Vintage Pedal Airplane

Dan was recently up at the Corvettes at Carlisle show up in Pennsylvania and happened upon this really cool vintage pedal car airplane.  Not sure when this one is from, but originally these were sold as kits that you assembled yourself.  This one is an Oshkosh 88...

New Shop Project

Dan received a couple of license plates from a few separate fans, which got him thinking of how to display them.  Having some vintage license plates on a hanger in the museum, gave us the inspiration to create license plate wall.  Having a good blank wall in the...

What is this???

Looks like maybe 8 and a J This was in with the newly acquired collection of model cars and we have not been able to find out what exactly it is.  So we figured we would turn to the world wide web and see if you guys could help. This is a very unique 1920’s Fiat...

More Cars…

Came in on a Monday morning to this…. Cars and cars more Cars And More Cars Well evidently Dan has acquired some more model cars to add to his collection over the weekend and they have now taken over the malt shop.  We now feature a pool table that is now...

Really Great Donation, Really Great People

Dan received a really great donation from a couple of really great people out in Illinois and we figured we would share it with all of ya’ll and say a big thank you to them at the same time.  So this item is from the great people of Lehr’s Meat Market in...

FantomWorks Americana Museum – Now Open

After all the work that we have done, all the repairs we had to do, all the trials we had to endure… the FantomWorks Americana Museum is finally open.  With quite a bit of work by our new Sales & Marketing Director, Connor, who took more than a few Saturdays...

1920 Improved Universal Reboring Tool

Hey everyone, this week we would like to give a big thank you to Armand for donating this weeks Antique Showcase item and the newest addition to the future FantomWorks Museum.  Armand was gracious enough to donate his antique reboring tool from the 1920’s and...

A Look Back at a Long Road

Hey everyone, this week we look back at the long road the shop has traveled to get a “Museum” in place.  Started not too long after the shop was ready, the space that is currently referred to as the Museum, began as a large brick warehouse located behind...

1905 Barrel Scale from Computing Scale Co.

Hey everyone, this week we showcase something that anyone who have been inside the Malt Shop at FantomWorks has seen.  This is one of the pieces from our “museum” that has not quite made it upstairs to the “museum”.  As the “museum”...

W.F. & J Barnes Co. Camelback Drill Press

Hey everyone, this week we showcase something we partially refurbished with the intent to display in our  upstairs “museum”. Once this area is completed the “museum” will display some more of the antiques and collectibles that Dan has acquired...