning. I am a Texan but was stationed in Norfolk on a submarine in the 60s. used to drive right by your location on Hampton Roads. You probably were not there then. Anyway, appreciate your loyalty to our country and veterans. Your show has been special for many people. We need more folks like you and your family. You are doing the right thing but we will miss you a lot. Blessings to you and your family.
Dear Dan and crew. My husband Michael and I have enjoyed your show very much. Its refreshing to see a crew who truly cares and does amazing work. You truly did make the cars better than when they left the showroom. The show was entertaining and informative. We take our hats off you all of you and wish the best for your future. None the less you WILL BE MISSED!!!!
Dan I am so very sorry to see one of the best shows on TV come to an end. I admire the talent of you and your staff. After reading your letter I fully understand your reasons and wish you all the best. I hope to bring you my project one of these days and meet you in person. Nothing would make me happier than to walk out and see your work at restoring my old family friend. All the best to you, your family and the workers in the shop. You will be missed on my TV.
First, thank you for your service to our country.
Great show about cars and wrenching that you can relate to… unlike most of the other shows now that are simply about owners & cars on steroids.
Glad things ended on your terms. You and the show will be missed.
Fantomworks is (was) 1 of 3 automotive shows I watch and the only one I recorded. I read a lot where people sadid you were hard to work with, an asshole and such. I saw you as a business owner putting out a great product.
I know I will never have the resources to afford something your shop puts out but it was nice dreaming.
Dan, damn the torpedoes….full speed ahead!! Your show prioritized SAFETY. By your
thorough inspection of each vehicle brought into the shop, you educated the entire viewing audience about REAL maintenance procedures i.e identifying the problems, determining a solution and completing the required repairs. Those of us who enjoy tinkering on old cars can now say we learned a lot from Dan Short and Fantomworks. Thanks and keep ’em rolling.
Your show was truly one of my favorites. Your crew does a nice job and you did a good job of relating what’s envolved in a build. The trend towards grunge builders is certainly not for me. If Orange County Choppers could amass $200m from that show I don’t see why Velocity/MT couldn’t manage a way to make this show profitable for everyone envolved including the crew. Unfortunately another great show gone. I for one am looking for the announcement that Fantomworks is now on Discovery and replacing the Dallas clown show.
What Robert said.
Congratulations on a very successful show, as a car enthusiast who has completed two frame off restorations I fully understand and support your decision. I will miss your show, best of luck as you continue to make some outstanding rides!
Fantomworks has been one of the best car shows on TV, period! I haven’t missed an episode but will surely miss the show now that it’s gone. You and your team have a lot to be proud of and I, along with all your fans, appreciate you letting us know why filming has ended. After learning of all that has occurred, I for one, can’t blame you for moving on. I hope the executives at Motor Trend will step up and make things whole for you financially, as this is the least they can do. Should it ever make sense to start filming again in the future, perhaps with a network who is more fiscally responsible, my DVR is waiting.
Certainly understand your decision. I will miss your show. My wife even watched it with me and loved it! Best wishes to you!
We will dearly miss watching your show. We tried never to miss a show. We just love the way you explained things and sometimes the language. We often said that if we ever had the money we only take our project to your shop.
We did re-restore a 1926 Hudson Super Six on our own and it is painful, but enjoyable. Sadly we had to sell the car in 2016 as I could no longer work on it. It won over 50 awards, including a National Award and an award from McPherson College for First Place. McPherson College is only college in the country that offers a degree in Auto Restoration. But enough about that.
You will be sorely missed by us. Good Luck on your future adventures. Who knows maybe some day we can come visit your shop.
Dan, as a fellow car nut and businessman, I know your pain. Running a business is tough enough, but doing it in front of cameras, and at a financial loss, is more than any normal human can bear. Thanks for sharing your world with us and I wish you much success and happiness in your future.
Dan,I will miss like everyone your passion and drive that you exhibited on all types of cars,that came into your shop.
You were honest and up front with your customers a great quality,and you had that soft spot that really hit home.
I can’t image the stress’s in putting together a show and also fixing cars,and all of the problems that come with that.
I wish you and your wife and your staff nothing but the best going forward,and thanks for the six plus years,you will be missed.
Congratulations on your commitment to making FantomWorks such an enjoyable program through your clear explanations, passion for perfection and the obvious integrity of you, your family, your amazing staff and film crews. It has been a joy to watch and we envied all those lucky owners as you made their driving dreams come true – what a thrill!
Sending everyone at Fantomworks all best wishes for success and happiness. You will be sorely missed!
Dan, Thanks for providing real deal entertainment! I will miss your show and would like to commend you and your staff, especially your core staff of Bobby, Steve, and Walt, as well as the rest of your top notch staff, for your creativity, skills, and knowledge of the profession of vehicle restoration! I gained more and more respect, admiration, and appreciation as I watched each show for you and the guys abilities to resolve the many challenging issues of many of the builds. I respect, as well as everyone should, your decision to terminate the show. Best of luck! You are a class act!
Yous had the best car show on TV, sorry to see you go. I’m glad you explained why your show ended, I didn’t realize it was so much work. Good luck in the future.
Your show is the only car show I watch. No handkerchiefs, braided beards, etc, just a great show all about the cars. It always inspired me to keep working on the 49 International pickup. Thanks again and good luck!
Sorry to hear the news that your show will be coming to an end, I live in the UK and have been glued to the TV set every time your program has come on. I wish you and all your staff the very best for the future. I was going to contact you about my project it’s a Bristol Fighter which was never finished as a GT race car, it needs a lot of work I pluck up courage one day and make contact with you.
Dan, Thanks for all the enjoyable projects and great looking cars you shared with us. It was inspiring to watch your show; your honesty and integrity dealing with customers was a class act. Best Wishes always, and thank you for you service to our Country.
sad to see your show go but understand why, it was a great show and loved how you always put safety first on each build, dealing with customers on their builds must be really stressful and add to that cameras in your face all the time.
wish you and your crew all my best
The show WAS A JOKE!!!!….RANK Amateurs…ENDLESS STAGED DRAMA!!!…HACKS with wrenches parading as knowledgeable!!!
Extremely INFLATED build costs!!!….WON’T let these monkeys near my lawn mower..let alone ANY CAR!!!…Mark
Mark, are you smoking CBD oil? Dan Short has more knowledge in his pinky toe than you possibly have in your entire body? Staged. Yeah that SEMA Mustang build never happened. Your an ass Mark,
Sound like your mind and soul have a lot of corrosion! Maybe look in the mirror and work on that mr mark joey.
I doubt very much that you could even fix your own lawn mower!
In agree with Joey. The work on the show looks like maybe one step above Earl Shieb. Paint jobs and body work look as wavy as the Atlantic Ocean during a storm. The kids at high school auto shop class do nicer work. Mark Worman is the man..his work is concours and makes this place look like a junkyard shop. baba booey,
Thank you Dan and all of your exceptional crew for bringing us such an amazing insight into the world of artisan car restoration, those vehicles look superb.
I fully understand your reasons for ending the show and would like to wish you and your family, along with your crew, all the very best for the future.
Michael O’Sullivan,
hi dan,
just went on your website and found out your show will not be on tv anymore. it will be truly missed. I would like to tour your shop sometime in the future. sometime I would like to send you some pictures of a project I would like you to consider doing or me. I am in Michigan and would have to have it shipped to you.
yourself and your crew keep up the great work.
Oy to see you go but completely understand. The show will be sorely missed as it relentlessly brought the heart and passion of owners, their vehicles and FW ability to male dreams come true. Regularly brought a tear to my eyes as the story unfolded. Keep up the good work at your shop. God bless and take it easy.
Dan, my husband and I are sad to see your show leave but we understand. We enjoy watching Fantom Works and hearing the stories of the people and their cars and you and your crew’s neverending pursuit to restore their cars. Best of luck to you in the future.
Dan and Crew,
I have enjoyed FantomWorks for many years and I’m sad to see it end. I am also glad to see the IH Metro completed. It was a great project to end the show on.
Mike Bott
Awesome show Dan and all your shop team and film crew. Glad you let us take a peek into your world–it is fascinating! Wish I could afford to send you my grandpa’s 56 Merc, but I know the cost would be way north of what I could spend–I get to dream of that watching your episodes. Will get around to it when life slows down a bit.
Anyhow, if I get up to Virginia, I’ll be sure to look you up!
Again, thanks so much for such a great, authentic look inside your world–you will be sorely missed!!!
Thanks, Phil
Ditto to what everyone else has said. Best show ever about cars on TV! I wish I could afford to have you do my E-Type.
Where’s the crowdsourcing page to help you out of the debt? If all of your fans contributed just $1.00 you would be debt free.
Dan…I can only agree with the comments above. I am sure your carry over exposure will help you get back on track financially. You produced a great TV product just like the vehicles you created. I am sorry to see you go but understand completely. Wishing you all the best in the future.
Dan, I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed your show over the past 6 and a half years. Your no bs approach was refreshing in a show where most of the other shows promise unicorns and fairies with pixie dust. I am sorry that producing the show put you in such a financial whole. For those of us that love you and your show, could you get a cheap video camera, or use your cell phone for that matter, and post little snippets of stuff every now and they or include it with the newsletter so we can see what is going on at the shop. I wish you all the best going forward and may God bless your business abundantly for the job you have brought to so many lives.
To Dan and everyone at FantomWorks, I’ve watched the show from the beginning and I cannot imagine how tough it was was to work on the vehicles with a camera crew. I’ve learned a lot by watching your show and I’m applying some of those to my project car, a 1963 Impala the my late father and I started to work on a while back. He gave me the passion and love for classic cars. They had style, individuality and personality unlike today’s cars. Together, he and had restored a few cars, but the Impala was his pride and joy (it was the only car he bought brand new and he had it when he met my Mom) and I hope to finish it for him some day. Your solutions on some tough issues helped me think about finding a way to get around things that got me stumped on my project that really helped. Thank you for all you do, for keeping the classics going and showing how cars are part of us as any family member. Take care!
Kudos to you and your crew. Of the dozens of reality car shows that can be found on cable today, Fantomworks is by far the best show out there. Period. The passion you and your crew has is evident in each build. I will be taking a trip to take a tour of your shop and looking forward to it. Best of luck to you, your crew, and your families. I hope you take some time off for some R&R.
I have enjoyed your show since I discovered it. I did stop by in April 2018 for the tour as I was driving from Florida to upstate NY. Fantom Works will be missed by me. The show’s editors had a real challenge to make a one to two year restoration into an hour show. You will have great success without the camera crews interference. I wish you were their when I was trying to rebuild my 47 Chevy and got in over my head, but that was 25 years ago and the car is long gone. Who knows I may stop back for another tour on my next trip north.
Dan I have enjoyed every one of your shows and have learnt a lot about American cars. It was nice to see how much passion and craftsmanship you put into each restoration. I will miss your show very much. All the best for the future.
Good luck to everyone there moving forward.Will miss the show very much.Hope to get a tour one day its on my bucket list.Greg Brown, 65 Galaxie LTD(fan car Friday)
The main reason I enjoyed watching the show was mainly for your never ending pursuit to perfection. I think that doing it right the first time is laking these days and I love your dedication to what you love. I have a similar passion but have not been able to fulfill it as of yet but maybe one day. I do manage to get several IH vehicles on the road each year that had once been neglected. What people don’t understand is the sacrifice you have made to get where you are. The auto repair business is hard enough to manage much less the classic car restoration business which is almost impossible. I hope you get back to were you can start fully enjoying it again.
Gordon’s Garage
Hi Dan,
I just want to say that i will miss your show, it was great. However i read your statement and i kinda feel bad for you and the staff of what you had to go through. The fact that you could not be with your father was upsetting. My wife, father-in law and myself came down from New York hoping to get a tour but we there on the wrong day. But we were able to look into the shop and see all the amazing cars that were there. For me i was a dream come true. Thank you for all the shows you put on and thanks to your staff not only for restoring classic cars but also teaching me about the restoration process..
Thanks Again for Everything and good luck in the future..
P.S.If i ever win the lottery you will be getting my 1976 Monte Carlo for a full restoration..
Tony P.
To you Dan and your crew i say thank you because it was a honor and a privilege to be able to watch the the program. I always looked forward to see what was next to be rebuilt and see it better than ever. I always was able to day dream about what my dream car would be( of course after you and your crew got done with it.) Then back to reality with my 1994 Mercury Sable, then I would get to do it all over again with the next episode. I really am going to miss the show a lot because there’s no one that did it like you!! God bless Dan and your wonderfully crew as well.
I really regret to see you guys go. I have watched the show from the onset, even watch the reruns.
It was the only reason I started watching volicty.
Thanks again for the show and best of luck in the future.
Just know that your show enjoyed by millions.
Lee Carman
CMSGT USAF (retired)
for the memories
Hi Dan, How are you? I watch your show every single day. I was not a car fan when I discovered your program 3 years ago, not at all, but I became one. I was wandering why I was so interested in watching over and over Bobby, Wayne, Steve and all the members of your crew changing brakes, painting cars, etc. and yourself showing them how to do things and interacting witht them over a car.
I knew you were all interested in making something good, something outstanding, for yourself as a person, and then as a group because you are a big family starting with you and your wife Melissa. But then, you are writing about it today, you never talked about it in your program, ever, about making or loosing money, what you are always having in mind, and your crew as well, is “your client” who is so happy that he often wants to kiss you, man (1) or women.
Your special leadership, Dan, makes such a difference in human interaction between members of your crew so it drags me to my TV screen for more every day. I hope you understand what I mean. There is no other TV Show that gives me that feeling of friendship, that gives me the impression of being part of the group. Therefore, I am not watching any other show on a daily basis for now.
As for you, never, you abused your authority, always, you “asked for”, “thanked for” or “showed how to”, and when you say “do something” the tone of your voice is not patronizing.
And over time, I learned a lot about american cars, espacially my favorite, Corvette! But because I live in Quebec, Canada, it is very difficult for me to put my hands on episodes of Fantomworks, and almost impossible on complete Seasons. My first experience watching Fantomworks was on French Television. Overdubs on your voice, Dan, wasn’t so bad, but I was glad to get the real thing later on. Unfortunately, Fantomworks was never aired on English Televesion, even on Cable, to my knowledge. I tried to buy them on, but they wouldn’t sell to Canadian citizen. I hope that one day, Fantomworks would be available on DVD. It’s a shame that your friendly neighbour can’t have access to one of the greatest US Productions!!!
It was a physical shock for me yo learn this morning about the end of the TV Production. If it’s better for you and for the group and the shop, that’s fine with me. You gave us a great legacy and a lot of fantastic videos to watch. I hope sincerely that Canadians will be able to buy those videos on line soon!!! Amd perhaps one day, under different conditions, you’ll be back?… Who knows?
In the mean time, I wish you, your wife Melissa and your wonderful team, to continue to focus on your job, making people very happy by fulfilling their dreams.
I must say that I have been writing to “Fantomworks” several times and never got an answer, it would be great if I did. Please ask the person in charge to have a look at your past emails and give me a little “Hello” and a few answers to my questions, that would be very nice!
Dan, you have been, and will be an example to follow as a leader and as a man! You are a very inspiring good person. Congratulations for all that you have accomplished. Please continue what you are doing whatever some bad people might write in the darkness of their basement. I have been working for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for 35 years and we know that 1 bad letter is worth 10 letters and 1 good letter is worth 10 times more!
I say that your work and your craftsmanship is worth a lot more than just all the work you do on a car, which is overwhelming, it’s the joy and happyness that you give back to the man and woman that go to your shop. That’s something you do not find easily nowadays. And this is something that we will also be missing… but fortunately, I have a few episodes to watch to remember you by and perhaps one day, I’ll be able to buy the Seasons that I am still looking for…
Daniel Vachon
Kingsbury, Quebec, Canada
A little village of 150 people
P.S. : And please excuse my english, French is my mother tongue.
Hi Dan,
your show will be missed in this house. It’s a fact that combining filming and building top notch cars can’t be an easy task! I wish yourself, and all the members of the FantomWorks team all the best, and I’m sure the shop will continue putting out cars with pride of the work done.
On the other hand, there goes my dream of seeing a the sexy european, the Mercury Capri getting done by your shop.
A big thanks for your show that I enjoyed so much.
Dan, So sorry to see you close down the tv show. We loved it and even came to visit you and the team in Norfolk, all the way from Waxhaw NC. I looked forward the show each week. My friends and I are muscle car people. We are motor heads who display our cars at many local shows. We all liked and watched FantomWorks religiously. Its really shame you didnt make a million, instead of incurring a million in debt. We wish you and the whole group much success.
If you’re ever coming through the Charlotte NC area, feel free to call. We would love to have lunch.
Tim and Cheryl Roche
Dan and Crew
Thank you for a wonderful and informative show. I came a little late to the party but I have stayed right to the end. Your dedication to detail and doing things only one way has been an inspiration to me as I continually work on ,y daily driver a 1998 Chevy blazer. Thanks to you I have been able to squeeze more life out of her that there would be otherwise. On behalf of her and myself thank you and god speed. Oh, One more thing a shop tour is now on my bucket list should I ever make it back to Norfolk
How about an email address to write to at Motor Trend TV to bring the series back and pay more money to Dan and the crew?
Hi Dan,
I LOVED Fantomworks and the loss of your show will hurt a lot. As a classic car owner (’62 vette), yours was one of the few (maybe only) car building show that was honest and straight forward (ie, not scripted). You didn’t produce ridiculous fantasy sequences or create outrageous storylines in advance. Fantomworks always seemed pretty real and it’s for that reason that I have been such a fan from the start.
I plan on coming down to your shop for a tour this spring and, if I’m lucky, get to meet you and the team in person.
A fan forever….
Russ Lease
Unfortunately for me, I only got to enjoy your amazing show for a year and a half. It is my favorite of all the shows out there on what is now Motortrend. The passion that was evident that you have for vehicles of all sorts was easy to see. I can’t tell you how disappointed I feel that new episodes are a thing of the past, but I totally agree with your decision. I don’t know how you did it for the last 7 years. You have a great crew and I wish you continued success. I am hoping to take the tour sometime soon and only wish I could afford to have your help on my project. It’s an 86 Monte Carlo SS but that may be too new for you to mess with. I wish only the best for you, your family, and your crew. Take care sir and thank you for your service to our country.
Bob Richards
Thank you for a great show, I have enjoyed every one. Like many I am sad it finishing, but its great the shop will continue. Best wishes for your future.
God bless you and your crew for the hard work and the good cars you showed us on your show. I was always impressed at your insistence that everything be done correctly, even when it did not show. You and your shop and your cars are the definition of integrity.
“Sad day at our house!!” when the news came down that Fantomworks was leaving the air waves. Happy to hear, however, that the business and the works will inure.
Having turned wrenches on my own restorations for the best part of fifty years; not to your standards of course,but the love for these old girls is deep and lasting and your show had that dialed right in. It was a real pleasure to see the reality of restoration in real time!
Thanks for the hours of enjoyment here in Ontario, the land of ice,snow and road salt!!
With best wishes to you, your family and your crew for a fun filled and prosperous future.
Your show was a true gift to any automobile enthusiast who believes in doing the job right, or not doing it at all. I thank you for your military service to our country, and sharing your shop and crew (Heidi too) with us through the show. As in all things in life, you have to know when to hold them, fold them, walk away, or run. You did what was best for you, your family, and your business…which I know in my heart will only benefit from this. For what it’s worth, My wife and I have a survivor 68 Cadillac Deville convertible that we would not let anyone other than you and your team touch. When the time and finances are right, you will be hearing from us! Thanks again, and God bless
What I loved about the show was, it was about the cars. Not the relationships, or even the owner. Just the builds and to me, that is what it should be about. Thank you for giving us THAT type of show. Although, I didn’t care for the language used sometimes or the “late” bleep of a cuss word, your builds are awesome as is your love for WHAT you build. Maybe sometime I will make it to Norfolk soon to take a tour.
Thanks for all the great car shows, yours was my favorite. Goodby and good luck.
Been a great show & thanks for letting us see the great work at Fantom Works. Been a pleasure to see as many others have said the fact that cars are not completed in a week. Wishing you all the best for the future from the UK
Great show! Enjoyed evert episode. But, BUT, how could you incur such an incredible debt from the show?? Velocity and M/T would have compensated you for any and all production expenses, right? Another thing I found amazing is when you reviewed the bill – Parts are $60,000 and 3,000 hrs labor. Using a round number of $100 an hour = $300,000! Wow, restorations are incredibly expensive!!!!
Have followed your show here in the U.K. for a while. You will be missed. All the best for the future Dan to you and your team.
Sorry to see the show go away, far and away my favorite restoration show on TV. I too can understand why you decided to call it quits, a million dollars in debt is CRAZY, did you finance the show yourself? You and ALL of the men and women that work for you deserve our utmost thanks and respect. Each of you has expertise that is a pleasure to watch and the cars you build are truly works of art. Good luck in the future, pop open a go-fund-me page to help with your debt and I’ll contribute to help pay back what you had to spend to do the show, I’m guessing many fans would help as a thank you. God Bless to you and you family and employees as well.
I have enjoyed many episodes of Fantomworks and have learned a lot from watching. I suspect your shop will be more productive without everyday filming. I have toured your shop an d maybe I can get my 1970 Mustang convertible In there for some work one day. Respectfully,
You’ve given so much to all of us for so long, I’m ecstatic for your future happiness and new chapter in life. Yes, I will GREATLY miss the show, but knowing the stress and financial sacrifice you have made for us, it would be selfish and hard to fully enjoy the show going forward.
I for one will never complain watching re-runs; it’s your turn to enjoy life. Thank for sharing what you could.
Wish you the best and God bless!
Thank you.
First of all, thank you for your service to our great country! I am very sorry to learn of the million dollars of debt the show placed Fantom Works in. That being said, I understand with all the distractions and costs why you cancelled your great show. In my humble opinion, Fantom Works truly provided us viewers great insight to what it really takes to restore a vehicle, especially from the ground up. I commend you for always pushing that safety is paramount along with quality of work. Also, not just using aftermarket parts but making sure the work being performed was CUSTOM. So much these days that word is so overused in the industry. I especially enjoyed that your show had no fake deadlines and learned a lot about metal fabrication from viewing several of these types of episodes. Notwithstanding, the compassion you exhibited on a few episodes when a person passed. The one that comes immediately to me is the Buick build where you provided the labor cost as free. I wish Fantom Works all the success in the world going forward and will greatly miss watching new Fantom Works Episodes. Thank you and all Fantom Works Team both past and present for your time and dollars involved providing us a great show!
Thanks for keeping it real. Loved your show as I’m sure others have for the past few years. It made sense and always gave a sense of the cost and time it takes to do these things.
Best of luck with your future endeavors.
Hey Dan, really hate to see the show go, but based on the reasons stated, I can certainly understand. I have enjoyed watching the show over the last eight years on Saturday mornings and if there wasn’t a new episode, I would rewatch an old episode. What i like best about your show was that you showed the frustrations, problems and real time it takes to restore cars and trucks. Other shows create drama by trying to complete cars on a made up deadline. I enjoy working on cars and have worked with my son on a number of vehicles and with my nephew’s on a couple of repair projects. While I never discouraged their enthusiasm for working on their projects, I try to instill that it always doesn’t work out as neatly and as timely as it does on TV. The frustrations you showed on TV of getting bad or wrong parts, previous shoddy work, or “rip the whole damn thing apart” is the realities of working on cars. You have to love it to do it yourself. Thanks for keeping it real, and if I’m ever in Virginia, I hope I get a chance to visit your shop. Or better yet, work with you on a project.
Fantomworks has been my favorite show over the years that I never missed. I watch most all of the cars shows and without a doubt, it was easy to tell Fantomworks was as real as possible compared to the many others.
While it’s understandable that the show was a real P.I.T.A. to deal with, it will be missed alot. Keep up the outstanding work. I just wished I had saved up enough money in my long life working to get Fantomworks to build me some muscle.
Cheers! It was great while it lasted. At least there are re-runs.
Hi Dan
Sorry o see the show end but given the circumstances it is understandable. This was one of my favorite car build shows.The show gave enough details for amateurs to learn some mechanic work and yet had some humor to make it entertaining.There was even an episode or two that brought some tears where the owner of the vehicle passed away in the middle of the build and you took on the expense of the build. Great show that will sorely be missed
Thank You … Dan and Crew for 7 Terrific Car Building Years … you will all be missed !!!
Dan and Melissa. One of my favorite shows was the scene when Dan presented you with the 1968 Camaro . I got the biggest kick how Dan first gave Melissa the “If I haven’t told you lately…” note. Then the flowers and how she beamed over the car. Nice to see people who “care about our country” and know how to keep love in their relationship!
God bless you and God bless America!
Here in the Netherlands I love to watch your show each time. The dedication that makes the cars in a sculpture. Incan imagine that filming constantly in your company is putting stress in the ambiance. I will miss the show but if I’m able to go for an holiday in the US I will try to visit you in Virginia. Good luck and keep up the good job with your artisans!
Dan, I am an inveterate watcher of car restoration shows, and yours has always been at the very top of my list I had no idea, however, the trials and tribulations doing it inflicted on you, your crew, and your family, to say nothing of the financial drain involved. Your explanation of the shooting schedule (and schedule of projects) answers the nagging question I always had about cars supposedly completed several seasons previously still appearing in the background of current shows. I do hope you have a good residual deal, because I plan to watch your re-runs until my final manifest call. Good luck in all you do henceforth, and stay true to the high principles your work has always reflected!
My favorite show on Velocity. Going to miss it
so very sad to hear you go. I initially thought you were too arrogant and self centered and overly concerned with cost. in retrospect, it is clear that you are truly a perfectionist, generous, and honourable. I wish you and your family and crew continued success in all aspects of your life with much good health, happiness, and good will.
Dear Dan & all of FantomWorks…. This show will be severely missed, but your reasoning about it is fully understandable. You and all your workers are truly artists at what each of you do & I wish all of you the very best in the future for whatever comes your way…. Keeping vintage, antique & classic vehicles alive is so amazing!
God bless you Dan & FantomWorks….
My favorite show! The builds were interesting – I loved them all, but some of your work was absolutely stunning! I’ve always liked Avanti’s so you can imagine how I felt about that Avanti built you did. It was just fantastic! I guess the plus side is that now I have to go out to my garage and get busy on my ’40 – no more vicarious hot-rod building with Dan Short anymore. Thanks for the great ride!!
Fantomworks was the best show out there! If I ever have a car that needs to be restored, I know where it is going! I felt that I knew you personally and will miss the episodes.
Quem ama o mundo automotivo, a manutenção bem feita, a qualidade no serviço sempre bem feito, a honestidade, humildade e caráter de um grande profissional e sua equipe, só pode dizer que ama esse profissional e sua equipe, sem hipocrisia.
Amamos vocês, farão falta em nosso dia-dia.
Deus os abençoe, sempre!
Translated via Google:
“Who loves the automotive world, the well-maintained maintenance, the quality of service always well done, the honesty, humility and character of a great professional and his team, can only say that he loves this professional and his team, without hypocrisy.
We love you, we will miss it in our daily lives.
God bless you, always!”
I appreciate your decision to end the show. Many viewers probably didn’t realize how many shop hours must have gone into documenting the many details to allow for a seamless viewing experience. Having to record pep talks and criticisms for drama must have added an hour a day. I admire the fact that you rarely had anything that seemed staged just for show purposes. I detest the staged rivalrys, near miss “shop accidents” and games other shows create to add viewer interest. Most of all I appreciate your commitment to doing the job right. Sorry to hear about the unfortunate ugliness that accompanies fame.
Hi Dan, I totally understand your position but I’ll miss the show. It’s a very real illustration of the ups & downs in any project. I have a large GM collection in Canada myself. Love to have you as a special guest at my fleetwoodcountrycruizein , the largest outdoor car show in Canada. You would always be welcome. Cheers. Steve Plunkett
Dear Dan, and the entire crew of Fantomworks:
I am a huge fan of your show that I watch on the Velocity channel here in Canon City, Colorado. Truly I admire your concern about the projects that comes to your shop, and my favorite is the safety of all your customers. Honestly my favorite episode was when you tricked your wife to lunch and, surprise your wife with beautiful Camaro. Honestly I will the show. I just want to wish you all my very best wishes and good health!
Dear Dan and all the staff at Fantomworks, Thank you so much for letting us into your lives over the recent years. My brother and I look forward to this show so much. You all care about the vehicle owners and their cars and do what is right for both. We have learnt a terrific amount about keeping old cars going – we now have two – and also how to deal with people’s emotions. Take care, James and Matthew Holder, Wolverhampton, England.
So sorry to hear you quit the show but understandable when a program takes over your life.Great program and always perfection and safety on the first place.We will miss it here in the Netherlands and i wish you and your crew all the best.
Tnx Dan.
Love your show and really admire your work ethic and attention quality and all the little details. If ever the stars align and I can pull it off, I would love to schedule my 59 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 into your hands for a loving resto/mod. In the mean time I will watch your shows as long as they are on the air up here into Canada.
Best of luck in all your endeavors.
I would to see a DVD/Blue ray release of all your seasons, that i would snap up in a minute.
Thank you for the education and the entertainment. There is not much on TV that I will waste my time watching, FantomWorks was on of those rare exceptions. It has been a pleasure to see the inner workings of your shop. Good luck to you, your Family and the very talented crew that works with you.
Be Well
I looked forward to watching Fantom Works whenever possible. At times I could see the stress and frustration on your faces. I knew that you had paid your dues time and again. Of course I’m including the little gal in the office who had to deal with quite a bit. All of the wives, girlfriends, kids and buddies, I’m sure had to suck it up and deal with the long hours…You will be sorely missed. It feels like a close buddy who’s been transferred to an overseas job. The men in the shop are impressive. I did notice a few here and there gone the next season. In my ignorance, I wasn’t sure as to why they were gone. I thought that maybe your goal to achieve excellence and ass chewing took its toll on some of the guys. Ha..yes sir…I tip my hat to you Dan, the family, the gal in the office and all of the hard working “artist” in the shop…God bless each and every one of you..
Thanks Dan for the years of excellent tv I’ve watched the show since it began. I myself am a mechanic/ fabricator and also share your love for Camaros I have 3of them myself. Thanks for your love of all things automotive and also the way you hold all of your projects to such high standards there needs to be more shops like yours cause it’s all these half ass hack shops out there that give people the impression that all automotive shops are just going to rip people off and they make us good techs look bad. I respect your decision to stop filming it’s just to bad we are losing you and your family of techs to show people not every shop out there is just going to take their money and show no results or give them something subpar. Also thank you for your years of military service to protect or country and our way of life. You and all of your employees passion and skills will be sorely missed. Thanks Dan and I’m sure you will be able to bounce back and dig you your wife and the shop out of debt. Good luck and I hope to make it to one of the open houses in the future as I only live in New Jersey and would love to see the shop and that awesome building you have there. Thanks for letting us have a peek into how all shops should be run.
Your anti made in England made me stop watching
Thank you Dan, first of all for your service to our country,and thank you for one of the best shows on TV about what your shop does. Yes I’m sad to see the show end, but I understood after reading about what is involved. You and your shop are officially on my bucket list, I look forward to visiting the location someday. God Bless you and your family, you are an awesome person.
This definitely was one of the best car shows on TV ever. Even us Canucks north of you enjoyed it greatly. When I win the Mega Lottery I will bring you my dream project. Good luck in the slow down mode. I went there this year as well.
Thank You FantomWorks!
I have read most of the preceding comments, including the negatives from the pinheads out there. I do not have much more to offer, but had to comment.
FantomWorks was hands down the best restoration show on television! Your focus on quality was always a constant and favorite. However, I truly admired your staunch dedication to restoring all the vehicles you worked on back to their intended glory. I love that you didn’t “slam” every vehicle that came into the shop! Not every car has to have, or should have airbags to ride on. You didn’t try to stuff the biggest Crate motor in to every project and then add a blower!
I am quickly becoming disenchanted with the majority of shows now being offered on Velocity\MT! Some are just absolutely ridiculous!
Thank You Dan, for your honesty, integrity and unwavering quality! Best of Luck and God Bless!
Amen to this, also becoming tired of the “fake” shows on MT. Fantomworks was real, the star was the car and the craftsmanship. Thats why it was hard to do.
Dear all
My dearest one died this 11th May 20 and since then television is just a background noise to my quiet life. The only interest is in your show the calmness, the professional manner oozes from the screen. My dearest one always understood my second love of Classic Cars, but now only the few minutes with yourselves helps me go from one day to next
Maybe one day I shall put myself in a plane, walk from the airport to your doors and just stand there admiring what craftsmanship you create
I agree 100%, Your show was the only show that exercised transparency with both the owners and the viewers. The only show that showed owner interaction, discussed costs upfront and final, and basically the only show that showcased the cars as they were initially intended without destroying the styling that made them great.
Best wishes to you and your family. You have a great, very caring crew and very talented. God bless all of you, stay healthy.
Snap! Looking forward to the new series with a different network. Just hope we can get it here in UK without SKY getting involved.
dear dan
sorry that you show will end, i’m not a car ‘nut’ but love the way you and yours love what you do. i wish you and your family, friends and lovely workmates a very happy future
hope happyness will contiue
tracey from deeside in flintshire
Dan, your show inspired me into the love of cars. My wife couldn’t understand why i would watch shows over and over again. your technicians are world class and the cars you build are breathtaking. i am sorry to see your show go off the air but i understand that you need some sort of life with your family. take care and thanks for the entertainment. i have all the seasons recorded to keep watching.
So,, Let’s see if I understand: Your show was cancelled.
THEN you “quit”?
Hmmm. Interesting.
Kind of like getting cut by a sports team, and responding: “That’s OK. I didn’t want to play anyway”
Just for the record, Dan decided to quit over a year ago and that was the reason the show was “cancelled”.
I see. Is that what he told you? Lol
Actually a little of both seeing and hearing the conversations regarding everything plus being informed of the decision way before they actually “cancelled” the show.
Grow up you idiot. When was the last time you were respected worldwide for a sport or a skill? Never. You’re just a world class joke. Congrats
I’ve come to your show late and may recorded the 28 or so shows and will keep them.
After spending 5.5 years getting a 56 Studebaker Golden Hawk restored in the UK, I appreciate the effort, patience, craftsmanship and skill required to complete a vehicle.
Wishing you, your wife and team much success in the future ~ you all deserve it and continue to handing of the keys to noclout restoration projects.
Richard (Wiltshire, UK)
I’ve only just discovered this show in the UK, and am gutted to hear it’s finishing. I hope there will be plenty of reruns, and I wish you and all your team the very best – it’s been a wonderful show, your humanity and love of cars shines through.
Dan, I certainly enjoyed the realism you brought to the time and effort it takes to restore a car. Many have no idea the amount of talent it takes to bring history back to life. I still would like to tour the shop and if lucky enough shake your hand and tell you in person the joy you have brought to me as I watched your teams work hard for your customers.
So sad to see Fantomworks leave the air. I really enjoyed watching it. All the best for the future.
Dave (Auckland, New Zealand)
Greetings from England !
Sorry to hear of your stepping back from the show – the best most “real” car show on the box .
Mostly because of you , Dan, your character , professionalism and integrity shines through , you ‘made’ the show .
I can understand your reasons for quiting – must be a nightmare trying to work with cameras and crew all over the shop every waking hour.
But Thank You Dan for putting on a brilliant show . I truly wish you and your family all the very best for the future and hope you sort that million bucks out sooner rather than later.
Good luck and best wishes – or as we say in the UK – tha’ll be missed, lad !
Milton Keynes UK
So sad to see the end but quite understandable. Only the best wishes for the future. Hopefully my wife and I will be able to visit your shop in our future travels.
Archer n Red
As a lifelong hotrodder, and hobby car builder, I’ve found most TV car shows lackluster, full of fake drama, and downright insulting to the hobby and viewing audience. Fantomworks was the one exception where everything seemed to be done to keep it real.
I can’t begin to express how nice it is to sit down and watch a car show that can stand on it’s own merit without the need for comic relief or fake drama! I was pretty bummed out when I heard Fantomworks was no longer going to be filmed. But I’m less upset knowing it was Dan’s choice to stop vs. it being cancelled by some management at Motor Trend not knowing enough to keep the best car show on TV.
I hope DRC keeps doing the great work they do, and hope someday maybe things change where we fans could be treated to a Fantomworks “special” now and then, just so we can keep up with all the great things going on at DRC!
Thanks for putting up with all the hardships over the 6 1/2 years, and providing us with a great show!
I’d like to thank you and all involved for a great car loving show! I really enjoyed true craftsmanship and the long segments of actual building and engineering, the stuff other shows tend to put aside while just focusing on radiant shop owners. You can see how much work has gone into this series…
No D. Short cuts here!
Thanks again and also for taking the time to just give an explanation in public. Something fans rarely see.
From a fan in Holland, Europe.
All the best and warm regards,
Hi Dan, I was yesterday evening watching your last show, not being aware this was the last one recorded. I fell a great sadness that the best car show on TV would stop. It was for many years my most favorite one as it is the only realistic one ever produced. I don’ like all the showman who are just on air for the show, but don’t show you how a car is restored with all the problems attached. At Fantomworks we could see the reality, and the enthousiasm and willingness to bring a build to completion. Sad that we will have to miss this. I’m living in Belgium, so a visit to your shop will not be realistic, but I will try to follow you through your website. All the best for the future to you and your team.
I’ve watched every episode of FantomWorks. At the end of every season, I looked forward to the next season, frequently watching archived episodes. After reading Dan’s letter, I was struck by how ignorant I am regarding the complexity and stress caused during the production process. I always assess the quality of a show by how quickly the time passes when viewing the production. Every episode of the show passed too quickly for me. I am so sorry that the show is ending, but Dan’s letter has helped me understand that the time has come. I wish Dan the very best.
I live in Jersey. Not New Jersey, but (old Jersey – an island of 9 x 5 miles. Speed limits here are 15, 20, 30 and maximum 40 mph!
Your programmes (English way of spelling) go out on a satellite channel at every weekday, so it looks as though I’ll get to bed earlier in future.
I don’t know how far we are behind the last series, but it seems that I won’t be able to indulge my fantasies for much longer.
Many thanks for all the entertainment and education over the years
I’ve been watching Fantomworks for quite a few years now and your show will certainly be missed at home. Your quality work, its affordability, your straight forwardness is really unmatched.
Every time we watched the show, besides enjoying the way you solved all the problems encountered with every car you worked on, we were silently thinking how nice our pick-up truck would end after putting your hands on it. It was the moment where dreams came true.
Thank God you will keep on going, it relieves us.
Best of luck !!!!!
Ricardo Marraccini
Santiago, Chile
Love the show, you really did put out a great show. I have been watching for about 4 years, ever since I got my upgrade and Velocity was on my channel list. I really enjoyed all the builds I was able to see. I just have 1 question. What ever happened to the plain. I saw the show when it arrived, but I must have missed a bunch of shows because I never saw it again. Someday, I will have enough money to restore my car. Hope you won’t mind if I give you a call. In the mean time, I will console myself with all of the past episodes as reruns on MotorTrend Network. P.S. I keep catching the rear of a Torino, 72 or 73. What year is it. I have a 72.
I never even considered myself to be a ‘petrol head’ but I got to watch the show for some three years past, here in the UK. Over that time I found myself attracted to American cars and all that entails. I get up at 1.00 and 2.00 am BST, just so I can watch the show and now I find myself to be a firm convert to mechanics and the role of the artisan, I simply love your show! It’s sad to learn that the show is ending, but the points Dan made are understandable, but I shall miss it dearly…I do, however, wish Dan and the entire crew of Fantomworks all the very best for the future.
I am sad to see the show end, but I understand the frustration that it must cause to have to film so much. Also the financial trouble it has caused you and your wife. I am an Army veteran like you. I have been around cars my whole life. My grandpa was a mechanic since he was 16, he passed away when I had just been deployed to Iraq in 2011. He and I were close and losing him was hard. My dad did body work his whole life, he served in the Air Force in Vietnam. He had a lot of muscle cars through the years, you name it he had it. The one car he held on to was the 1967 Camaro RS/SS. I remember seeing it in the back yard for years growing up. When I turned 16 he and I worked on it together. Then life got in the way and I went to the Army. Fast forward to 2015 after I had come back from active duty he decided to give the car to me. November 11, 2017, my dad was in a horrible car wreck and passed away. I was hoping I would have the car done before he ever passed away but it wasn’t meant to be. I have just started the process of restoring the car. Your show has been an inspiration to me and I enjoyed watching it. Maybe one day I can send my dad’s Camaro to you. I know my dad would approve of another veteran working on his car. Wish y’ all all the luck in the future. God bless.
Of all the restoration shows, Fantom Works was the best. I really liked when “normal” i.e. cars regular people buy, are restored. As a kid my dad had 3 choices when it came to cars: Biscayne, Bel Air and Impala. I loved the restoration of the green 1957 Chev Bel Air wagon. We had a similar wagon, but we were half way up the Chevy ladder with the 210. It had the 3 seats. Keep up the good work. I hold mechanics in higher esteem than doctors. Doctors only have 2 models. I hope to make the pilgrimage to Norfolk to see the USS Wisconsin (I am originally from the Badger State) Fantom Works is part of the plan. Maybe if i hit thr lottery, I’ll get my 65-69 Corvair 4 carb and have the FW perfect it. LeMans Blue, please!
Mr. Dan, I was a few time I’ve seen your tv show and I am absolutely sure you have the best garage. The work is hard but the result is really amazing. If one day I have enough money to rebuild my dad’s 1965 Valiant 200 4-Door Station Wagon, I want to Fantomworks will be the only one do this dream reality.
Thanks to show the magic of all beautiful cars and the love of every member of your team for their work.
Greeting from Mexico.
It is a shame that you have lost so much money while contributing to such an interesting show and for having so generously contributed to an intelligent, safe and sustainable preservation of our automobile heritage.
Dan we will miss you and please pay no attention to any eventual jealous brains misfires. You have won the hearts, the respect, and the admiration of so many people all over the world and a few jerks won’t change that….
Good luck in your next projects and challenges and most importantly, thanks for all these fabulous years …
i just recently discovered your show (motor trend tv) and love it, made it to your website out of curiosity and discovered that youve pulled the plug. i do understand completely and will watch all the old episodes i can. if i was in your area and needed a restoration done, i would take it you. good luck and thanks for giving new life to old cars- and doing it right.
I just found out the show has ended. I’m personally crushed by this development as you and your team far and away were the best car show on TV/Cable. I truly looked forward to watching new episodes with unwavering admiration. I’m a life-long car guy having grown up in a GM family and I held your show in the highest esteem possible. You and your team were refreshing to watch as “true” car restorers with real-life examples, insights and dedication to your craft. My sincerest appreciation and respect to you, your family and the Fantom Works team for what you all do day in and day out.
I own two 71′ Mercedes (280sl and 300 SEL 6.3) and hope to one-day bring one or both to you for upgrades and enhancements. I also hope to one-day land a 63′ or 67′ Corvette a life-long goal…if I do there’s no one I’d rather have help me insure it’s in the best condition possible (mechanically and aesthetically).
Like everyone else here I completely understand why you and the team have decided to wrap-up the show. That said I hope I have the opportunity to meet you and the team sometime in the not to distant future to collaborate on a project.
Meantime, all the best to the entire Fantom Works team!
Hi Dan, I am an avid fan and have watched your show for a long time. So sorry to see you go, but I completely understand. You’re work ethic and team at FW have inspired me to move forward with my project. I have been saving to submit it to you and hope we can get it done. It’s a black on black 1967 Mustang GTA Fastback. After three years of broken commitments from a friend in PA, I was thinking of selling it, but my children (all grown now) threatened to disown me. Haha. You see, this Mustang took each of them on their first ride from the hospital to home after they were born. So I need to restore it. Please watch for my submission. Sincerely, Dennis
Watching the show based on your business is the very reason I would like to one day bring my daily driver 1997 Trans Am WS6 to your shop for some badly needed restoration and tasteful modification. Your employees with their varying skills and even your dedication to detail for the finished product is what excites me to hopefully have my car worked on by your business in the coming years. I will truly miss watching the show and all the skills of your team.
Just heard the show was cancelled. Boo.
How about about a YouTube show on your own terms without reshoots? Maybe start with a walk through of some of your awesome Vette restorations. Keep it simple. The production quality isn’t as important as the knowledge and passion.
We have posted some videos to YouTube, you can find our channel here:
Dan, I was very sad when I heard your show was ending. I had no idea it was so difficult producing a show like this and certainly didn’t think that it would cost you and your wife financially. I just assumed you and your crew would be rewarded handsomely by the network or the production company as are other so called reality stars. I’m going to miss all of you a lot. I guess at this point all I can do is try and catch all the episodes from the early years that I missed in reruns.
All the best to you all.
First ‘thank you and your wife’ for you service to our country. I am sorry to hear the show will not continue. However, I truly appreciated you and your crew allowing us into your world to show how difficult and rewarding restorations can be. Loved watching the show as a car nut. I wish you, your wife and entire Team continued success and God’s Speed.
Thank you so much for just being you! It was always refreshing to see unrehearsed shots in your shop as you and your crew were working on each jewel that came through.
Hello Dan,
I just recently discovered Fantom Works program on TV. First episode I watched was the blue and cream ’42 Ford panel truck and ’42 red & white flat head Harley. Both were AMAZING! BY FAR the best car restoration program on television.
So sorry to see this program go away. but, after reading your post about the reasons for ending the show, I completely understand. I was happy to read that your business is thriving and will remain for years to come. I am in southern Maryland and hope to come down one Friday for the tour.
Best Wishes, Chuck Rudolph
So sorry to hear you’re moving on from your show. I was hoping to get you and the crew to restore my Maserati Bora. But it’s more important for you to regain a less stressful life. Blessings on you and all your loved ones.
Hi. love the show… i watched a episode where you freshened up a 1973 blue plymouth cuda… the one that came a bit rusty from chicago. the guy didnt want to chnge the floor pans. so you used a rust encapsultor that you painted on… can you tell me which product you used ? was it por15 ?
thanks in advance
jim hammond
soo canada
It was Por15.
Dear Dan and crew, also in Europe in the Netherlands we love your extreme professional Restorations.
Keep up doing the good work.
The Netherlands
Dear Dan as a petrohead I enjoyed the show for the work done that I was fascinated by. However what I really saw was the enthusiasm and care and concern for the welfare of the customer and their prized possession. I also saw through the facade of being the boss and the fun you had racing the big block car against your friend or driving around the block with new builds to test them out!!! Vicariously I enjoyed it too. As an older person myself it is hard to get the big kid out of the old man so keep on keeping on whilst you can. Best wishes from Uk where it is on air. Just because you get burned occasionally does not mean you have to stop trying. R
Hi Dan,
I enjoy the show very much, and I am not even very much into cars. Maybe it is because I have worked in product development making prototypes for a few years. I am very impressed by the workmanship and devotion of you all.
It saddens me to read what a toll the show took on you, your wife and the people you employ. You look like a much too nice guy so I do understand. 🙂 I hope you will be able do this work, now undisturbed, for many years to come!
Best wishes, and thanks for the pleasure you brought me by allowing the show to be made. At this moment I probably have not seen around one third of all episodes, and they do reruns here regularly, so I do have some to go. I am looking forward to that!
John Piek – Amersfoort, the Netherlands.
I DVR’d the last few shows and am just now finding out that the show has been canceled. Shows how much time I have to watch TV these days! They say if you want to ruin your life have a reality TV show, so I’m glad Dan made the wise decision to end it before that happened. Dan, you said your one regret was losing your loyal fans? I have the feeling that that will never happen. We’ll all still be here, you just may not see or hear from us as often. You do amazing, quality work and you should be as proud of that as I know you are. I enjoyed every minute of watching Fantomworks, and I wish you nothing but continued success.
Hello Dan,
My honour and privilege has been to view the work you and your team have videoed.
It is now clear, this has not been an easy process and these efforts need to be acknowledged.
Please accept my grateful appreciation for providing access to your endeavours.
My hope is your path will run more smoothly and continue for many years to come.
With every best wish to you and yours from the UK.
Kind regards,
Hi Dan. A few weeks ago, I was watching another chapter of my favorite car TV show and, to my surprise, I saw it was the last episode here in Brazil. I was very sad because I am big fan of shows like that and Fantomworks, in my point of view, is (was) the best, by far. I understand that it must be really difficult to deal with a real car repair shop and a TV show at the same time and in the same place. I’m sure you made the right decision regardless of the gap you’ll leave in this segment of TV shows.
I hope you and your team at Fantomworks continue to produce outstanding car restorations. Maybe one day I’ll show up there to pay a visit. A big hug and good luck.
Fantomworks was the best automotive show on television. I have loved cars all my life, and have owned over 50 cars, 20+ of these were 1950- 1970 cars. Some were average cars, some were cars that are collectible now. My mind says that I would love some of these cars back, but at 75 that does not make sense.
Your show brought back some good memories, and I could get some of my cars back through your show. I truly appreciate all of the hard work you put into producing Fantomworks. Fantomworks was one of the few shows that I could watch over and over again.
I loved the show, and I wish you the very best going forward.
Larry O’Connell Valencia, CA
Dan, foi eterno enquanto durou, agora sera eterno nos corações dos fãs e apaixonados por construir coisas que muitas vezes pareciam não ter solução, sua honestidade e disciplina foram a base para o sucesso dos projetos, seu conhecimento técnico completou tudo, você cumpriu sua missão.
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Dan, was eternal while it lasted, now will be eternal in the hearts of the fans and passionate about building things that often seemed to have no solution, their honesty and discipline were the basis for the success of the projects, their technical knowledge completed everything, you fulfilled your mission.”
By far my favorite car show. Sad to see it end but you and your crew deserve balance in your lives. God bless!
Loved the show and completely understand why you decided to move on, I would’ve done the same thing. I’m sorry for your loss of your father, I was somewhere over the Pacific in 1995 when my father died as I was flying back home on emergency leave to see him one last time. I’m sure he would’ve loved your show because he loved tinkering with cars and trucks in the garage all the time.
Yours was without a doubt the best unscripted car show I’ve ever seen. You kept it real when others are nothing but horsing around for 30-60 minutes and pull a rabbit out of their hat at the end. I learned a lot about car repair by watching your show but I’m nowhere near qualified to work on them, just more educated about what happens in the shop and what it takes to polish a turd into a diamond.
Normally I can’t stand reality shows but yours was one of a very few that I can count on one hand with a few fingers left over that I really enjoyed and didn’t feel like I was being insulted, patronized, or simply talked down to like so many shows are.
I don’t know when you moved to your present location but I do remember seeing all the cars out front a year or two before I found your TV show by accident on my commute from Naval Station Norfolk to Craney Island. It was probably 2014-2015 that I found your show and was a fan from the very start, especially since you are local and I know that neighborhood since 1998 when I transferred from Yokosuka, Japan to Norfolk. For years I drove by that warehouse and didn’t pay it any attention until I saw the red Corvette, Thunderbird, and other classic cars lined up out front and almost had a traffic accident because of such a beautiful distraction.
If I ever win the lottery I’ll be bringing you my old ’87 Buick Somerset for restoration.
Take care and good luck with the future,
I may be a bit late with my comment here, but, as I sit on a Sunday afternoon, watching reruns of one of my favorite automotive shows, I am reminded of the thought that I had when I first discovered Fantomworks. That thought being that, if I ever have the financial ability to have a vehicle restored, Dan and his crew are the ones that I want to do the work. Their pride in craftmanship, and dedication to the vehicle, had me sold from day one.
While I am sad that there will be no more episodes to watch, it is far more important to the automotive world that Dan and his crew keep doing what they do best. And if that means kicking the film crew out of the shop in order to return to “normal”, then, so be it.
All my best to Dan, his family, and the group of artisans at the shop.
I hope to bring you a car someday. Thanks for doing what you all do.
Great job on the show Dan it was a hit by me! You’re honest in every vehicle I’ve seen you work on!
I have a ‘68 GMC 910 Custom that I restored 26 years ago and it needs some serious updating…I’ll be choosing the best out there to work on it, yes you!
Thank you and see you soon!
Dear Dan,
I am saddened and depressed to hear that the show is ending. I do understand why the decision was made. Sometimes it’s better to just move closer to happiness and farther away from distractions and the BS. In the opening monologue of the show where you say, if we have to choose between you or your car, we aren’t choosing you. Classic Dan! I see your collection of cars along the wall and I said, “I bet those are 7 liter Galaxy’s, why else would he have them? My favorite builds were the bubble car, the ’65 Impala that needed the frame replaced, the ’72 Skylark that the owner wanted a high option rear bumper for, the, and I am going to get this wrong here on the pronunciation, but you guys did a mid ’60’s Jeep truck, or something that I hadn’t ever seen an example of. I live in California and have a 1961 Oldsmobile Celebrity sedan that, at some point, I am going to want/need all of the seals and things around the windows in the doors replaced so that I can keep water from getting to the door cards, and, I would like for someone to track down all of the original AC equipment from a full size ’61 Olds and install it on my car because that’s the kind of stuff that you do! And, in every episode that I saw, it was always safety first, and we are going to do the job right or we’re not going to do it. That Dan, is about character, and you. I never took that as camera speak, or fodder for the show. That is all Dan Short and something to be respected… You were always a class act, you had a great crew, and you will be sorely missed sir! Hope to see you one day Dan.
Dan, I have watched your show for years. In Kentucky there are few restoration shops, and none that I have see turn out the quality you do. I have enjoyed the show, and respect why your leaving. I wish you and you crew the best. If I could afford it, you would have my dream car, a 69 Ford Mustang GT500KR. Beautiful cars.
Anyways, good luck and God bless.
Hi Dan so sorry to hear Fantomworks programme is ending i am an avid fan and normally watch it between
1 & 2 o-clock in the morning as i have it on series record, your attention to detail is the best i have seen on any other car show and the final outcome of the rebuilds is beyond belief, i hope your shop goes on doing what it does best ,restoring cars to an excellent for many years to come.
Hampshire England
Dan, recently discovered your Fantomworks program; it is truly outstanding and will be sorely missed when I finish watching past episodes, (seasons) I have taped. It was gratifying to see the professionalism, ethics, honesty, talent and overall high level of passionate integrity you and your talented craftsmen displayed with every project that entered your shop. I wish you and your family all the very best with solving the financial burden the show and the !!@*(&^%$))><?!!! leeching scum suckers have caused you to have. I'm 80, a special ops, (Ranger), veteran, 2 tours Vietnam and feel much remorse for you from reading your history…You sure as hell don't deserve what you must be going through. I have a design/illustration studio and it operates the same as yours, (if the project ain't right for the client & ME; it doesn't leave. As I said, I'm 80 still doing what I like and when you're 80 I hope you will be also. Am glad your shop will be open for many yeas to come; in todays world we need real craftsmen and folks that live as you and your people do. God Bless You and Yours.
Dan, this is not a “fan” message. I truly admire you as an honest, talented, and fantastic human being that comes through loud and clear on your show. I am so very grateful for your clear and powerful explanation of the end of what has been my favorite car show, and FAVORITE SHOW OF ANY KIND on my DVR. Now your family will enjoy much more of you now! My best friend and retired Army Major is in Chesapeake so I plan to come from Bethesda to take one of your tours. Yours will likely be a far better tour than the NASA VIP tour of KSC during the final shuttle lunch (orbiters and main engines galore) as that was a wake and yours is a place where the future happens to the past. May God truly bless both your family and all those great people in your shop.
Dan – The professionalism instilled in you as an Army officer shows through in your personal conduct and the way you maintain and conduct your business. As a fellow vet, I am proud of you, your service and the way you treat every person – technician, customer, visitor – with respect. I have truly enjoyed FantomWorks. I wish it could continue. In your own words…wish in one hand. Well, you get the idea. Sad to see the show end, but not the effort. We’ll see you in Norfolk one day!
I loved you show. I watched it for years and told my wife that when it becomes time to restore my 1965 Impala ss convertible, I was bringing it to you because of the quality and commitment I see weekly on your show. So sorry to see you go but I truly get it. Good luck and God bless!
Dan I found your show on motor trend a couple months ago. Being disabled and love auto restorations I couldn’t and can’t get enough of your show. I’m so sorry it came to an end but reading your conclusion I completely understand.
Maybe you could put up a web cam so we can all still see life of cars come back to life.
I also want to thank you for serving our country.
If I ever get to Norfolk I will stop in and shake your honorable hand. Keep up the good work Dan you will be missed.
Tonight like many nights, my wife and I are watching re-run after re-run. I think we have seen some of the episodes 3 times. And yet, we keep coming back. We miss your passion and your attention to detail and safety. All the little things you brought to the table. Wishing you and your family well.
Thanks for letting us be a part your business. Loved every episode, wil miss it but will view older episodes on youtube. A show with a lot of craftmanship, love and passion for cars.
Thanks again.
Greetings from the Netherlands.
First, thank you, your crew, and the TV people for bringing us the show. It was and will always be my favorite. Loved it when you said that if it comes down to what the customer wants and what’s right for the car, the car is going to win. That shows true love cars and instills a lot of respect for what you do.
I recently bought a 55 Bel Air and surprised my father on Father’s Day. Its almost exactly the same as the first new car he and my mother bought after they got married. Dad’s was a 2 door, not a 4 door. But he sure smiled a lot that weekend! Would have loved to have you look at it and fix some things, but its just too far. Going to have it checked out locally in a couple months.
Thanks again for the enjoyment you’ve brought and best of luck in the future. Sometime I’m going to make there for a tour! In the meantime, long live the reruns!!
As a car guy, I loved your show. You are a man of principle, and as long as I have watched your show, I noted that you would never lat a car leave your shop that was not safe.
The work your crew did was top notch, and you called it like you saw it. Well done sir.
I am sorry to see the program end, but after reading your letter of explanation I can certainly understand why you made the decision, and I am amazed you did it for six years. Good luck going forward, God Bless.
Gary Moore
Midland, TX
Dan….watching what your skilled craftsmen do with automobiles is incredible. Thanks for sharing your shop with all of us. My first car was a 1969 Camaro…and when you built your LT4 Pace Car I almost fell out of my chair. What an automobile!!!! Thanks for all of the years you dedicated to the show….and as others have said we understand that sometimes the hardest decision you have to make is ending something. I look forward to one day touring your shop…in the mean time I will be watching every day to see if that fine 1969 Camaro goes up for sale! Well done!
I just wonder if in trying to accommodate the filming, cast meetings and scripting reads etc. that you have not lost revenue from your lost time or productivity. If this were the case could somehow valuating these losses be shown to the network? Business reality or nonsense? They made a ton of chicklets off of your show. I know T.I.M. always will be.
ps. I like Camaro’s too. Your shop may see my 92′ Z-28 in the future for a “tune up”. I’m close by.
I don’t care what the “trolls” have to say on the internet, most of them are losers anyway, so screw them. I remember the first time watching your show and I was taken aback by how honest you were and just how tough you were to everyone, from workers, customers, and family members. I really thought you were crazy. But after watching a few more episodes I really loved what you do, top to bottom. From treating customers with the truth, no bullshit like most others, treating some employees rough, but after think8ng about what was happening, you were correct in most cases.
Anyway, I can go on and on, but no reason to, I think everyone gets the point, I will really miss everything about your show. I know it’s hard filming in your place, it’s not a set, there’s a huge difference, and what many people don’t understand about your type of business is these cars, trucks, bikes, and Firetrucks are never finished in a month or two. In many cases it’s years due to cash flow from customers, parts being ordered, found, or built, and many other reasons. Most have no clue about that part and that difficult filming a how were the vehicle might not be touched for 14 months!!!
Anyway, as to see you go, but hopefully your family and yourself get caught up and get back to what you and your company does best, put out the best vehicles possible after you put them back together. Good luck and hopefully I’ll see you at SEMA this year. I’ll be there looking for your company. Thanks for the great show.
I loved your show.
I looked forward to it every season.
I wish and yours all the best.
Thank you Dan
This show was about cars first, not about personal conflict between the people on the show. And when it was about the personalities I gotta say they were all such great people. They showed that working on cars can be as tough a time as any regular guy has working on his own car, but that they were able to solve all the problems they encountered and make whatever car it was a shining star. I was never bored for even one second watching FantomWorks. And what a learning experience for a car guy! My favourite was the Super Bee, I wish they could have done a GTX. a Road Runner, a ’69 Mustang, a ’70 GTO, a Shelby GT350, all I can say is I hope they can have a continuation series where they bring in the cameras for just two days a week. Are you listening Dan? At least we have re-runs to watch!!
Dan, thanks for all the entertainment over the years. I was addicted to your show and this post is long overdue. I live about 3 hours away in northern VA. When the time comes for me to give myself a retirement gift there’s only one shop I will trust building it.
I have always loved your show because of you!! You are unlike any other owner of a business… most others are not nice. They aren’t all that likeable and I can tell by their actions that they are generally a prick! But you Dan .your disposition is amazing. Sure, u sometimes get a little angry but with good reason but you are so genuine… I would definitely feel at ease dealing with you cause you don’t talk down to customers like a lot of others. Truly refreshing and I am sad to see you go but I got plenty of reruns to enjoy! Maybe I’ll get my Firehawk down to you for restoration one day!!!
Awesome comment April. We will miss Dan and his highly skilled crew. Thank goodness for DVR’s & reruns😊.
I always look at Phantom works,the guys are great the teamwork is shown in the results of the works achieved and the end results.
I have a 57 chevy 4 door which I would have love for the team/shop to complete
My carb caught on fire still in good condition
Dan & crew,
Thank you so much for all your many years of hard work and outstanding content. Your craftsmanship is second to none. Most of all, Dan thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your many years of service and sacrifice to our Great United States of America! God Bless America!🇺🇸
I thoroughly enjoyed the show and was able to learn some ins and outs while searching for a 60’s car and while rebuilding 2 60’s motorcycles. What I learned was you never return the money you spend–but that’s ok.
What was most enjoyable was the lack of personal drama during the work being done, Worry and frustration is expected but conflicts, personal attacks, and petty jokes are not entertaining.
Regards Carlton Clarke
PS–v much enjoyed meeting Dan during the Friday tours (twice).
You have earned my respect again.
I will miss seeing new episodes, but I understand your decision. The vehicles that have rolled out of your shop over the years, are truly works of art. Many people only own cars as a means of transportation, buying what they think will out do the neighbor. The rest of us see a car, and see a canvas. You and your crew are a collective Rembrandt and an inspiration.
FantomWorks forever.
Hi Dan,
Just a short line from a devoted husband and wife fans from the UK.
We are disappointed you are unable to continue, however we didn’t relies the pressures you were dealing with daily.
It has been the best classic car show on UK television without exception, with many memorable moments especially the Citroen 2CV and your reactions when first driven, including the can/can show.
If ever I get the opportunity I love to meet you and your team personally.
We wish you the best in your chosen restoration career without the pressures you have endured to date.
With thanks
Brian & Jeanette Sculpher (Plymouth Devon UK)
Dan, I feel very sad that your show is ending , but I’m really upset , angered that you , your family and wonderful crew were subjected to all the stress’s and unfair demands that were so intense
to begin with that you actually , for “US” , your fans, you kept it up for as long as you did.What really bothers
me is the debt you’ve incurred.(one million)!!!!!That is so totally wrong! you’ve brought all of us so much
pleasure enjoyment and knowledge for the average guy and girl;, you are so honest, and such a perfectionist .I know I’ll be bringing a car to you someday. But my point is the debt. Please set up a web site specifically for donations/contributions to help you with this debt. I’ll be first to give and I bet many others will follow.
I know you are strong and very prideful, but I believe many will contribute ,some a little some more, but we are grateful and we will all miss you and your show for years to come., so let us help. its better than nothing, and we do care..THANK YOU for all joy and laughs you given us/me.. By far the best show on TV.
Warmest Regards
Spencer Maddox (Georgia)
Dan, I just found out about the cancelation. While sad, I understand. I’m in my 60’s but when we were teenagers our house was hot rod central. My younger brother had a 69 Z/28 (he still has it but it’s in piece’s) and I had a 70 split bumper Camaro with a 427 in it that we built from a 396 / 375Hp. We worked on the muscle cars our friends had back in the day. Many were the same cars that you restore now. Your work took me back to those days and those cars. As you have so often said this work is not about cars, it’s about fulfilling people’s dreams.
You and your guys are the best, your attention to details and your willingness to tell customers what its really going to take and what its going to cost to get their car where they want it is refreshing. You never pull any punches and you don’t make promises you can’t keep.
I have so very much enjoyed watching you and your crew bring the old cars that I loved back to life. I understand what it takes and I so very much admire what you do.
But GOD! I am going to miss watching you guys work.
I too am very sorry to see the show end but at the same time completely understand. I will say that it has been both refreshing and enjoyable to watch you and your crew show true honestly and values while under the camera’s eye. To your credit you all showed a glimpse into you craft/trade and did produce a show without drama and cursing that not only I, but others have found very enjoyable to watch. Many shows can say they will be remembered, but few like your will be remembered as ones that have inspired others in the positive way you have. Good bless you and your crew; true artisans, craftsmen and gentlemen/ladies.
Hi Dan,
You guys Rock! I’m from Brazil and I love cars, your show was the best one on TV for car lovers and you will be very missed by me and my father, as we sit for an hour to see you guys every week! I will visit the shop in my next travel to the US
Absolutely the best car show on TV. Always interesting and a learning experience for me. I am sorry you are leaving us. I understand the rigors of tv production and don’t blame you one bit for your decision. God and Family first.
God bless you and the the Fantom Works family.
I have been watching your show for the past 6 months. I just found out that you and your crew are calling it quits. After reading about your story on how you compete with cameras and retakes, it doesn’t surprise me.
I am 72 years old and have always been a car guy since the seventh grade. Your show always brings me back to the days of the hot rod shows I would attend.
I am quite sure that the next chapter in your life will also be successful. Hopefully your employees can turn the page and begin new again. Never have I witnessed a more talented group than the folks that made your show successful. Although I have l always j wished for a “ neat “ car, it just wasn’ t in the cards.
Good luck to and your group in the future.
Dan, Sorry about the incurred debt you and your wife have accumulated for keeping us car guys informed and entertained! My friends and I took a tour of your facility a few years back, and we all believe you seem to be a down to earth person.
You’re One Class Act!!
Good Luck and keep up the meticulous work!!!
Dan, I cannot imagine the turmoil you and your crew went through. But I must thank you for your hard work in putting this program together. It has been, and continues through reruns, the most enjoyable car show I have ever watched. Your sincerity came through on every episode. If I was in a position to have a car done, I know where I would go. For many years I drove near and even past your shop on my way to or from Kitty Hawk, NC. Little did I know that one day I would see that building on tv. Best of luck to you and your talented crew.
Sorry to hear that you have stopped production of your show. It was (and is) my favorite.
On one of your shows you had a ceramic white early model Corvette on a small table in your office placed between you and your client. I wonder if you know the history of the item?
My grandfather was the operating partner for a Chevy/Oldsmobile dealer in Drumright, Ok from the early 1950’s. I have the same ceramic Corvette. I assume it was given to dealers when the Corvette was announced???
Thanks, Mike Facker
Dan and all
Sorry that fantom works is no more My son and I will miss seeing your endeavors, Good luck and enjoy what comes your way.
I really loved your show! It was a true auto shop as I remembered as a boy. Now as a retired vet & age 70 I know I will miss this show for its truthfulness & integrity. Hope you will keep Mojica.
Dear FW, I just watched the last episode of ”Mécanos d’exception” (that’s what your show is called in french here in Québec.) I am sad it’s finished. It was a great show. I feel I’ve learned some things about car, how it works and how it’s repaired, while having fun watching this show. I’m glad you will still put back beautiful old cars on the road.
Dan,I will greatly miss your show.You are the only show ,that adresses the reality of cost over wishes .My son and I love watching your show together,my wife will watch also (she usually doesn’t watch car shows).i admire your integrity and of your crew. I work construction ,I know how important it is to have a GREAT CREW, and you have one.I hope that your future works out,you will be missed on my tv lineup.
Dan sad to see the show coming to an end. I do have a question about the red Mk2 customized Mini,is it yours or a customer’s car? Is it for sale. I belong to the Vancouver Mini Club in British
Metro mayhem, parts 1 and 2 remain on my DVR, unwatched, because if I watch them I have to admit the show is over. For now I continue to record the previous episodes (all of which I have seen) and watch them again. This was the very best show. I will truly miss it.
Love your show. The best on TV. Sad to see it go. One question: Why do you convert six volt cars to twelve volts? They can be repaired to operate like new as well as twelve volt cars while maintaining the feeling of experiencing the car as it was designed.
It really depends on the project and the owners. Some have stayed as a 6-volt system others we update to a 12-volt.
(Pt – Br)
Sou do Brasil, eu não tenho acompanhado as redes sociais e dei falta da nova temporada, Fui pesquisar e tive essa (“velha”)notícia. É uma pena, para mim era um dos poucos programas com conteúdo que respeitavam a inteligencia e o tempo do telespectador. Para piorar, tudo isso vai de encontro à uma safra de programas muito pobres em conteúdo técnico, parece que os palhaços estão em alta e os carros em segundo plano. O “Velocity” não vai conseguir outro programa com qualidade e seriedade igual ou melhor ao DRS(No Brasil o programa é distribuído com o nome “FantonWorks”) . Mas se isso estava causando transtornos na vida pessoal das pessoas e dos funcionários é compreensível. Deve ser muito estressante entregar os resultados de um trabalho tão complicado e sob a cobrança de um chefe exigente na frente das câmeras. Me lembre de técnicos da oficina muito bons que sumiam nas temporadas seguintes. Será que foi por causa disso?Eu atualmente tenho um Opel Kadett 1967 e um Chevette 1978. Os chevettes brasileiros são mini sedãs e não são tão mau vistos como nos Estados Unidos porque devido o preço do combustível estamos habituados a carros pequenos. O pouco tempo que sobrava para ver um bom programa agora vai sobrar para os meus projetos.
I’m from Brazil, I have not been following the social networks and missed the new season, I went to research and had this (“old”) news. Too bad, for me it was one of the few content programs that respected the viewer’s intelligence and time. To make matters worse, this all goes against a crop of programs that are very poor in technical content, it seems that clowns are on the rise and cars in the background. “Velocity” will not get another program with quality and seriousness equal to or better than DRS (In Brazil the program is distributed under the name “FantonWorks”). But whether this was causing disruption to the personal lives of people and employees is understandable. It must be very stressful to deliver the results of such complicated work under the charge of a demanding boss in front of the camera. Remind me of very good workshop technicians who disappeared in the following seasons. Was it because of this? I currently have a 1967 Opel Kadett and a 1978 Chevette. Brazilian chevettes are mini sedans and not as bad viewed as in the United States because due to the price of fuel we are used to small cars. The little time left to see a good program will now be left for my projects.
Enviar feedback
First thank you and your wife for your service and love of our country.
You are lucky to have each other. Don’t lose that! You will overcome and be stronger than ever. Keep your love strong.
I am a car guy, 72 Javelin AMX.
I also worked for years in the film business and understand all you are talking about. It gets old.
Your marriage, your wife, family and business are more important.
Yes, we fans really love the show, the honesty, integrity, and appreciation for the history of the car, but also the respect you give the history the individuals have with their vehicle.
That is so lacking in other shows.
Your passion shows in how you try to give the customer the right solution.
Your passion in your wife in the camaro and romance with the flowers.
Those things are what matters.
So, while we will have to be happy with reruns, we pray that you and your wife will be happy, healthy and and turn the business back to profitability.
May God bless you both.
Thank you so much for the excellent shows.
I fully understand why you have given up the show as you your family, and variable very talented staff have put so much and sacrificed much to provide the best of the best of car restoration programmes (in the same league as Wheeler Dealers…no weird characters with loud mouths and odd hair styles.
Just pure talent and cooperation.
Classic American mag last month had a big article on you and your business.
Each programme a gem.
Good luck to you all in continuing all your fantastic craft work unhindered by filming!
Alan elkan
South Gloucester
My hat’s off to you, your family and your staff. I have been a fan since day one and will miss your knowledge, passion and commitment to excellence in the work your shop does. I sincerely hope that any difficulties your suffered as a result of the show will be brought back to you tenfold in the future.
warmest regards,
Dear Mr. Short
I did enjoy your show very much, I received it via Discovery chanel in Ridderkerk The Netherlands.
Since the Year 2000 I am owner of a 1960 Mercedes Benz 220S and also learned a lot from seeing how things were done in your shop.
To bad it stops, bud I fully understand it. It’s not so nice to work all the time with camara’s around the work you do.
Thank you and your crew for let us look into your workshop.
I wihs you a prosperous future with Fantomworks.
With kind Regards,
Jan Witkamp
I’ve always been a fan and now sad to know our inside look at the down-to-earth, realistic and honest business owner, who is able to work at what he loves, has ended.
Your dead-pan humor and amazing knowledge of the vehicles you restore impressed me to no end. Your staff is quite skilled and your interaction often provides true comic relief. The projects that have gone through your shop inspire me to want to own one of these famous muscle cars from my youth in the sixties and seventies.
I do have two questions, if you’ll answer? In the description of the facility tours at the top of the page, there is a reference to arriving on time due to the “filming schedule” there. Is this a typo? I was also wondering what Heidi does the other third of her time? Sleep maybe, or eating somebody’s math homework?
I wish you the best of success!
David Bayles
Rockville, Maryland
The filming schedule part was a leftover from the filming days and has now been updated, Thank you. Also the other third of a time Heidi works on disposing of bones that she has around the shop. Not sure where she gets them but she’s got a number of them.
It was a pleasure to see it done right. I preferred to see the original design of a car respected.
I also enjoyed seeing the cars in the background, especially the ‘66 Ford 7 Liter. I had a 66 Custom 500, similar but so different
Dan and Fantomworks crew, it was an awesome show and I can understand and I appreciate the work that went into your show just to snapshot about 40 minutes worth of television material. Being stationed in Va Beach, My family and I have visited and toured your shop multiple times, each time was awesome. My wife may disagree however. Anyway I look forward to the future of fantom works without the series. In my opinion velocity or motor trend…..whatever network it is/was should be more helpful in bringing these amazing vehicles back to life. It was a cool ride and maybe one day when my chevelle is ready and I’m retired I’ll take that route 66 trip with you.
What a great car show. I used to look forward to every episode and I’m now watching the re-runs. In particular I enjoyed the time spent trying to bring those old beauties back to their original form.
It was nice to see machanics and auto body guys who care about the cars and customers that own them.
I’m hoping some day you’ll re-consider and bring the show back.
Dan & company ,
Many car shows come and go , yours was by far my favorite .
Sorry for all the people who was so critical over the years now get back what you do best .
God Speed !
Hello Dan and crew, shocked to here show is cancelled, loved the show, will miss, but understand. best wishes.
Well, Dan, it seems we never get so old we don’t appreciate cars or the people like you and your folks who do such great work with them. As with the many, many folks who have commented on your show, I will greatly miss it. I had two Uncles in the business and I have myself restored half a dozen cars over the years, and know exactly what you go through with the knuckleheads out there – as a retired professional engineer, I am ever so happy not to have to deal with them anymore. Our family’s very best wishes for your future endeavors.
Hello Dan,
One from the UK, loved your car show, best on TV. Sad to hear it is ending.
Even worse that you have nearly a million in debt due to the program. If all your fans put in a dollar/pound each we could square it up for the pleasure you have given us. If someone over there organises it I will gladly put in. All the best for the future.
Hello Dan, I have watch your show for many years and have truly enjoyed it. Your creativity and workmanship is second to none. I have one question that only you can answer. I have a love for and have owned a number of 1966 Galaxies. Over the years I have noticed a number of Galaxies and 7 litres parked on the sidelines, what’s the story on them? Don’t think they were ever mentioned on the program. Thanks and God Bless, Al H.
They are all the same customer’s cars, we kept in storage for him.
All in a days work.
Unfortunately DRS Automotive FantomWorks should never had gotten into a reality show series.
In my opinion, Mr. Dan had opened up his company to a world that he had no business getting involved with, it seemed that someone didn’t do there homework and was blind to the exposure of every detail that the show would bring out, it would be like opening up one’s sole for all the world to see.
And I’m sure there aren’t many people (if any) in this world who are willing to do just that, and this can be very stressful and damaging to one’s career and/or personal life.
No one is perfect but we try to do are best, but when you have people whose attitude and morals are not in line with your own you will have trouble. And more importantly it comes from the top, if your boss and/or owner of the company does not set or display the utmost respect, morals and fairness to his or her employees and customers, then you will have issues and a breakdown with morale.
As for the financial troubles you mentioned, I’m sure if there was some sole searching and honesty, you may feel better about that situation. But unfortunately it is still a hard pill to swallow.
Good luck in the future and may you have peace in your days.
TakeCare and StaySafe
As a fellow ase pro mech i have loved your show for the way you have always truthly represented what it takes to actually properly repair or restore any type of auto you have truly been a light in the darkness.
I understand why you are leaving the tv broadcasting and will come by and tour 1 day.
Tell all your people they are great ! I have learned many things from watching your people and you and applied it while restoring my own camaro and marlin.
Thank you.
Michael Sturgill
From one Career Army vet to another and son of a Career Navy vet, I want to say thank you. The manner in which you conduct your business and express your national pride and workmanship are very admirable. It’s an awful shame that I won’t get to see new takes of FantomWorks, but I enjoy watching reruns to inspire me to keep working on my 67 C10 with my son. I do plan on stopping by the shop next time I’m home in Tidewater. Keep up the good work and Godspeed enjoying a less Hollywood life.
AF Vet here. Loved watching the stories and car care. Sad to here the show is gone. I think I’ll stop watching reruns because I suspect you’re not getting any remuneration from that. Hope you can keep the business going.
Dan Loved your show. It is my favorite on The Velocity Channel. I had no idea of the hardships you went trough both personally and professionally. Thank you and your team for making TV enjoyable. I really appreciate yours and your teams God given talent to do the restoration process, it is truly a gift from God. Stay well and if I am in the area, I will stop by and say hello. I am here at the OBX of NC.
Really sorry to see this show ending.
But I guess if the staff are not happy and Dan is losing money on the deal then that is a real bad deal. Perhaps Dan should have been a bit firmer with the TV company maybe.
Thanks for what you gave us and good luck for the future.
I have enjoyed your show (watching it now on Hulu) I hope you are getting a revenue stream going forward so you can manage to debt.
Warmest regards to you, your family and your team.
Dan, Thank you for enriching my life and so many others. You will be missed in my home.
I’m watching your show and saw that you had put in the end, In Loving memory of Velvet” a customer on that show with a Studabaker. I was shocked and googled her name. She was young and died suddenly. It just affirmed how Dan is a stand up guy, a patriot and somebody I would trust. I also googled Fantomworks and saw a lawsuit of fraud that after reading the notes of the lawsuit can only say that people suck! If there is anyone that is so far removed from fraud…it’s Dan Short. I’ll miss your the new episodes, but will enjoy the reruns for years to come. Everyone should be like Dan, we’d all know where we stand…good or bad, at least it’ll be the truth…Dan if you’re ever on Long Island, you have a brother here waiting for you!
Dan as a fellow Camaro guy I own a 96 Z28 modified your show was by far one of the best as you guys worked on various makes and models. Good luck in your future endeavors.
Thanks for what you put yourself through.
Your stories informed us in a gracious, respectful way — no egotistical strutting, macho theater, or glossing over of the tough calls that come with the work.
And its a delight to watch your professional colleagues work — with each other and with you. Good looking, intelligent-sounding, real world pros. And when they smile as they solve a problem, it’s heart-warming.
Best wishes to you and yours as you take your business into 2020!
Thanks for many enjoyable years Dan….you will be missed. Unlike other shows on this network….there was no fake soap opera BS with the Fantomworks show. I think most gear heads like me enjoyed watching actual skilled guys doing what they do….work on vehicles….without all the silly sh*t. Thanks again and best of luck to you…your business….and your family.
To the FantomWorks crew: I don’t have cable, but my father just informed me that your show was no longer being filmed. I’m so sorry to hear, but after reading Dan’s blog post, I completely understand. I really enjoyed watching your show with my father when I visited him. We enjoyed the “no BS” style of the show & the amazing work you all do on the cars. Growing up as a teenager in Virginia Beach, my father made me do all the maintenance on my 81 Honda Accord. From oil changes, to fixing a rusty roof, installing new brakes, a new stereo installation, and an attempted motor re-build, my dad taught me how to work on cars. I don’t have time to do it much these days, but these days it’s fun for us to watch your show together. It also makes me very nostalgic to see the your cars tooling around Norfolk. I used to pass by your old bakery building on Hampton Blvd my way to the Grandmom’s house on 49th St back in the day. We will continue to enjoy the reruns (for as long as they last) on the (now) MotorTrend channel. All the best to you all & a job well done!
PS – And I’ll miss the cute mechanics. 😉
I’m new to Velocity Channel and it didn’t take long before Phantom Works became a favourite show for me.
I’m sad to hear I’m watching the final season.
I hope you keep bringing life to these classics, even if I don’t get to watch you do it.
Good job. I’ll miss your tough love.
Your pants get torn, and you speak Bleep Language, but no one can question your knowledge of auto engineering and mechanics. I hope that you will reflect on your experience recording “Fantomworks” and seriously consider returning to us.
Yes why not on different terms that suit you Dan
We are trying to get a YouTube channel up and going but it has been slow having to learn the ins and outs of recording and posting videos to the web.
FantomWorks was the best damn car show on TV. I made sure that I watched every episode there was, and still watch the re-runs. I live in Virginia and I want to get by some day and say hello and thanks to you and your guys.
First Ed China bites the dust (so so much better than “Hollywood Ant”) and now Dan throws in the towel, for some very good reasons though. Hope they keep the reruns going forever.
Your show is/was my favorite of the variety of car shows on MT. That said, I have a great deal of respect for you, not only for your automotive knowledge, but also for your reasons for choosing to discontinue the show. I wish you much success.
Well I found this site by accident. But now I’m mad as H. Of all the comparative auto shows, FantomWorks ranks up there in the top 2 or 3. With what we’re being treated to now FantomWorks is and will continue to be more than sorely missed. I’ve been waiting for months for the new season. Can’t believe this.
In brief Dan, I heartily concur with all the foregoing praise and respect for you, for the programme and your staff. Thank you all.
Seriously, have you ever thought of standing for The Presidency or better still retiring here to the UK, taking up UK Citizenship and then standing for Prime Minister? Now, there’s what I’d call some serious repair and restoration work! You’d certainly have my vote.
What a great idea a sane person at the head of each country. If only……
Here’s something to add as well. Quite a few of the auto shows we have all watched have been reduced do to cost budget from actually showing what we watch them for in the first place, the builds of the cars, to personal buffoonery among-st the show personnel. It happened to all the shows. I’d be willing to bet that Dan wasn’t going to participate in nonsense like that. And it has been nonsense seeing it on the other shows.
It is safe and somewhat boring to build a cost no object custom car from the ground up with the result being a trailer queen for car shows. What’s hard is to actually “fix” cars, replacing as necessary, restoring where needed and leaving alone when possible. I am so glad that MT is continuing to air reruns so I can catch up on any episodes missed (and watch again many as well). Thanks for the ride Dan.
My thoughts exactly. Thanks for a great 6 year run of shows, sorry you had to incur such a financial loss, keep the reruns coming, and by all means, keep restoring/fixing/creating a wide variety of cars in the future so your peeps can earn a decent wage doing the things they love to do with automobiles. You da man, Dan!!
Very sorry to hear the show is ending. It was a show that I could watch and re-watch. I was always amazed at the craftsmanship and ” only perfect is good enough” standards. It was also very nostalgic for me because of the all the years I lived and worked in Norfolk.
I hope someday I will be able to have Dan and his crew do a refresh on my beloved Mustang.
Good luck in the future.
I stumbled on Fantomworks about a year ago only to discover it had been canceled.What a bummer! I tape all your episodes.You guys are by far up there in the top 1-2 auto shows on TV. I’ve been in the automotive repair business all my adult life. Your shop has True Automotive Specialists,Metal Men,Painters etc.etc…I’m in Slower Lower Delaware. Next time I’m in Norfolk area I’m gonna come visit your shop!
The problem with most restoration shows is the addition of “drama” to make watching the show interesting for the viewer. For real gearheads these staged events are easy to see through and you first ask yourself what mechanic worth his salt would make a mistake like that. The answer is not one. It’s understandable that you have to keep viewers but the basics of car restoration is enough to keep most glued to the show. Happily I didn’t see too much of that at Fantomworks but there were a few episodes that stretched the imagination somewhat like the guy that spent over $100k on his 1964 Impala convertible while he was overseas in the Middle East somewhere. All in all I really enjoyed the show especially the episodes that showed projects where the cars owner didn’t have more money than sense. Best to you all and good luck in the future.
Dan, So glad that you had such a great time filming the series! (…actually, sorry for your pain.) Your gain in the sanity department will be my loss, and the loss of your many fans. All the best in the future of the business. -Bob
Although i do not have great knowledge about the insides of cars such as engines etc i do like classic cars a lot, and was always amazed at how you took a car that was a wreck or needed so much doing to it and turned them out as though better than the day they were made. Obviously other people were jealous of the superb job you did. I know from attending TV shows in England that it takes an enormous amount of time to film a half hour show so as you say it took a long time to produce so many episodes year after year. You had an excellent crew of mechanics and you also had an excellent knack of sourcing unique spare parts. I cannot understand customers complaining about not being reimbursed for travel etc when you did such an excellent job for them. I am sorry re your father and also that you are a million dollars in debt. Internet trolls have nothing better to do. Without the Hassle of TV crews etc you can now continue and recoup some of that money you lost. I wish you all the best for the future
First and foremost thank you for your service to our country.
I began watching your show a couple years ago after experiencing several family tragedies and major life changes in a very short time period. In the very first episode I watched, you (and the crew) were completely pissed off – the profanity beeps were getting annoying and I was completely put off by your attitude. I thought this was the last thing I needed to watch, and avoided the show for several weeks.
One day I was working on projects and Velocity was airing your show all day, so it was on in the background as I worked. I soon realized that the first episode I saw was definitely the exception and not the norm. Moving forward I not only watched every airing but also recorded them and watched each several times, including the ‘pissed off’ episode that made a lot more sense now that I understood you better.
You are real, your employees are real, the cars are real, your non-air conditioned shop is real and your compassion for your customers and their dreams are real – even though you say you’d pick their car over them 🙂
Your show (you, your team and your customers) has helped me through the most challenging time in my 53 years. Your show helped inspire me to continue to persevere, be grateful and truly value the people in my life.
Thank you for the sacrifices you have made to serve our country and sharing your business with us all.
Paul G
Dan and Melissa first I want to thank you for your service and sacrifice for our country may GOD bless you and everyone that’s a part of your life. I have a major passion for automobiles and how they look function and most importantly the connection their owners have for them. My grandfather owned a small automotive dealership and service business and he was my hero he passed several years ago but watching you on the show and hearing the passion in your voice when you talk about ANY car airplane boat or motorcycle truly reminds me of thoes childhood memories I thank you for that. My Nana whom is 84 never really watched TV until she n i watched the episode where you and your team fixed Docs Volvo she actually gt verry emotional because that was my gramps specialty blending paint that no one else could. I’m a 35 year old single father of 2 and never really thought about a bucket list until I saw my the look on my Nana’s face watching your show in turn one of the things I’ve got to do is come to Fantomworks I’ve worked in the automotive industry for some time now and without a doubt Fantomworks makes gas monkey and all those other shows feel completely scripted and generic. That said keep up the amazing craftsmanship artistry and integrity you clearly have been blessed with in spades may God bless you your families friends fans and customers. Thank you and Melissa for your service to our country.. Best wishes from all the way up here in Maine
So much of what you guys do is as much about restoring dreams as it is cars. Usually something draws you to a particular car and you know it when you see it. One of the things I liked about the show was hearing why someone would spend so much money to restore something that wouldn’t be worth what they spent on it. You can’t put a price tag on a dream. Keep building the dreams! It’s a gift to be able to do that others!
Dan and crew, I discovered your show on Discovery in Europe a couple of moths back. To be exact in the Netherlands. We over here are no-nonsense people like you yourself are. I just saw your last episode with the van that took like 4 years to build. And I’m said to see it end, but i enjoyed all episodes you made and I’ve seen. And with your high standards the results were beautiful.
I understand your decision. You and your team did a hell of a job restoring those special cars to give them a new life. I now understand after reading your message how much extra time those rebuild really costs. It must have been a pain.
At least now you can do the work without the interruptions and retakes. It would make your life easier. I hope you continue your work and bring back life in those machines which deserves a second change.
Keep them rolling! Enjoy life as long as you can and do the things you love to do.
A warm greeting from the Netherlands
Rob Koning
Hi Dan and the team, being petrolheads in Lancashire, England, we have watched many hours of automotive ‘reality TV’ productions, from all around the World but your works stand head and shoulders above the others in quality, content, style and humanity. My father and I love to absorb ourselves into each episode, whether we’ve seen them before or not, and we’ll sadly miss any future episodes. My father’s simply too old and frail to travel these days but when the future allows it, should you still allow tours of your facility, then I’ll grab an opportunity to visit. Let’s hope that the changes allow you quality with your friends and family and your business go from strength to strength.
Ps.: Am not nice to write in english but i can speak, understand an write english
Bonjour Dan et ton extraordinaire équipe
Je suis de la région nord de Montréal, Québec, ( Terrebonne. Show your Google Map) Nous
somme au début de la 4 ème. saison. Je viens juste de prendre connaissance de votre décision. Je
me suis toujours demandé comment votre équipe et vous faisiez pour endurer les multiples
caméras. Je comprend votre décision, je n’aurais jamais été capable travailler avec de telles
conditions,pendant 7 saisons. Vous avez toute mon admiration . J’ espère avoir l’opportunité de
toutes les regarder soit 3 autres saisons Vous avez beaucoup de fans au Québec . J’espère avoir l’
occasion de vous rendre visite un jour. J’ai 67 ans et j’ai eu l’occasion de conduire presque toutes
les voitures américaines de 1971 à 2020 ayant été vendeur toute ma vie dont 28 dans
l’automobile ma première voiture neuve, Firebird convertible tout équipée à $4280.00
( aujourd’hui une 2020 $90,000.00). J’espère que la série vous a apporté une nouvelle clientèle.
Avec tout mon respect, Prenez du bon temps avec votre famille.
I hope that that you are in your entourage a person who reads french,
if not ( google translate or google home )
Daniel Lepage
Translated via Google
“Hello Dan and your amazing team
I’m from the north region of Montreal, Quebec, (Terrebonne. Show your Google Map) We sum at the start of the 4th. season. I just heard about your decision. I always wondered how you and your team endured the multiple cameras. I understand your decision, I would never have been able to work with such conditions, for 7 seasons. You have my admiration. I hope to have the opportunity to watch them all or 3 other seasons You have a lot of fans in Quebec. I hope to have it opportunity to visit you one day. I’m 67 and have had the opportunity to drive almost all of them American cars from 1971 to 2020 having been a seller all my life including 28 in the automobile my first new car, Firebird convertible fully equipped at $ 4280.00 (today a 2020 $ 90,000.00). I hope the series has brought you new customers.
With all due respect, have a good time with your family.”
Hello Dan,
Your show will be greatly missed. Only show i watched regularly. I appreciate your straight forward, direct approach with people and even more, your way of prioritizing the approach to your builds. Safety, then everything else. Do it right or not at all! I hope one day to have the pleasure of having your team refresh my ’74 Camaro. It’s hard to find a trustworthy mechanic anymore; Even harder to find one who doesn’t need a computer to figure out what’s wrong for him. At 52 myself I respect your decision as much as I have your show. Happy Trails!
Love your site. Thankyou!
Awww Dan, I’m so going to miss your show. I was so impressed with the expertise of all your technicians, actually mind boggling how good they all are. Of all the “car shows on Motor Trend and Discovery Velocity, yours was truly the best most riveting show (having a hard time finding another to keep me happy). I hope someone will offer a DVD or recording of all the shows. Totally understand your reasons to pack it in. Sounds like a gruelling schedule for little reward.
I read you were a test pilot. I have built a Vans RV10 (experimental aircraft). It was the most rewarding project in my 64 years. Hope to do an auto next. I fully expect to stop in for a tour some day after this Covid 19 crap is gone. Sincere best regards, Rick Lark, Southampton, Ont
Dan, don’t know if you’ll recall or not, I just watched a few year old episode of F.W.’s in which you guys worked up a burgundy 1967 427 Vette that you ended up keeping for your brother. Question: Why, in the name of sweet sleepin’ Jesus, did that lunatic Charles not buy that car?
Hell, he appeared as though he had all his senses. Oh man, a 427 67 Corvette. WoW!
Hey, if you guys are still around, I might get on the bike this Summer, ride across the bridge/tunnel and come visit the shop. Show off my 01 Roadking.
Thank you. Job well done. Mike W
Dan, I have been watching your show for about a year now. I have been a machinist since I was 16 in high school (I’m now 71 & retired) and also in the U.S. Navy (1968-1972 my Rate was an Machinist Repairman). I can really appreciate the high level of skills your team of automotive technicians process. In 1969, I bought an old rusted out 1968 Chevy Belair. I got support from several of my Navy buddies, who worked for several months to get it in running condition. We even found a way to get the engine on board the ship. We hid the engine and worked on it at night (after hours) and were able to build a very hot 327 ci engine that cloned a 1964 365Hp Corvette engine. We retained the same solid lifter cam (30/30), added an aftermarket Z-28 low profile cross ram manifold, but mine only had a single 4bl Holly 650cfm double pumper. I still had a lot of work to do on it after I got out of the Navy, but unfortunately, my car was stolen and the drive train was never recovered.
The guy you built a 1970 (I think) Buick GS (Bill I believe) was fantastic. I have always loved Buicks, my father was a Buick man himself. He was a 32 year U.S. Army Vet, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam (82nd Airborne).
I would love to have a 1970 Buick 455 Stage 1 Buick built for me. It doesn’t have to be a numbers matching, a clone is fine, it just have to have what a 70 GS Stage 1 would have had. All the bells, Turbo 400 trans, cold A/C with horse shoe shifter and bucket seats too. I WONDER what it would cost for you to find me a rust free (as possible) condition and clone it to replicate a 1970 GS Stage 1??? The build time, I can do a year but would prefer less. Car color would be dark blue metallic. I know this is a huge dream for me, so I’m sure the build cost for all this, might exceed my pocket book. But, I need to know, how much, please… I live in Northern Virginia, (Springfield).
It is 4/24/2020 and Covid has taken charge of everything obviously. However, the one thing that it hasn’t taken is our infatuation in watching the several episodes of Fantomworks, many several times over again. I have always enjoyed looking, but that is about it. Then, all of these shows began taking place on Velocity and other car television networks. This is how I was first addicted. I just enjoyed the hard work these young men and women put in to make someone’s dream come true. The characters all played a specific role and were all unique, and obviously, very talented.
My wife and two kids have decided to drive over to Norfolk tomorrow from Winston Salem , NC just to see the place where this show had filmed for 8 years. I only wish I could meet Dan and his wife and thank them for the hours of pleasure that they have provided my family and I. My wife and I read about the amazing amount of commitment that was necessary to make this happen. Nothing is worth losing your significant other over, especially money.
I could go on and on with my opinions concerning customers that caused you grief, but it’s not worthy on noting. What I will mention is the lives that you have changed with your kindness and graceful ways over the years. I wish you all prosperity and good health.
Dan, I watched your show for years and enjoyed it very much! I always thought you and the entire crew loved your work and took real pride bringing the cars back to life. You call your team artisans and I think that is the appropriate. Thanks for the giving car lovers a behind the scene look in what it takes to restore classics and sharing the “story” behind all those cars and their owners.
Dan, I too will miss your show very much, however, I fully understand the reasons why. I want to share with you a very recent ordeal I when thru (this will also help people who may want to buy from a Classic Dealership). I’m 71 years old and have always wanted a 1970 Buick GS 455 or a Stage 1. I filled out your Auto questionnaire, only to find, I don’t have the financial resources to make this happen. So, I decided to explore a Classic/muscle car dealership. I found a (looked nice on the pics and write-up too) a 1970 Buick GS 455. That’s the good part. When I send a detailed email to them asking for owner documentation (the owner made a lot of claims how many repairs were done to his car) and I also wrote-up a very detailed Auto inspection process I wanted to have done. Below is my email to the salesman. I got a phone call from him today saying they could not meet any of my requests, and I should go to a Restoration facility and have a 1970 Buick GS restored for me. This is only one of three emails I sent to them. Another very important issue I found out, I called several Auto Inspection companies ONLY to find, their inspection process is like going to a rental car place. They do an exterior and interior inspection ONLY. No deep mechanical or electrical inspections are done and they don’t put the car on a lift to inspect the underside for rust, leaks or auto body damage. All I can say, BEWARE before you think about buying a car from a Classic/Muscle car dealership, they are only a Consignment business, you buy the car they are advertising AS IS.
Dan, I would love to have your crew build me a car, but I’m sorry to say, I just can’t afford the cost to do so, my dream will never be realized.
Like you, I’m also a Vet (Navy) and live in Northern Virginia. I hope to Tour your facility sometime in the future. I’m also a skilled Machinist since I was 16 (47 yrs machining that I loved to do). So I know the level of highly skilled artisans to have. Again, miss your show. Below is the email I sent to the Dealership.
Hi Joe, I will make arrangements for an Auto Inspector and will have them contact you.
(1) Please send me my first email to you, I forgot to make a copy of it and I need to make sure of what I have asked you and the car owner what I need from you both.
(2) As for an Auto inspection, are there any restrictions on what the car inspection is allowed to do?
(a) Such as, putting the car on a lift to inspect the underside of the car for rust, leaks and auto body damage.
(b) Doing a compression check on the engine.
(c) Checking the brakes, both front and rear.
(d) Checking floorboards under carpet if possible (front and trunk) for rust and auto damage.
A question for the owner I forgot to add on the second email I sent you.
(3) Seeing that the engine heads were removed and rebuilt including the carburetor, new timing gears, timing chain and timing cover. Please ask the owner if he also had the cam and lifters replaced.
Reason I ask, this is a normal process to do with a car with 90K on the engine and since the top of the engine was removed to have the heads rebuilt, it makes sinse to replace the cam and lifters. These parts see a lot of ware and tear. Please ask.
Here’s the bottom line, I need to get information I asked for from the owner to me by May 15, 2020 (2 weeks from now should be plenty of time), before I setup an auto inspection. Please advise if this is doable by the owner. Reason I need this done, I don’t want to setup auto inspection (pay for it) and not have documentation from the owner. I want to see that the owner, in good faith is able to meet my requests, if he is NOT able to meet my requests, I have no option but to cancel this possible purchase. Also, I need a very detailed auto inspection to determine if this car is dependable. I would very much appreciate Gatewayclassiccars, assistance in this process. I assume you have a car lift. If not, will the Auto inspector be allowed to drive the car to a facility that does have one? This issue is very important in order to conduct the auto inspection I desire and need.
I’m not rich, so I will not be able to have this car restored to factory specs. $44K is a lot of money to me, so I’m expecting this car to be everything Gatewayclassiccars says it is. I assume, your company wrote-up the Ad for this car? If not, please advise me.
Regards Foy White
I really enjoyed the straight forward way with which you engaged prospective customers. Sometimes the truth can be expensive, and you never sugar-coated things.
Hello Dan: I, a 77 year old woman loved your show, your crew and especially you. The manner in which you talked with your crew and your customers was always professional. You seemed to care as much about your customer’s cars as they did and always did the job with credibility and preciseness, doing it properly. I highly respect you. I always dreamed of being the owner of a robin’s egg blue 57 chevy. Thanks for all the enjoyment you gave me over the years. Who knows, maybe some of what you and your crew did I may have learned how to fix things myself. Thanks again Dan.
First of all I thank you for your Service to our country, it is nice to see that you care more about the cars then the limelight. I love muscle cars and I enjoyed watching what you and your team built, I always thought when I could afford a toy for myself your shop would be where I would want it built. I hope to get a chance to come by for a visit and check out the shop one day, love the respect you gave to muscle cars without trying to turn them into low slung road track cars.
I restored a couple of Vauxhall Victors in the 1980’s (in the UK). I enjoyed every minute of it. I can happily say the same about the show. I knew it was ending and fortunately I have all the early series still to watch. I actually learned quite a bit from your pros and they are pros there is no doubt about that. I hope Dan moves on and has a good time. The show will be missed. Thanks so much for making it.
Dan I am a 10 year navy vet and truly enjoyed your show. will really miss the show and the knowledge that you displayed.
I have a question about a pickup that I own. It is a 1967 GMC shortbed stepside with a 250 CI 6 cyl. power steering with automatic powerglide trans. the truck has been in the family since new. As far as I know it has never been wrecked but the frame rails have the part number and a date code stamped in them. The part number is 3888982-231 with a date of 11-2-86 on the left side and date of 10-6-86 on the right. How can this be?
Obrigado Dan pelo seu serviço e por qualquer um de seus técnicos. Eu apenas comecei a assistir ao seu programa há cerca de 2 anos e adorei. Todos vocês me ensinaram muito porque mostraram uma maneira muito profunda de fazê-lo. Você também os fez parecer bem fiéis à maneira como foram construídos na restauração da fábrica sensato . Alguns dos veículos dos quais eu nunca tinha ouvido falar, mas se você suspeitasse de outra forma ou como sempre o fizesse parecer quase de fábrica. Tantos dos carros que eu quero colocar no airbag eles abaixam e coisas assim, mas eu gostei de como vocês fizeram isso, as únicas coisas que eu não conseguia entender era quando você colocava um motor Chevy em um ford como the 56 tbird, mas eu gostei da aparência dele .loli ao vivo em staunto va e espero descer para uma turnê e conhecer você e os rapazes e meninas. obrigado pelo show.
Translate via Google
Thank you Dan for your service and any of your technicians. I just started watching your show about 2 years ago and I loved it. You all taught me a lot because you showed a very profound way of doing it. You also made them look very faithful to the way they were built to restore the sensible factory. Some of the vehicles I had never heard of, but if you suspected otherwise or as always made it look almost factory. So many of the cars I want to put in the airbag they go down and stuff, but I liked how you guys did it, the only things I couldn’t understand was when you put a Chevy engine in a ford like the 56 tbird, but I liked it of his appearance .lol I live in Staunton VA and hope to come down for a tour and meet you and the guys and girls. thanks for the show.”
I read with great interest the trials and tribulations of trying to operate a business with a media crew in the mix. We produce TV programming on all subjects related to horses, and our biggest challenge is overcoming the negative reputation filming crews have left by annoying an operating business, taking everything over, and wanting countless do overs, driving the client nuts. In our productions we capture images, action and events as they occur, and then make it work. We don’t choreograph activities and events purely for the camera, we want the end product to be just as real for viewers as it was for our clients. We’ve built our business on referrals because we respect the client, their operations, and their business. I’m sorry that your experience was so negative, but I understand how they work, it’s THEIR show, not yours, you’re just actors in their production, which is sad. I’d often watch your actions and expressions and think “Dan is really stressed, he’s fed up with two cameras 12 inches from his face…” Anyway, sorry your experience was so poor, it didn’t have to be that way to create an interesting and compelling TV Series. The quality of your work is amazing, I sincerely appreciate that. Best regards-
Hi Dan.
Over the years i have really enjoyed you and the guys that have made your show so special.I also have been restoring british sports and others over many years even work in a college teaching bodyrepair you are very amazing man.Our TV watching will be a poorer for the loss of your show.I and many of my friends wish you and your family a happy future and keep doing the special things for the ture car nuts even in the uk sadley missed. Steve
`Thanks Dan for a great show/series.
Besdt wishes from the UK.
Thank you so much for Sharing valuable information with us,It is very useful.
I have watched this show with great interest from the other side of the pond. I can say with total honesty it is has been the best American car show and in the top two or three car shows made anywhere in the world. I will really miss it, and wish you good luck with what ever the future holds.
God bless you Dan
Love your show. Still screening in COVID-free New Zealand.
Ross from Hamilton NZ
Dan & Crew,
I’ve watched from the first episode. I really thought, wow this guy is a prick. Lol. But then It became clear in season two that you have a big heart and really care about doing cars the right way and cares about the staff when they started to show some of your soft side. I have truly enjoyed every ministry of the show. Love how you do things. All the guys on the show over the years have been great to watch and get to know from a fan perspective. I hope to visit one time in the future. Thanks for the memories. Don’t change a thing. Love you guys.
A joy to watch. Hope you and yours win through.
I really enjoyed the show. It led me to get my car restored there. After many visits to shops in several states I was most impressed by Fantomworks. Three things made me select them after a shop tour. Organization of parts storage and work areas, work ethic observations of employees, and, most of all, the extremely detailed tracking system for labor and parts. My car was truly a basket case from the start and I ended up with a very nice restoration. Although we did have a snafu upon completion, Dan helped out. Body work and painting were excellent. Chassis and interior work were also very nice. I understand the decision to get back to car building, filming was quite involved when I made my visits.
We are “empty nesters” now so summer of 2018 I took the wife to a Virgina Beach vacation week. We couldn’t possibly not see the famous Fantom Works Garage while in the area and some of the builds going on inside. Loved the show for many years, but even more exciting seeing it in real life. Back home in Kansas City people see me with my Fantom Works t-shirt and ask ” hey have you been there”? Thanks for all the stories Dan and from one vet to another, “thanks for your service”.
Thank you the most honest person and car show ever produced . I rate your show and work at the top along side Foose “Overhaulin” to me that is the biggest compliment to give. He is a legend and so are you !!!!! Best endevours lo didnt spell that correct enjoy your children while you can thoughts and prayers to you and your family . sincerely Ray Randolph s, Texas U.S.A. ….. ps thank you for your service…….
Caro Dan !
Tenho o prazer e o privilégio de escrever á Você (me permita tratá-lo assim :)) hoje.
infelizmente, seu programa e suas filmagens chegaram em nosso País alguns anos depois do início por aí.
Embora seja redundância, meu lamento (diante de milhares outros) pelo fim do programa é muito sentido mesmo. Adorava o modo de dedicação e o profissionalismo com que Voce e sua equipe desempenhavam, não só durante mas, anteriormente e pós gravações. As decisões (algumas difíceis e complexas) diante das dificuldades apresentadas no momento. Simplesmente fantástico ! E, o que digo, não é “bajulação”, é uma constatação de um trabalho dedicado e sério.
Realmente é uma pena que terminou. Lamento muito por isso !
Mas a parte “pessoal” e comercial (do seu negócio) têm que prevalecer.
Espero que, quando receber esta ms, tenha resolvido seu problema financeiro a contento.
De coração, desejo a Voce, sua família e toda a sua equipe de trabalho, muita saúde e muito sucesso !
Que Deus proteja todos vcs sempre !
Um grande abraço !
[Translated via Google]
Dear Dan!
I am pleased and privileged to write to You (allow me to treat you like this :)) today.
unfortunately, his program and filming arrived in our country a few years after it started there.
Although it is redundant, my regret (in front of thousands of others) for the end of the program is really felt. He loved the way of dedication and the professionalism with which Voce and his team performed, not only during, but before and after recording. The decisions (some difficult and complex) given the difficulties presented at the moment. Simply amazing ! And, what I say, it is not “flattery”, it is a statement of dedicated and serious work.
It really is a shame that it is over. I’m really sorry for that!
But the “personal” and commercial part (of your business) has to prevail.
I hope that when you receive this month, you have successfully solved your financial problem.
From the heart, I wish you, your family and all your work team, a lot of health and a lot of success!
May God protect you all always!
A big hug!
June 27, 2020
I am still here. Still a huge fan. Miss the show, but miss you, Mr. Short, most of all. The show is gone, but never forgotten. From the first episode, I had my DVR set to never miss an episode and I never did.
I believe that your character is beyond reproach. Whether that comes from your mom or dad or drill Sargent or all the above only you can say, but it is unquestionable.
I would not hesitate to drive my, bought new, 1999 Camaro SS, Convertible, 6-speed, unmodified, daily driver for 21+ years for a refresh to new from Birmingham, Alabama to Virginia Beach if I thought it was worthy. It is as old and tired as I am.
You are living my dream. We have such a shared passion, but I never had the guts to do what you have done. I wish you nothing but the best and hope that every passing day brings you joy, despite the stresses that come with the job.
All the best,
Dan…Really enjoyed the show, wish you the best in the future!! Good guys always finish on top!! Thanks again Bill
Dan Short, God Bless you my gear head friend!
As I watch some of the 50 something shows I have have recorded, I regret the day I view the last one. As a spry 65 year old, life long car/truck guy I can tell you that your show was the best car show on TV, period. I’m saving up to bring you my 1950 Chevrolet 3800 1ton original panel truck one day (of course I’ll fill out the questionnaire) for y’all to restore. The good Lord willing, I’ll see you one day and it will be my pleasure.
“Thanks for the memories”
Totally understand your reasoning, all the best to you and your gang!
Dan I would just like to take the time to say what a brilliant show Fantom works is. My wife and I watch your show and it is fantastic. You and your team of first class engineers are absolutely fantastic too watch. Your show will be sadly missed. Too see you and your crew take a piece of junk and send it out better than factory built is totally amazing. May I wish you and your crew prosperous future.
John and June Birmingham England.
I’d like to know WHERE the shop is located?? I live in Maryland and should I ever need Auto work, if not far I might just consider taking my vehicle there for work. LOVE the show and care you display with customers.
We are located in Norfolk, VA.
I always enjoyed your show. I like the format of showing problems and then giving solutions. I especially enjoyed the checkout drive and how you showed real situations that happens when you do one.
I am an avid car guy and have had my share of “difficult checkout drives”.
I understand the financial challenges you incurred and may all your future builds be excellent and profitable. God Bless
Dan, Really enjoyed your shows. The best I can say is that they were genuine. Also appreciated the attention to quality and safety, rather than just glitz and go-fast. I hope someday soon to be able to bring an idea for you to build on. I have something special in mind that would make a great project. It would be an honor to have such a shop as yours create it.
Lucky there are still replies on the net. Its one of my favorite programs. It us full of the love for cars, the craftmanship to rebuild them, the love for the people. It al makes it unique.
For all of you Gods best wishes
Best car show on TV Dan and I’m a Brit. Just love the challenge you’re guys get with the British cars. You and your team will be missed this side of the pond. Paul Brealey. Ps give the Mini to Audrey 🇬🇧
Loved your show and watched some of my favorite cars from the 60s and 70s being brought back to showroom condition. I do follow you on YouTube and enjoy all the content you put out.
Hi Dan, Thank you for the great show, I know it is very popular here in England with lots of fans who will all be sad to see it end on our TV network. However, I fully understand your reasons, and respect your decision. Best wishes to you, your wife and the Fantom Works family.
Hey guys. I’ve been watching Fantom Works since 2018. Being a vintage and classic car enthusiast, it’s become a favourite show, one that I watch every other day. It’s a shame that Fantom Works is no longer on the air. No one in my immediate family are car enthusiasts like myself. I love what Dan Short says at the beginning of every intro of the show, *”If you love your car as much as we do, we’re going to get along fine. The truth is, if we have to pick between you and your car, we’re not picking you.”* I like that. That’s exactly how I feel!
Hey Dan, So sorry to see you go! In my opinion, yours is the best car restoration show on the tube! I loved the fact that you restored cars better than the day they were born! No crazy customization, just better than new! I am now relegated to getting up at 6:00AM to see the reruns! Best thing in the world with my first cup of coffee! Hope to have my own restoration done before I get to old to enjoy!
I recently found your show and think it’s the best. You don’t hide behind sunglasses, rags on your head, or cut off sleeves. You’re out in the shop getting dirty, “son of a bitching” up a storm, and demanding quality work. I’m working on an old 68 vette, and when I even get tempted to take a shortcut, I ask myself, what would Dan expect for quality? Then I continue on and do it right. Thank you for your military service and commitment to exact automotive standards. I’ve got to call and get an estimate on work in the near future.
I will greatly miss your shows, but your justifications for doing so are completely valid.
An old guy in middle Tennessee
Hi Dan
Just like the chap above in Tennessee – I too only found Fantomworks late – I am an old Guy from the Old Country (England) .
Your show was buy far and away the BEST of the car restoration shows I have seen – as the lengths you and your team went to, and the sheer quality of the work done – is , and was breath taking. I hope I get to see more re-runs as it is a highlight of my day.
In this throw away world of today its so good to see a Company like yours breath life once more in these old classics.
As much as I will miss the show, I am glad for you that life can get to some kind of normal – whatever that is these days
You are all Stars ! …….. off to your shop now to order some T-Shirts
Stay safe and well – and God bless you and your team
Mike Hayes
Old Guy from Locks Heath Southampton (UK)
Like everyone else who has responded before me, I will miss your show.
I watch the reruns and I’m still learning from your experiences.
I appreciate your upfront honesty and the stress of running a shop and being respectful for the general public who’s eyes and ears where all around you, and the stresses with that.
I wish I had known about your shop 15 years ago, good luck to you and your wife and your crew.
Hopefully someday I can take a tour of your shop.
Take care
I am so sorry that I have lost what feels as part of my family. discovered your show a couple of years ago initially did not like your attitude to customers but your passion prevailed all the dedication to your passion of cars and the dedication of your staff and your taking on of artisans with the same passion will be sorely missed.
Doc John.
Hi Dan
Like many of your viewers I found Fantom Works too late….. I agree with many of your other messages, yours is one of the best trade programmes on TV, ever I would go as far to say. The attention to detail you get your operatives to pay. If you can’t find a part you’ll make it from scratch. One programme was for a client who didn’t have the funds so you were re-using old parts. Your operative fitted the door as best he could, probably as good as when they came from the factory, was that good enough for you Dan? No, you got the operative to adjust the door and or opening so all gaps were equal. Better than how it came out of the factory.
Having trained as a mechanic, if I was younger I would come and seek employment with Fantom Works…….. Congratulations Dan for all you have done and I am so sad that you will not be renewing you filming contract after 2019 but being an ‘Am Dram’ over here in the UK I understand the disruption filming makes.
Have a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS 2020 to you Dan your wife and all your operatives. Stay safe in these difficult times. I hope we can meet one day.
Ian Maggs
Guildford. England
The Mrs and I had watched your program for a long while. She learned a lot about the mechanics and logistics of a build. (We own a pair of ’57 Chevrolets and a ’60 4dr HT BelAir.) We both appreciated that your program showed what could go wrong, the constant surprises encountered in a build, and what could be done to alleviate them. We were both disappointed to see it end but understand and agree with your decision. At some point the game isn’t worth the candle. Thanks for your efforts in producing the program and keeping it going as long as you did. We both wish you well in the future and perhaps we’ll cross paths at a show somewhere.
To you and your staff both past and present Thank You, Thank You, Thank you. I have spent many hours watching and learning how a “Professional” Restoration shop does an Evaluation, Resto, Repair or Upgrade, giving the customer the Quality they are looking for. I fell victim to a local less than reputable shop here in central Florida and now have to deal with the less than stellar work that was done. I have your website tagged and will read your website. I hope to put the money together and one day have you take on the Resto of my 1996 Mustang SVT Cobra convertible. Again Thank You and the Best to you and your staff in the coming years. As soon as the Pandemic is over I will be in contact to take one of your shop tours. From one veteran to another Thank you for your military service and “Welcome Home my Brother”.
Dan, what a wonderful informative programme was Fantom Works and I am sorry to see its ended. You put together a team of top class skilled workers and you, yourself the captain, was great. The way you dealt with your clients was admirable, always calm and respectful.
I have restored 1949 Fordson Thames 10cwt pickup truck here in my home country of Ireland. I know it would not be anywhere near your standard, but it works. Best of luck and good health in the future and continue to make old vehicles beautiful again.
Thanks to you and your team.
Tom Mannion
I miss your show already. Your show was the best of all of the reality shows affiliated with automobile restoration. I lived in Norfolk for several years while serving in the navy at Norfolk Naval base. Keep up the wonderful work, God’s blessings.
Always enjoy the way you resolve issues during builds. Other programs always leave you in the dark. I have purchased some of the shows that one day perhaps gives me some direction in what not to be drawn into with buying of old shiny steel, with a clearer eye.
Dear FanthomWorks Team! I am form Argentina and I saw your shows with enormous enthusiasm and transported me to the dream of doing the thing in the best way you can. You and your team are professionals and you are a real mechanic, like my father. I remember him looking at you: thinking before acting, dealing with problems, using your experience and knowledge.
I am very sorry about the end of this show but after read your article in this page, I agree with you!
Best regards form Argentina. You have, at least, one fan here, hahahaha! Best wishes!!! Tahnks a lot!
Sorry to hear of all your trials and tribulations in making this fabulous program. I wish you and your family all the best for the future. Keep well and stay safe regards from Maurice.
I will miss your show when I get through all of the reruns on Motor Trend. After reading what you went through though, I fully understand. I had many muscle cars in the 70’s when you could pick them up for a dime a dozen. My favorite being a 72 Cutlass Supreme 442 clone. My plan was at retirement to find another and restore it. Unfortunately stage 4 prostate cancer has brought about early retirement and made those plans impossible. Know my morning coffee is spent reliving these cars through you and your crew. For that I thank you for what you endured to bring that to us!
I am a retired teacher and I watch Fantomworks in my retirement. You are an incredible teacher, and I am so impressed with how you handle your staff and all work together to put these jewels back together. God Bless you and if the filming “bug” ever starts to tickle your interest enough, we will be here to watch you.
I build R/C planes mostly turbine powered and almost always made from Fiberglass or carbon fiber. I always watched your show because you promote very high quality workmanship with body and frame work and give your customers first rate repairs/modifications or whatever. I will miss your comments and showing the procedures and techniques you used to complete the various car/truck projects there. You are/were an inspiration to excellence in automotive repair and restoration. And many of the things you did on screen are transferable to aircraft large and small
My wife and I greatly enjoyed watching (waiting anxiously for a new episode each week) Phantom Works and were saddened when we learned about the show’s cancellation. Having restored a 1976 FIAT Spider in the late 90s I have a tremendous appreciation of what you and your team went through (even without the TV cameras and personnel). After spending 25 years in the Marine Corps and Air Force and another 25 years commuting to Washington, DC – Civil Service, watching at least one episode of Phantom Works daily relieved my stress of Washington politics. No matter how many times I watched an episode, I always learned something new. Your way explaining the why and how of doing something is unique. As a radio spectrum engineer and analyst for 35 years, I understood your reasons for attention to detail. I guess, after reading all the comments, the only thing Maria and I can say is THANK YOU for the happiness and enjoyment you give us.
I bet this is a first. While I love the show, it has aactually become part of my PHd into Cognitive Creative thinking. Basically we are researching how we learn (forget modern education dogma this is something different and more akin to the human spirit which wants to learn and think). The show is brilliant on so many levels from all those that work in Fantomworks whose skills and knowledge have been learnt form years of experience and to cap it they can adapt those skills. Whats also impressive is how the team seems to work together really well, there is definately a whiff of the R.O.W.E. those that work at Fantomworks. While its a shame the show has stopped it does mean that you can concerntrate on doing what you do best. I will miss you 50’s cafe. Thanks for a great show.
When the end of the show was announced, I told my wife that it was likely that Dan had pulled the plug because he could no longer put up with the Hollywood “BS”, but it sounds like conditions were much more intolerable. Your show was my favorite by far and your commitment and dedication to your profession (and our military) is inspiring. I am just finishing up a 4-year (sub)frame-off build of a “69 Camaro; perhaps our paths will cross someday and I can show you my version of “the most beautiful car ever made”.
Hey Mr Dan.
I’m happy for your departure from the grueling, unforgiving and downright treacherous world that is television. I’d be hard pressed to come up with a compliment you haven’t already heard hundreds of times. So I’ll just go with Jeff Spicoli’s “AWESOME!” when Hamilton disabled the would-be robber by splashing hot coffee in his face. You, YOUR PATIENT AND UNDERSTANDING FAMILY, your crew family, the “good” production folks and the grateful clients y’all built vehicles for, have provided the average Joe backyard mechanic, current restoration shop owners and folks just now getting sucked in to the wonderful maddening car building world, with many hours and years of priceless detailed automotive instruction, life lessons and character elevation that will never be matched. Your influence has rendered me a better man. Prayers of blessings to you all, along with the hope we’ll see you back on the air one day. in COMPLETE CONTROL of an incredibly profitable new series.
Thanks Man. You Rock! Take Care, God Bless and Keep on Keepin’ on.
Brilliant show.
Dear Dan:
I’ve enjoyed your shoe doe many years and I hope that some day I hope to be on the right-coast to show you my TR7 build car “Money Pit” that was a car cover find taken from a field fine.
You and your team have been an inspiration, and if my arthritis responds to treatment, I’ll be back in the grease,
Thank you. I still watch the reruns and seek them out. Knowing I could never own the vehicles you redo. But I can dream and enjoy your show. Thank you for your time.
Hi Mr. Short: I’m a Detroiter and I pretty much love all American Muscle Cars and especially my Ford Shelby GT500 like you love your 1963 Corvette. After 25 years of not having a sports car, I now have what I think is a gem and I would like to keep it that way. You see, I’m the third owner of a 2010 5.4 liter Iron-Block Shelby GT500 Coupe. The first owner obviously bought it new in Cary, NC and titled it in New York State, and sold it in less than a year with 609 miles on it to a car collector near Northumberland, PA who I heard has a Man Cave Barn of Cars. So the 2nd owner didn’t like the stock wheels, the exhaust sound, and wanted to do a pulley tune because the stock 540hp was not enough. So, the car went to the Ford Dealership (as I was told) and new High Chrome Shelby 20″ Wheels were added, a whole new Ford Racing Exhaust was added, and a pulley tune was completed. Then 2,600 miles later, the owner need a quick $30K cash and sold it to Viking Motors in Northumberland, PA with 3,311 miles on it in September, 2017. Then I came along, saw it, heard it, loved it, and the odometer reading matched me (3rd Owner) and my badge #311 for 15 years until I made Corporal. So anyway, with these enhancements maybe the horsepower was increased to 600 which is fine with me and I really don’t want any more. However, the car is now 12 model years old. I think it runs great, looks great, and I want to keep it that way. My question to you Mr. Short is, “Is there anything your shop can do to my car to preserve it and say keep it from rusting. I mean the engine area is clean, no rust what so ever, but underneath in the undercarriage I’m starting to see some little rust and I would like to get an experts option like yours to stop it from rusting. In addition, I seriously don’t know how old the brake fluid or any of the other fluids are and after 12 years, should they all be drained? Then add fresh more to up-to-date enhanced fluids even though there is only 8,555 miles on it. Now I did take it to a race track for two days and drove it like I stole it at Gingerman Raceway in South Haven, MI in August, 2019. Now that was awesome but I held back a bit because I still needed to drive it home and she is not a Trailer Queen. Obviously, the GT500 gets stored in the Winter only gets hit with rain on Car Show Events or Mustang Owner’s Club of SE Michigan Events. So this August, 2021, I’m doing it again and driving it at the race track. So, is there anyway I could drive my GT500 (AKA:DASTY) to FantomWorks for some Preventative Maintenance Service? I do my own oil changes and that’s about all I have done. I have a lot of sentimental feelings for DASTY and I want the best for her and FantomWorks is honestly the best. This is a car I would never sell. BTW: I named my 2010 Shelby GT500 “DASTY” after my late Detroit Metro Airport Police E.O.D. Canine Partner/DASTY who was my partner from 2007-2012 and two days after she was diagnosed with Lymph-node Cancer, she searched everything that went on to Air Force One at DTW on January 27, 2012 when the President flew back to DC. Since then, I’m now on my 4th Canine Partner/NOAH in 14 years being a K-9 Police Officer and also a K-9 Corporal with 19 years of DTW police service. My second partner was the late great RONIK a German Shepard from the Czech Republic that looked like your GS and my #3 Partner/MICKY is at home with my wife and in his third year of retirement. Both MICKY & NOAH are Black Labs. WOW! I got off on a tangent there. Thank You Dan for your Patriotism, Service to Country, and for being straight forward honest and caring. In closing, Please let me know if it worth your time to bring DASTY in for some service…..I love doing road trips and Norfolk, VA from Detroit is a nice drive for me. You give me a time and I’ll be there any time after April 20,2021. Currently, I’m in the middle of some important K-9 Training and you know the government, attendance is mandatory Thank You, Bob Fortney
Dear Dan and crew, I am a huge fan of your show and just wanted to let you know that you will be sorely missed. I normally don’t comment like this, but after I saw your bio and saw your impressive military history, it just confirmed to me what a class act you are. Best wishes to you, your family, and staff.
To Dan and the rest. Loved your show because you and your crew are truly pros, do incredible work and – most of all – GET ALONG! I hate watching these shows that seem to need some sort of internal friction to keep people watching. You and your crew/family are all class acts!! I spent 20yrs as an aircraft tech and 20yrs as a fabricator/welder for pro roadracing teams. Finally completed my dream car – 78 Datsun 280Z with fully-functioning convertible top. I have a VERY healthy respect for all you and your team do. Your show is/was the best! Wishing all of you nothing but great things in your futures!! Thanks for your service and memories of a great show!! Fantomworks will be very sorely missed!!
Quite simply the best car show on any channel. So sad that you won’t be doing any more episodes, as you have kept me entertained and sane throughout the pandemic. I’ve recorded every episode of Fantomworks that have been shown in the UK, and will keep them forever. Dan, keep safe and best wishes to you, your wife and all the crew at DRS Fantomworks. You’ll be a very tough act to follow for any other car show.If I ever get over to your neighbourhood, the beers will be on me!
Great programme. We live in England and during covid lockdown more time with tv we found you! So pleased we did. I spent many hours under the bonnet with my dad when young and my husband is an engineer, we love it. Best programme ever. Great work, such enthusiasm and pride in everything you and your team do and you all truly know your craft
I almost cried reading your letter. I can’t imagine how much pressure you face running your incredible shop, let alone with the production of the show going on. Let me say I’m a huge fan and thank you so much for letting me see inside your shop.
I have a ’62 Mercury Comet S-22. Not your cup of tea maybe but there’s a story behind it relating to my Grandpa. For years, the Comet has been sitting in my garage. Thanks to the inspiration I’ve gained from you, I cleaned out the garage, readying to pull the motor for a rebuild. It’s a pretty car with lots of stainless brightwork with no rust.
I hope to make it to Norfolk someday and tour your shop.
Thank you for your service to our country. All the best to you, your family and the entire Fantomworks family!
Dan, your show will be sorely missed. Quality work, VERY entertaining, AND informative.
I am certain that Fantom works does very good work but honestly I’m not sure how Dan gets his ego through a door. Any time they show a problem Dan is the only one that can fix it. Additionally he should take acting lessons as he is overly dramatic about everything
Re: Ed: April 26
Try putting yourself in his place: your entire life is in this building. You have an abnormal rate of turnover (as he mentioned) due to the rigors of taping. Ever notice how FantomWorks get along while nearly every other “reality show” has issues and conflicts?? Ever wonder if the producers/directors tell him to show more involvement or closer management?? Are you aware that, based on his military career, he MUST have a take-charge personality??
Having spent half of my working life in professional Motorsports at the highest level, I can PROMISE that his ego is NOT out of line for his position and investment!!
Compared to nearly every other reality show that exists, FantomWorks is one of the VERY few I watch because I’ve had enough of the overbearing egos and attitudes in my life. It’s good to see pros get along, get the best job they can for the customer and stay together as a crew. It takes a special leader as well as crew to put up with the ego-centric media as well as the pressures laid on them by customers who think they know it all.
Dan’s running a successful business having to deal with directors with scheduling that has nothing to do with true craftsmanship and creativity. He’s not supposed to be acting, but you can bet your ass he’s being “directed”!!
But, I guess some people just feel the need to bitch.
Totally agree with you Greg Hall. Only people that have been in charge of uninformed owners, or workers for that matter, can understand what is actually needed to run a successful busines, let alone one that is virtually controlled by a filming company. Fantom Works is/was by far and away the most authentic motoring show on TV and a great many of us are very sorry that it is no longer being produced.
Dearest Ed, You are what’s wrong in the country today, Crawl out of your recliner and do something good for someone instead of attacking another good American . I’m proud to call Dan a friend and a great leader,
Hi Dan,
Because of an update of our mediabox I lost all my stored episodes of FantomWorks. So I googled to see when the next episodes were planned and learned half an hour ago that there won’t be new ones. Very sad. I hope I can store the old episodes soon again.
FantomWorks was by far my favourite for many reasons (the show, the crew [in particular you, Dan] the building, the cars, the music/tune, even the nice dog).
Thank you very very much. It has been a great pleasure and joy watching the episodes of FantomWorks. It was always a respectfull show.
Best regards from the Netherlands,
Dear Dan and dedicated crew,
Maybe a little bit late for my comment, however i feel that i’ll have to write something after having seen -and followed!- so much episodes of FantomWorks overhere in the Netherlands wich where aired by the Discovery network.
It’s a shame that such a dedicated car-program has ended, there aren’t that much to go around and did have a concept as yours did. Past tense.
On the other hand, i totally understand that you’ve ‘pulled’ the plug at that time. It’s very, very demanding on a business. Respect and kudos for that, tears for quite a few (understatement here) fans i suppose, but hey that’s life how tough sometimes it may be.
One thing, negative people are everywhere, always where. Don’t let them pull you apart, don’t notice them, don’t give them reason to get a crowbar between the door(s), how hard sometimes it may seem and please ignore them.
I wish you all, and then i do mean all of you the best. Wind in your backs, the sun on your faces. Be safe and stay happy!
Kind regards and thank you all for the wonderful things you’ve shown me.
(Netherlands, Europe)
What’s the German shepherds name? I love shepherds almost as much as I love cars.
I just wanted to say that you are my kind of guy. Just calling it the way it is, and doing the job right the first time. I have a 55 Chevy that the local garage held hostage for 4 yrs.
I finally got State Farm Insurance on him when he said it was finished, and wasn’t.
It cost them $14K to fix his screw ups! So, to discover a straight up honest shop is a breath of fresh air. I also share your opinion of Air Bags, and other glitzy do dads!
You are honestly the “Real Deal”. I suggest you set up a Donation Site, and let your dedicated listeners help you with your Debt. Especially since you provided so much knowledge.
Sincerely, Rick Dean
Army Vet., and 37 Yr. Dept. Of Defense Retiree.
Thanks for your service to our Country and to the automotive field. I wrenched for over 45 years and know the struggles of dealing with some unreasonable customers. I have swallowed a lake of spit over the years to keep from throttling a few real doozies. I appreciate that you have a show that shows what really happens in an honest shop. Good employees who know their skills and no fun and games stuff. That may be fun to watch on TV but isn’t real. I can also relate to having to deal with friends. I’ve had a few that wanted everything under the moon but would not be reasonable when it came to compromising with what I could do on their budget. Never made a dime off friends personally but some “friends” expected me to take a loss. Like your buddy and his Mustang. May God watch over you and your whole family including your work family. god willing and the Creek don’t rise, you’ll come out from the debt…..someday.
I can fully relate to your adventure in trying to run a business while invaded by a hord of production issues. My son and I loved the show, all the while knowing exactly what went on behind the scenes, having been there over the years. We especially loved the show where you guys built the hydrplane as we are in the boat business; now in our 63rd year.
we have also seen our share of “dussies” and “strange” customers as well as being totaly insane to own a business in New York State. You have a great crew there and like us have made the realization and necessity of puting your faith in them for the long haul. We’ve been doing boats of all kinds (motors too) for 63 years now. Our personnel are considered family and we have been blessed by the good Lord with fulfilment and success. May the Lord Bless and Keep you and yours always.
Best Regards.
I watch your episodes over and over again! Absolutely do not get tired of them. I especially loved the one on the 1961 Corvette and the 1953 Cadillac Fleetwood. When I was a Five years old my Brother would quiz me on all the cars driving down the road, what year, engine, displacement etc. I grew up appreciating All Cars for their design and uniqueness. About that same time my Grandmother had a 1955 Lincoln Capri and I loved to ride in her car with her. Always a Fan of Fantomworks!
Sorry Dan for writing again on your/this comment page, but do we ever get to see the rebuild/restoration of your Stearman Biplane now still (?) in FantomWorks storage?
Oh man, as a former employee of the Dutch Naval Marine service i surely would want to see this.
Not sure if you will ever get to see the restoration of the Stearman on television. But it is still in the process of being restored and is hopefully closing in on the finish line. I will try to post a shop update hopefully in the next week or so.
I agree with Hans Venema and I would also like to see the restoration of the Stearman Biplane!!
I watch(ed) your show a lot. Many fabrication/build shows to chose from, but I liked yours as much as any and more than most.
Sorry to hear you somehow racked up $1M in debt?!?! Seems like the show would at least break even if not earn you some revenue above and beyond typical shop revenues. Hope you get that sorted.
Good luck to you and your team! Hopefully I’ll make my way up there sometime!
Watched your show for years and make no mistake, for me it was the best. It depicted in great detail the myriad of triumphs that were realized despite seemingly insurmountable problems. I marveled at the doggedness with which solutions were pursued and without fail, effected.
I will continue to watch the re-runs for a long time.
I cannot end this without telling you that I once sent you a message asking you to consider installing a Coyote engine in my Fox bodied Mustang. You politely refused stating that mainly you did restorations. I respected the reasoning of your reply and your desire to remain true to your ideals.
Please enjoy your life and be healthy. Thank you for the legacy of outstanding shows!
I really enjoyed the genuine practically of the show. (Very memorable VW Beetle ackward customer was a laugh, but not to deal with.)
Hi Dan & Crew, ,I totally get it, your decision to end the show is well understood. Yes, new episodes will be missed however we still have all of the past shows here on Dish TV on the Motor Trend channel. It is soooo amazing how the condition of the cars & trucks are in when they leave your shop that are better in soooo many ways than they were when they were “Show Room New”. I myself am currently trying tp save enough to have my dream car (1967 Mustang, “S Code”) back that I used to have in 1973. Keep on doing what you do Dan ! Much Respect for the high standards you project, stand by, and display. Regards and God Bless, Rodger, (east central Missouri)
Dan and company,
I can’t say much that hasn’t been said. But it is a very rare thing for a company to leave the “Submit A Comment” open for years after their show aired, and it is a testament to your integrity that 99.9% of the comments and replies are compliments!
You are a rare animal in more ways than one, and I will say if I ever have a car that deserves a restoration I would ask no one but Fandom Works to do the work.
I wonder how many people/fans have figured out your prices are above and beyond fair!! Keep up the great work and like nearly everyone I will miss your show dearly!
Best Regards,
Dan, I once asked my husband who on television, he would allow to work on his auto. He said Fantomworks because of your work ethic. Obviously we are watching reruns. I pray you get some residual money to help. We completely understand your decision.
Really enjoyed and still enjoy the show . One of the very few “car shows” that’s not a bunch of B.S. I would love to tour your facility and meet you and your team . Thanks for sharing your passion for cars and showing that a car isn’t restored in a couple weeks time .
My wife and I thoroughly enjoy your show – it’s one of the few shows that both of us like. We’re sorry that there will be no new episodes but we understand why you stopped.
I appreciate what you do for the cars you work on and one of these days will be contacting you to “refresh” my 1984 Corvette that I purchased new. I know that the car will not have a monetary value that justifies the work but that doesn’t really matter. I hope to meet you one day and hope even more that one of these days I will be driving a Fantomworks car.
Bob Blair
Hi Dan, just wanted to drop you a line and say thank you for the entertainment you’ve provided for me. As a mechanic for nearly twenty years (on the books) I always look forward to your program because it’s easy to see just how passionate you are about the well-being of these vehicles. It’s refreshing to see someone who is a perfectionist like myself. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to scrap hours of work because it wasn’t perfect. Reading about how time consuming and expensive keeping up with the production of the show was and the very limited time you had with your Dad I can definitely support your decision to walk away. I wish you good luck for the future and again, a heartfelt “thank you” for your sacrifices in the name of our entertainment. 👍
Dan and Crew thank you.
Reasoning about the choice to end TV episodes are understood, but understand the series and each episode was very entertaining and a pleasure to watch to see what is involved with restorations of many kinds and types of vehicles. We are south of your shop on the other side of the Chesapeake bay bridge tunnel and in the future we plan to schedule a visit to bring reality to life. Just one more fan who enjoyed your shows as a class in session that kept your attention the full hour.
To Dan:
Although YOU may no longer be “on tv” my husband and I watch your show’s reruns, and believe in you and the up-front honesty and work ethic you showed, and hopefully have left behind! Because of YOU, we have just submitted a project form on-line, and hope that someone calls us so my husband can explain the details as I cannot, not being a car-gal!
We wish you peace and prosperity in your future. Thanks for all you’ve already done for so many!
Bravo Zulu Dan!!
Best car show ever! Sorry it’s re-runs now.I would rather watch a Fantom Works episode
a thousand times rather than view other shows once. Good luck Dan to you and yours.
..As a true car guy who has owned more rolling old iron than I can remember I have been watching re runs for many years and always liked the show. I do understand that the car building business is more important than the TV show. If your stress level is elevated and the money makes no sense then it’s time to get out of the TV game. My kids just moved back to AZ from Norfolk so we flew over to see them and when I was there I took a few pictures out front of the shop many months ago. You will be fine. Keep up the good work and never let anyone steal your dream.
Your reruns are better than anyone else’s first runs. Still enjoy every episode. I’m writing because I know you are a perfectionist and I spotted something that may not have been pointed out to you. If it has, just ignore this… The headlights on Jim’s ’58 Impala were on DIM at the end of the show. Originally, the two outer lights would be ON during dim and the two middle lights would be OFF. The opposite was true on Jims car.
Having just discovered the show recently, I am binge watching and love it. Understand why you stopped that part. I have a 95 Corvette and zero mechanical ability so I marvel at what your amazing crew do. I hope to tour sometime when I am in Va Beach visiting family.
Thanks for your service and the chance to see this artwork of restoring these cars !
Dan Bobby and crew,
Let me start by saying your show is f&%@#$g amazing I truely love it still rewatch every episode. Now I got that out of the way I would love for you to email me the name of the network and the contact. You without any doubt should along with your crew should have been paid not going into debt. When they left that shop of yours you should have been able to retire very comfortably. My opinion and I will let them know exactly that. The fact that they still use your show says it all. Ok now to why I really wanted to leave this message. You are one very few shop in our amazing country(that is being ran into the ground now) we won’t get into that lol. The way your shop restores cars is truely amazing so much passion and experience is truely mind blowing. One day I dream to be able to bring a car to you or buy one you all have restored. I pray that you and the crew stay strong and continue what you all love so much to do. The no nonsense way if it’s not done right don’t being it here ways I just love so much… Dan Short your one hell of a guy everyone of your techs are artist and Bobby cracks me up with his one liners when shit is not good and he has to tell Dan… Ill never stop watching the reruns of your show JUST LOVE IT. Praying the debt they allowed you to take on really pisses me off I can’t believe it.. Ill pray that you and your wonderful wife to become debt free… I say wonderful wife for sticking by while having to sacrifice so much of her husband’s time to allow you to live out what you probably thought would benefit the both of you and the crew and instead debted you… And finally sorry you had to read this or try I know I’m not the best of writers I’m trying hard with my dyslexia at 45 years old how to read and write… Take care to all at fantom works your missed and loved very much and missed
Dan and Staff,
Thank you for the high quality and truly amazing show. Like you I am retired military and a gear head from way back. Unlike you, I started flying lessons after I retired. I am going to miss your show. I am so happy to watch your military professionalism spill over into the show!
MSgt Charlie Lonidier
Another thank you from over the pond. Many happy hours of viewing.
Dan and crew,
I can’t say how much I’ll miss your show but I understand. I enjoyed watching the professionalism you and your crew took on every build. Your candor with customers and situations was fun to hear. I never served but I loved how you always took the time to help or show your respect for those who did. I think you would be the same even if you didn’t serve yourself. Your show will be missed but if I’m ever in the neighborhood, I’ll knock on your door to see what you’re working on. Keep safe and keep helping people bring back their memories back to pristine.
I’ve been trying to find out why Drs quit for such a long time, and finally, I have an answer and an explanation. It’s about time that such an explanation has made its way.
As a Navy vet. I can appreciate Dan. He reminds me of my old boss. Chief Love was the best boss I ever had. Nuff said, I will watch the he reruns as long as they last.
Having the same passion you do on restoring Z28s 67 to 73 I do I can only say you do great work. My one 69 scored 998/1000 in bow tie then4910 in legends achievement of platinum. I’ve done 57 and was in the process of doing my last 2 as I’m 69 now but a spinal cord surgery put me in a wheelchair and now I can’t do when I can swing the funds I have a 69 RS Z28 hugger orange black In 60percent original paint I need finished and a 71 Z28 19/11. Black white to finish as I work on me in Phyical therapy to walk so I can drive them. My hats off to you as I’m a purist too. Down to correct bolt or screw as built. You’ll be hearing from me.
Marty LaMarca
I am 58 and originally from the Tidewater area. I spent 15 years building our warships at Newport News shipbuilding. I am currently a lieutenant and the only actual Police Department in the Department of Homeland security. I have enjoyed your show and still watch the reruns.
Thank you for serving our country as you did, and thank you for keeping great muscle cars on the road.
Late to the party, but just wanted to let you know that I always enjoyed the show and still watch reruns (hope your getting some residuals on that). You and your team showed great skill, knowledge and integrity.
God Bless the entire shop and best of luck and prosperity in the future!!
Dear Dan . Just a note to say just how much i’ve enjoyed watching the show since the very first episodes , i was hooked after that and have watched it ever since and it’s a hell of shame that there won’t be any more . I’ve been unable to work now for the last couple of years due to painful health conditions ( and can’t work for the foreseeable future , i’m 55 ) and even though i’m British and in the uk i’ve always been a huge fan of American Muscle cars , and your show was always a delight to watch . Thank you all so very much for the hours and hours of entertainment and information you’ve given me , it’s been much appreciated . Bless your heart and all the best , wendy .
Mr. Short , Sorry, I don’t feel I have earned the right to call you Dan, I am a long time fan of the show. I am very impressed by your outstanding career. I always new there was something special about you, I heard part of you interview with Mike this morning on WNIS and and now realize what a great Man you are. On this Veteran’s day I must say THANK YOU. In one of the previous comments someone suggested that you write a book . I whole heartedly agree. If you do, put me down for 4 copies I would be honored to show my grandsons what a true man is made of. Keep up the good work and may God bless.
The show was excellent and one of the best of this type available.
I have worked in the television business for a very long time. I used to edit shows and commercials. I quit doing that many years ago. I still work in sports television mainly on live broadcasts.
It is apparent that Dan was taken advantage of by the production company and the network. He paid to do what many others were paid to do. It is very unfortunate.
I could tell you how to do it for a whole lot less money if you like? I’d advise you for free.
Dear Mr Short, I ask your permission to address you as Dan.
You have touched the hearts and minds of countless thousands of car lovers around the world myself being one of them. After watching you restore a few 69 Camaros and excepting the call out for a race that you built the LS 69 Camaro for I dreamit of having you retore my 69 Camaro that I have owned since 1974. I have submitted my reguest and if it is Gods will after 48 years I will experiance the joy I have seen you bring to so many Others.
Thank you Dan for you being you
I would like to say “Thank you!”
Thank you for sharing your work and beautiful masterpieces completed by your team of artisans. But, personally, above all, thank you for that beautiful FJ-40 that brought a smile to my soul in every episode!
Hi Dan,
I’ve always enjoyed your show so it will be missed. I’m a lot like you, quality workmanship takes time but is absolutely worth the effort in the end. Take care of yourself and keep up the good work!
Best car restoration show ever. Watch the reruns every chance I get.
It is sad that they were charging Dan to do his show. Most of the shows I watch they pay the stars on them or they are sponsored shows by the networks. OUCH. It was the best vehicle show period.
I still enjoy watching the series over and over. It’s amazing to see that no matter how old or neglected a vehicle may have been, your shop can restore it back to better than new. It provides hope that even my old jeep may someday roll into your shop and emerge like new… thank you for all the effort, it was worth it!
Dan, I still enjoy the Fantom Works episodes better than any of the other car shows and there are some good ones in the others. I identify with the story of the man watching the show with his dad & how the dementia faded while they watched the show. That’s quite touching. My dad taught me a lot about cars and now I’m enjoying the same thing with my son and in another year or so, my grandson will be old enough to functionally participate with with us. (He’s only 4 right now) My dad died at 93 last July and while we didn’t watch Fantom works, we did watch Reds baseball and that’s my last memory of him; watching baseball on TV and all our troubles disappeared while we discussed the action of the players. I wish he could see this year’s greatly improved Reds…maybe he can! Thanks again, Rich
Hi Dan, I wanted to just add my appreciation for your show. Your group of awesome people made the show and the CRAFTSMANSHIP, them put into all the cars in your shop is fantastic. Wish the show could have continued, but understand the huge headaches that caused. I feel let down by the producers of the show for not keeping you financially whole during the whole process.
My your shop continue for many more years producing some of the nicest cars in America.
Thank you, fellow Veteran! I have your six: Staff Sergeant Fred McFaddin.
Wish I could sent my 1973 Mustang Convertible. I’m upgrading it gratuity.
The production company and network are/were crooks. Most shows the hosts and many of the players are well paid not paying to be on a cable tv channel. Shooting a show well like this is a long drawn out process. However it is not an excuse to do what they did. I have made a good living in the TV business and it sickens me to read what they did.
I am still sad the show has ended. It is the only car show that produced projects’ to a standard that can only be described as perfect. I loved Dans’ no ‘b.s’ attitude. Still so shocked knowing the Short family paid such a huge financial penalty for being so accommadating to a T.V. production company. Best wishes and God Speed from across ‘the pond’.
I always learn so much from your posts. This one was particularly insightful and well-written.
I have watched your show for years. As a retired disabled Navy veteran, I started rebuilding cars (1948 Chevrolet) in a small town in Kansas.
My younger brother took up the car rebuild challenge as I departed for Navy boot camp. He removed, rebuilt, and reinstalled the non-operation ’48 engine and drove the car around town.
I grew up driving family Impalas through high school while dating my high school sweetheart whom I have been married to for over 54 years. My wife has never understood my love, obsession, and passion for all things mechanical, especially the Impala and Chevelle. After driving my folks car for the honeymoon, I went to Kansas City to purchase a 1969 Chevelle. I was soon a full-time mechanic for my 1st Chevell due to a leaking rear main seal and scratched crankshaft.
When I came upon your show, I religiously recorded and watched while being struck by the candor, honesty, and integrity of your many efforts to produce outstanding finished products. Meanwhile, to help out with car problems for those who had and were serving their Country, even when you demonstrated the adage that “no good deed goes unpunished you remained dedicated to helping servicemen and women.
Long story short, thanks for years of entertainment from your show and wish you MANY YEARS of FAMILY HAPPINESS that includes your crew.
I absolutely love your no nonsense attitude towards the world in general. God bless you guys.
Reading your post was the highlight of my day. Your insights are always so valuable and well-presented.
Sunday morning and here I am, enjoying an episode of Fantomworks. Against the Grain, which involves a 51 Mercury Woody wagon. I enjoy watching your program as much now as I did then. It definitely helps to motivate me to go out into my shop and get some work done on the projects waiting for me to finish. 50 Packard, new harness and changing to 12 volt, 65 Chevelle 2dr post is an old drag car found in a field in Ohio and a 64 Chevelle SS whose body sat behind a buddy’s garage for over 35 years after being used for a parts car and an older Ebbtide Dyna Trak 180 bass boat which might make it back out on a lake so I can put a line or 2 in the water again.
I owned a shop for many years and never thought that I would get to a point that that I would hate working on cars but I did reach that point. Couldn’t find help who wanted to work, didn’t steal or just have their hand out at the end of the week for a paycheck they didn’t earn. Working 7 days a week just to cover overhead and customers who were constantly wanting discounts and offering to return favors that I’d never collect on.
I’m glad to see you were able to push through all the bs, continue on and still love what you do. I hope that, at some point I’ll be able get back the passion and love of the metal. Hats off to you and yours.
You have a gift for making complex topics both understandable and interesting. Great post!
My wife and I have watched all the series, and just finished up a 9 season FantomWorks binge…again. My wife and I both enjoy the show and wish we could somehow get a pretty much original 35 Master Deluxe – Town done.
From our perspective the shop turns out some super nice cars, and the show highlighted a lot of issues one might run into in doing restorations, as well as showing the complexities in general.
I am also a veteran, and served at Ft Eustis in 1975-77.
I hope some day to visit the shop just for a look see.
Thanks for the show even though it seems to have caused stress and financial issues, we at home loved it while it lasted.
Here it is 2024 and the show is being aired again!! I love the show and have been keeping cars alive or bringing the back since 1964. Excusing some of the “drama” of a failed engine after months of body work, the details of how the group solved some issues is familiar and educational at times.
Happy to see it regularly on Motor Trend TV.
I just discovered this show today. Fell in love in just one episode!!! I will definitely have to stop by this summer on vacation!!!
I do not know.
Your show gave me, an old/olde school hotrod enthusiast somewhat of a refresher course in building cars. I watched your crew and remembered things that I had long forgotten and rarely used.
Seeing the dedication and detail diligence that each and every car got, was measured in professional terms. What was even more amazing, was the history of the owners and their cars. Your crew gave their dreams new life and you could see it in their reactions. If nothing else, that was truly inspiring!!
Thank You for the real and not the overly flashy and gimmicky shows that aired…and still do. You are sorely missed!!