This week’s Fan Car Friday is brought to us by Marcy with her 1969 BMW Coupe. Fan Car Friday is a segment where we want to share with the world the automobiles that our fans have. We have absolutely no affiliation/relationship with the cars, the build or the owners. This post was made with written consent from the owner.

Marcy acquired this car in a way unlike many others. See, Marcy is a stay at home mom who found herself wanting more once her three kids started growing up and leading her own lives. She wasn’t able to take on something full time, so she wanted a hobby so she wouldn’t be stuck home all day wondering what to do. Never having shied away from something new in the past, she knew she had to restore the car her Grandfather had when she was young, a 69 BMW coupe. Her inspiration came from all the reruns her sons would watch like Starsky and Hutch, Dukes of Hazard and Knight Rider. Similar to the leads in those shows, she wanted a car that was more than just point A to point B. Something she could get more back than she put into it. The BMW 2800cs was her clear choice. A hard to find car in the states, but something that luckily wasn’t overpriced justfor the sake of rarity.

The car you see today is about 20 years old since Marcy started to restore it in the late 90s and it still looks as good as ever. Being a west coast car, it never came within 100 feet of any rust. While it has been repainted to match the original color her grandfather had, it wasn’t out of necessity. Marcy did everything herself except for rebuilding the engine and doing the paint job, for those two she wanted to let someone more experienced takeover. It has AC, power breaks and power steering, allowing Marcy to have her creature comforts when she is driving on a hot Arizona day. It also comes equipped with the original 4 speed manual transmission and just about everything else it originally had when it left the factory 60 years ago. While she has considered removing the cassette player for something more modern, she isn’t quite ready to give up the custom Mix-Tapes her sons made for her in their teenage years. It isn’t the fastest thing on the block, but Marcy says she still loves her sporty little car.

Marcy says her favorite thing about the car is being able to look at the BMW and proudly say “I rebuilt that”. A close second, she says, is how at car shows every guy who talks to her will say “I wish my wife were more like you.”